who doesn't have a sword

Chapter 299 Concentrate

Chapter 299 Concentrate
As the dragon ball got farther and farther away from Shen Guanyu's eyebrows, the green light on its surface became more and more dazzling.

A touch of bright green flew out from the dragon ball towards the center of the world.

The Nine Dragon Stones suddenly form a nine-star array, forming the position of ambush, anger, five ghosts, prolonging the year, six evil spirits, disasters, heavenly medicine, and Jueming.

While the nine Huashen Xingjun followed the dragon stone to shift shape, they quickly hit the dragon stone according to the jade slips given by Shen Guanyu.

After completing the hand formula, their spiritual power was immediately sucked away by the Nine Dragon Stone.


The nine dragon stones, Jiexin and the stars flying out of the dragon ball complement each other, and the auras of various colors intersect vertically and horizontally like silk threads.

As soon as these rays of light took shape, they were automatically pasted on the spiritual light array of the protective barrier.

The aura of the blessed defensive mask continued to grow, and the nine dragons carved on the Nine Dragon Stone gave out a deafening dragon chant at the same time.

Nan Mi and Ghost King Zhishu who were originally bound in the Golden Dragon Stone were also kicked out by the Dragon Stone.

A cultivator of Huashen immediately threw out the formation plate, trapping the two of them temporarily.

When Ao Xian couldn't help singing along, Zhui Feng also let out a roar.

What's interesting is that all the spirit beasts below the eighth level brought by the monks present got out of the spirit beast bags and roared together.





When Qing Gai heard the cries of tigers and dragons one after another, his heart became aroused for a while, and he flashed out of the Qiankun Room, and when he raised his head, he said "Moo..."

The tenth-rank vermilion bird guarding the formation, after a chuckle, unexpectedly also uttered a long cry.

All of a sudden, the entire enchantment was filled with the sound of all beasts.

When Shen Guanyu heard it, he almost couldn't help laughing out loud.

Her master said from behind: "Concentrate."

Shen Guanyu had no choice but to restrain his mind and keep making fingerprints on the Dragon Ball.

Just when the bright green around the stars touched the heart of the boundary, the entire barrier radiated endless brilliance, not only rushing towards the starry sky, but also filling the abyss downward.

This made all the ghosts under Jiyuan who were used to the darkness scream together, and even more demonic sounds pierced their ears.


roar roar

Ho ho ho

In an instant, ghost energy and devil energy surged upward from the bottom of the abyss.

The rocks that fell on both sides of the abyss were also shaken and shattered.

"Defense!" The deacon who defended the formation shouted, and many monks who transformed themselves into gods guarded their respective positions.

Empress Yuan and Dzogchen monks like Ziyong Zhenjun are also ready to substitute at any time.

As soon as the preparations were made here, many ghosts and demons flew outside the barrier. This time, they didn't want to break the barrier that suppressed them like they did on the first and fifteenth day of the lunar new year. extreme abyss.

Seeing this scene, the guarding deacon rang the bell in his hand, and the deities in the formation rushed out of the barrier one after another, and began to intercept and kill these ghosts and fierce demons.

The Nascent Soul monks formed groups of twos and threes, and immediately made up the position of the eye of the array.

The moment Shen Guanyu opened the barrier, she was thrown to the ground by the sound howl. Fortunately, Chen Shui behind her grabbed the aura of thickening her collar and protecting her body in time, so she didn't fall to the ground.

But Ao Xian and Zhuifeng didn't have a good time, they both fell to the ground with a thump, and blood started to ooze from their ears and nose.

Qing Gai sighed, and took the two of them into his big demon space.

Ao Xian's first reaction was to rush out with Zhuifeng.

But I heard Qing Gai's spiritual consciousness: "You guys are low-level, stay here for a while."

"Hey, then let us see the progress outside." Ao Xian turned his head back into someone else's big demon space.

I found that the space here is completely different from the space of Dragon Ball, like a larger ordinary spirit beast bag, and there is nothing in the dark.

But Zhuifeng rarely jumped up and down to look.

Qing Gai replied: "I'll show you after this wave of ghosts retreats."

As soon as it finished speaking, great changes had taken place in the protective barrier.

The stars and the star weeping moon phase grass in the world merged into one, and they sat on the bottom of the demon-suppressing stele that they took root in, and smashed into powder with a snap.

The entire Jiyuan shook violently, and the nearest street of Jiyuanfang City burst open a crack about ten feet deep.

At the same time, the entire world of cultivating immortals could hear the roar of the earth coming from the ground.

The monks of all parties have long been notified of rescue at any time, and rushed to places where there are earthquakes.

Fortunately, the dragon ball in front of Shen Guanyu was powerful, and it swirled out to catch all the crushed rocks.

When the star grass had nowhere to take root, the dragon ball was split into two halves, and the stone powder contained in the ball automatically condensed.

"Shen Guanyu, pour your heart and blood into the Dragon Ball." Xing Xing also poured his own essence into the Dragon Ball.

Before Shen Guanyu's hand slapping his chest was close, Qing Gai exclaimed: "Stop her quickly."

Although Chen Shui didn't know why, he decisively stopped Shen Guanyu's movements, "Xiaoyu, what are you going to do?"

"Master?" Shen Guanyu looked confused, and after Chen Shui played her the icy water on her face, she instantly sobered up, "Xing Xing forced me to bleed."

Heart blood is the essence of a monk's body, and only a few drops can be condensed in a lifetime, and losing a drop is not a big problem.

However, losing the second drop in a short period of time is very debilitating.

Chen Shui knew that Shen Guanyu sacrificed a drop of the Silver Lightning Thunder Dragon Spear, which was her partner in this life, so he gave it to him.

But what's the matter with bathing in the dragon ball she stripped off?

Therefore, Chen Shui stared deathly at the Star Grass, and asked Qing Gai: "Do you know what it means?"

Qing Gai said: "Once your disciple's heart and soul merge with the root of Jiexin, she will become the guardian of your Tiannan Realm.

And with twice the lifespan compared to ordinary monks, he will no longer be able to ascend to the fairy world in this life.

It sounds nice to be called the Lord of the World, but he is actually a gatekeeper.

When Tiannan Realm has great luck, she won't get much credit. Once there is a catastrophe, she will be the first to be injured. "

"Chenshui, why did you stop Xiaoyu from casting spells?" On the other side, Yizhuan Xingjun, who was holding top-quality spiritual power to supplement his spiritual power and send it to Longshi, asked him, "Look outside the barrier, everyone I'm working hard."

Several Avatars who fought against the rushing ghosts and phantoms were already injured outside the barrier.

But they can't, and they can't.

If you quit, these ghosts will wreak havoc in the world of cultivating immortals and harvest people's lives.

Chen Shui immediately transmitted the sound with his spiritual sense, and when he finished telling Yizhuan Xingjun, the old man was also angry.

He yelled at Xing Xingcao: "Three generations of masters and apprentices helped you return to your original body, but you want my disciple's life?"

In Yizhun's eyes, losing half of his lifespan means losing half of his life.

What's more, today's spiritual energy is not as good as that of ancient times. If my disciples and grandchildren can't advance to Huashen before the age of [-], wouldn't it mean that their lives are in jeopardy?
When Xing Xing heard this, he secretly regretted it, but then he realized something was wrong, why did it induce Xiao Yu to use his heart and soul?

Involuntarily, Xing Xingcao probed a trace of divine consciousness into the chaotic space in her body to check.

When it saw a grass shadow floating in it, it asked coldly, "You did it?"

Grass Shadow drifted over and said, "I'm doing it for your own good. There is a boundary guard to help you, which can help us get through the weak period after the joint plant in a safer way."

"It's nonsense." Xing Xing is too aware of the consequences of becoming a guardian.

It increases the strength of this strand of spiritual consciousness, and it must completely dissolve it with itself.

Unexpectedly, Cao Ying quickly dodges and rushes towards Shen Guanyu's face outside...

(End of this chapter)

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