Chapter 301

In other words, the most suitable place to meditate and cultivate within the protective barrier is the hundreds of feet around Jiexin.

But now the Star Grass returned to its original position and was blessing the enchantment, so Chen Shui and the other five were arranged to refine the fairy stones at five different locations on the edge of the enchantment.

These five positions are also the closest to the spiritual veins dedicated to crossing the catastrophe.

With the enchantment of the green cover on this side, Shen Guanyu was finally freed from holding the Thunder Dragon Spear to block the devilish energy. She secretly discussed with Ao Xian: "Can I lend you the fairy stone in the Dragon Ball to Master, and I will return it to you later. .”

Ao Xian rolled her eyes at her: "That's my master too, okay?

Just now I secretly slipped it to him and Uncle Ziyong. "

Shen Guanyu couldn't help hugging it and kissing it: "Ao Xian, you are awesome!"

"Let's go, let's go, a lot of people are watching." The little dragon king was shy, and flew to Qing Gai's side.

But Zhuifeng jumped over and raised his head and stretched his face: "There's me!"

With a "shoo", the little dragon king flew over to pick it up, and said, "You are a baby boy, why are you joining in the fun with us girls?"

Chasing Feng struggled, feeling very wronged: "I'm still a baby."

Ao Xian: "According to the calculation of the human race, you are already 16 years old, and you can already marry a wife."

Chasing Feng retorted: "I'm not human."

The bickering jokes of the two little ones aroused great joy among several cultivators who had given spiritual power to Longshi.

Tu Xingjun laughed until his body trembled, "I'm sure, these two can be regarded as your Xiang Zhunfeng's living treasures."

"Why, are you envious? Then you should hurry up and take in a disciple." You must be very proud.

Tu Xingjun, who has not yet confiscated his apprentice: Suddenly he doesn't want to pay attention to this frightening guy.

Yizhun called Shen Guanyu, and just asked her a few questions if she had any problems in cultivation, when she was blown away by the Nine Dragon Stone that absorbed enough spiritual power.

He swiped and formed a shield with sword light to protect Shen Guanyu and land safely.

The entire enchantment was full of brilliance, and the Star Grass squeezed out the last part of its original power and the Nine Dragon Stone thickened the defense again.

The continuously expanding range of the protective barrier finally stopped, and the nine-star array completely melted into it, firmly pulling the starlight in the sky into the abyss that has never seen light.

The expanded barrier finally stopped expanding, but this abyss was closing at an unprecedented speed.

Everyone felt that the width of the abyss had shrunk.

At the bottom of the abyss, the ghosts and phantoms whose living space had been compressed squeezed upward desperately.

Yizhun put Shen Guanyu's three-way transforming sword intent into Dantian and left a shield, "The third wave of attacks is coming again, my good disciples and grandchildren, don't run around, and watch the master and fellow Taoists go outside and kill all directions. "

After the words fell, many cultivators who transformed themselves into spirits shot out of the barrier to meet the enemy.




Squeak, this is the soul beast that Shen Guanyu asked his teacher to give to his master earlier, and it is cooperating to devour those defeated ghosts.

This little thing is now the group favorite of all Huashen Xingjun. In just one or two years, it has entered the fifth level of cultivation.

Outside, all kinds of Daoism auras and swords came out, Shen Guanyu understood the meaning of the master, and flew to Zhenjun Ziyong with the two little ones, watching the master's move intently.

Upstroke, downbelt, left lift, cross grid, spike, stirring pressure, heavy chop...

Ziyong, who hadn't settled down yet, gave her the characteristics of each move of the sound transmission, and Shen Guanyu became more and more fascinated the more he watched.

Seeing that at the end, her spiritual sense was no longer enough to support her to see the further battle, Shen Guanyu subconsciously gestured with the sword in his hand, and Ao Xian threw her a withered leaf sword that he did not know when he got it .

With the spirit sword in hand, Shen Guanyu quickly practiced his sword skills.

While paying attention to the fierce battle outside the barrier, Ziyong instructed his nephew to make moves.

Ao Xian and Zhuifeng naturally formed an enchantment around Shen Guanyu.

In the distance, Xing Xingcao was very happy that Jiyuan was shrinking. It watched Shen Guanyu practicing sword as if no one was there, and finally remembered that there was another thing that he remembered but didn't tell her.

It had to tell her before falling asleep completely, "Ao Xian, don't stand there and listen to me."

Hearing its weak voice, Ao Xian still chose to fly to it, quietly stuffed a hundred immortal stones into it and said: "I don't have many, so save it.

When Xiaoyu and I get rich in the future, I will give you a lot of fairy stones. "

Star Grass gave it a bud and said, "Take this, when you encounter a particularly deadly danger, activate it and it will bring you here."

Ao Xian bluntly collected it into his own space, and put it in the small Wangxianquan pool with great care.

It coiled around Xing Xingcao, listening to Xing Xing: "You tell Xiaoyu, her body is hers."

"Huh?" Ao Xian said, "Did she reincarnate in two separate souls?

Then is she a very powerful fairy in the fairy world? "

Xingxing rolled up a leaf helplessly, in the words of Shen Guanyu's hometown, it was because the little dragon king was too good at making up his mind.

It said: "No, I just want you to strengthen her confidence, don't always think that you have taken her away.

She came here, except that I happened to meet her and her current parents, the real reason may be Feng Jiuxuan and the arm-armed ape king Sun Tong.

You should remember that not long ago Xiaoyu's spirit visited the cave world 2000 years ago. "

"Remember, you said that you also went there for no reason."

"Yes, the reason why Xiaoyu can travel through 2000 years ago is because the fire phoenix opened the time lock of Sun Tong's lotus crown with a whirling dance array before opening the fairy valley."

"Lotus crown? Did he wear it?" Ao Xian thought about it carefully, but he couldn't remember the shape of the lotus crown on Sun Tong's head.

The star woke it up and said: "Don't think about it, there are time sands in the lotus crown, and at a certain time, people can go back to a certain time in the past.

The celestial being who tricked the gibbon into Shougu in the fairy valley may have foreseen certain things and made some arrangements in advance.

There is a very confused part of my memory, which may have something to do with the lotus crown.

The lotus crown is the treasure of the Dongming Realm, and when the Brachio King's spirit entered the Dongming to take the Thunder Dragon Stone, it had already fallen into the place where it should go. "

Shen Guanyu has some things that he does not hide from Ao Xian, so it immediately thought of it: "It has fallen into the concept of good water."

"That's right." Xing Xing said: "Shanshui Temple is not an ordinary place, the boundary center of the Dongming Realm is there.

The person Xiaoyu met there should be the world master selected by Dongming Jiexin.

The World Lord clearly remembered Xiaoyu, she should be looking for someone now to find the lotus crown. "

Ao Xian took a look at Shen Guanyu who had stopped practicing sword and was coming here with chasing the wind, and said eagerly: "Didn't you say that the lotus crown has returned to Shanshui Temple, why does the World Lord still look for Xiaoyu? "

"Because she can't go down there now, she needs to rely on the strength of Xiaoyu." Xingxing's words were also passed on to Shen Guanyu who came to him.

"What is my power?" Shen Guanyu and Ao Xian asked at the same time.

Xing Xing: "The power of your soul."

Shen Guanyu was stunned, and Ao Xian quickly passed the conversation to her with the voice of the soul.

(End of this chapter)

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