who doesn't have a sword

Chapter 305 Enough is enough

Chapter 305 Enough is enough
Chen Shui was kicked out of Jiyuan by his master, and after returning to the sect with his senior brother, he began to stabilize his cultivation, and the next step was to welcome the friends from all over the world for the ceremony of transforming gods.

Therefore, he was too busy to think about what he had encountered in the heart demon tribulation, not to mention that he knew that it was just a tribulation that tested his state of mind.

And on this side, Shen Guanyu, who sent the master away, was brought in front of Lu Fou Xingjun by the master. He thought it would be a waste of time, but she didn't expect that she would listen to Lu Feng who was on the opposite side as soon as she took out the silver lightning thunder dragon gun. The master said:

"Two grains of yellow spring sand, give me the extra Gengjin."

"Senior, Gengjin belongs to my master, and I can't be the master." Shen Guanyu understands that good spiritual materials are hard to come by, and the piece of Gengjin in his hand was collected by Master in Luoyu Secret Realm, and it is actually only the size of a child's fist.

She took out a spiritual herb from Fairy Spirit Valley and said, "Is this Wannian Huangjing ginseng okay?"

Master Yi Zhun Xing slapped the spirit grass and jade box into Master Lu's hands: "You have taken advantage of it.

Let me tell you, my Yousheng has been staring at this gun for more than ten years, and all he wants is to find a suitable gun barrel so that he can make it himself.

There are also lotus leaves and ground mother water in my hand. If you miss this village, you will lose this store. "As he spoke, he also glared at the people who were probing this way with their spiritual sense.

snort!What are you looking at?If you want Huang Quansha, you are reluctant to exchange it, and you won't even let you see it.

With a flick of his hand, Master Lu put Huang Jing away and said, "Come to the house of thousands of machines where I live, and we'd better practice before the first day of next month."

"Hey, a bunch of bedbugs under Jiyuan have been beaten badly this time, and they dare to come up to seek death?" Yizhun swept the larger and stronger protective barrier, and was very confident about the future.

"If they are unable to attack on the first day of next month, maybe Fellow Daoist Yuan will give us two more days off."

As soon as he finished speaking, Lord Yuan Chuxing entered the barrier from the outside: "Yizhun Daoist is right, if they are willing to live in peace, we will not kill them all."

With the current manpower, they can't kill the bottom. It's better to accumulate strength so that they can finish the battle in the future.

"Fellow daoists, I'm here to tell you some good news." Yuan Chuxing couldn't suppress his joy and said, "The teleportation island leading to the outside world has been completely stabilized after it surfaced not long ago."

The reason why he lingered on it for a long time was to get a more definite answer, "When it comes to the first day of junior high school, everyone should work harder and press them firmly so that they don't come within ten feet of the barrier.

After beating them honestly, we old guys can also wander around the other 27 realms through the realm teleportation array. "

"Is it really stable?" Several avatars asked at the same time.

Yuan Chu nodded heavily with a smile: "It's true.

I have issued a summoning order to order the top [-] formation masters in Tiannan to assist the people there to build the teleportation formation. We have no shortage of materials this time. "

"that is really good."

"You can still go to the outside world in your lifetime."

"Hahaha, which world do you plan to go to first?"

The group of Huashen didn't concentrate on healing their wounds anymore, they talked in the air at the eye of the formation they were guarding from a long distance away.

And Lord Yuan Chuxing, who caused everyone to talk about it, said to Shen Guanyu: "Little Daoist Shen, Thunder Dragon Stone can come back so soon, thank you very much." His eyes swept to Thunder Dragon Spear.

That day, what he saw at Luoyu Mountain in Dongming Realm was the tip of this spear, pulling Thunder Dragon Stone into the Gangfeng Layer.

Later, Zaoyu said that he saw it outside Tianwu Mountain as well.

"Yuan Chu, enough is enough." Yi Zhun warned the other party with his eyes, "My disciple and grandson are still very young and cannot support a corner of the sky.

That big demon in the fairy world was not making a deal with her, but clearly robbing her of her fairy stone. "

Yuan Chu also knew the legend about the founder of the Taiyi Sect refining the Thunder Dragon Spear and sealing it up, so he said in another way: "Thanks to the fairy stone from the little fellow Daoist, the Demon King is willing to do his best.

The little fellow daoist is deeply attached to Tiannan, he helped me return to the dragon stone in the world of immortality, and I will be rewarded for my meritorious service. "

Shen Guanyu hit the snake with the stick: "Senior, can I exchange the reward for a fairy stone?"

The Thunder Dragon Stone was protected by the Eagle King and the others all the way into the abyss. As the master was the first to discover it, the rewards were actually very small.

And I lost a lot of fairy stones, and the alliance made up for it, so my heart didn't hurt so much.

Yuan Chuxing stopped, he didn't mean that.

As soon as he burst out laughing, even Master Lu aimed his eyes upwards to hold back his laughter.

"Young Daoist Shen, I can only reward you according to the regulations, and you can't exceed your authority." Yuan Chu coughed lightly and said again: "However, if the Huangquan Shaken in your hand is sold to the alliance, I will definitely pay the highest price."

Yizhun stepped forward to say something, but was snatched away by Yuan Chu and said: "This is the first line to face the ghosts who can turn into smoke.

With Huang Quansha blessed into the magic weapon, when the monks defending the formation fight with it in close quarters, they can give an early warning to avoid heavy casualties.

Your ancestor, before getting Huang Quansha, the injury he suffered on the first day of the junior high school had not healed, and a new injury was added on the fifteenth day.

Everyone here is hurting each other. "

Shen Guanyu just took a look and knew she would agree, stupid boy, he is playing the emotional card, he only said high price but didn't offer it.

But facing the spiritual consciousness gathered by many fellow Taoists, Yizhun sighed and nodded.

Shen Guanyu said: "I got sixteen pills in total, I used two and paid two more to Master Lu, there are still twelve pills left.

Seniors, don't say whether the price is high or not, I will take out eight pills for the seniors of Jiyuan to use, and you have to allow me to hand over the remaining four pills to the sect.

Who will use the donated eight pills, my master has the final say. "

"Well done, great atmosphere!" In the distance, a monk praised loudly.

Some people also said: "Little friend Shen, if you want to ask me in the future, I will never say anything about Kuangji from Dushan Sanren."

"Yizhun, your disciple and grandson are more generous than you." Someone said to Yizhun Xingjun.

Of course, there were also people who didn't think so, or secretly sneered. For example, Gui Yuanzong's Huashen Xingjun looked at Shen Guanyu with a bit of coldness.

However, his cold eyes were suppressed by Qing Gai's staring eyes.

On this side, Lord Yuan Chuxing nodded again and again, laughing until he lost his eyes, "Well, well, well, you are indeed the elite of the Taiyi Sect."

Yizhun took a deep breath, he didn't expect that this kid did it so thoroughly, it was all for the sake of the sect, he glanced at his disciples and grandchildren resentfully, "No matter how much you boast, if you want to use it, you have to go through my test.

So, why don't you come and curry favor with me? "

"Cut." The group of gods began to boo him.

Ao Xian, who woke up in the Qiankun Room, also sent her a voice transmission: "Fool, I don't want a piece of Lingshi, and I gave away eight treasures for nothing."

Shen Guanyu said, "It's just something outside of me.

We already have enough, and the excess is given away as a favor. "

The master and the master both turned into gods, and before they came out of the abyss, she noticed that there were several unkind eyes vaguely looking at the master.

"Ao Xian, although the Taiyi Sect has four Transformation Gods at once, the alchemy formation and foundation establishment cultivators are not as good as the other three sects.

Even, there are not as many disciples as the Great Buddha Temple and the Demon Gate.

At our time, forming good karma may not necessarily be effective, but in case disciples die while traveling, if someone helps out with a little karmic karma, it will save their lives. "

"Isn't that something that Master Changju should consider?" Ao Xian is not thinking of humans after all.

(End of this chapter)

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