Luan's return today

Chapter 22 A Strange Old Man

Chapter 22 A Strange Old Man
Before Jiang Yue could say the rest, she was interrupted by the waiter who was carrying the food upstairs, "Master, do you want to find a passenger ship?"

Jiang Yue nodded, "What news do you have?"

The waiter put the food on the table and said, "My lord, you are late. The passenger ship was booked a few days ago, and the pier is empty now."

As soon as Jiang Yue heard it, as expected, they wanted to trap themselves here, saying that they should not respond every day, and that the ground was not working, so they had to go back, so that they could reasonably refute their request.

They didn't want to let themselves go to Jiangnan smoothly.

Jiang Yue looked up at the waiter's faltering words, and asked, "Do you have any ideas?"

The shop clerk thought for a while and said, "I know an old man who makes ships. He should have some stock in his home. This is this old man. He has a very strange temper. He has never seen high-ranking officials and dignitaries. The ships he makes are not sold, but just given Destined person."

Jiang Yue was full of astonishment. People like this were rare, but she had no other choice. Even if she was rejected, she would try it. Old man with a bad temper, she had a vague figure in her heart.

"Take us to meet him."

The shop clerk nodded, took Jiang Yue and the others out, and walked up the mountain in a zigzag way. There were many weeds on the road, and some of them were half waist-deep.

Mingyu opened the way ahead, trying to widen the muddy path as much as possible to make it easier for Jiang Yue to walk.

After walking for about two hours, they arrived at the top of the mountain. There was a thatched hut on the top, surrounded by fences to form a courtyard wall. There were some chickens and ducks in the courtyard, and some unused wood was placed in the empty space.

The waiter pointed to the thatched cottage and said, "That's it, but it seems that there is no one around from the closed gate."

Jiang Yue nodded and thanked the waiter.

Mingyu stepped forward and knocked on the door, "Is anyone there? Is anyone there?"

I saw an old man dressed in rags, his hair seemed to have not been taken care of for a long time, messy, and his face was dark. He came out of the thatched hut cursing, "What are you doing, what are you doing, you are a ghost!"

"Mister, Jiang Yue is being polite."

Jiang Yue didn't care about the old man's attitude at all, and gave him a standard junior salute to show respect.

The old man snorted, as if Jiang Yue's actions didn't get him a little favor, "Impressive-sounding fellow, I don't welcome you, hurry up and go away."

"Master Zhang, don't be in a hurry to drive people away. Jiang Yue came here this time to do a good thing for you."

Jiang Yue began to suspect that this person was Master Zhang, Zhang Tianfeng, when Jiang Yue mentioned this person from the shop waiter, and she was not able to confirm until she saw his unique skillful six fingers.

The Zhang family's six fingers are hereditary, each generation must have a six fingers, and Zhang Tianfeng is the six fingers of this generation.

Zhang Tianfeng narrowed his eyes slightly, glanced at Jiang Yue, his tone was not as casual as before, slightly formal, "How do you know my identity?"

Zhang Tianfeng never revealed to anyone who he was, and how did Jiang Yue know.

Jiang Yue smiled, "Is there any reason to let the guests talk outside the door, why don't you let us in and talk in detail."

"Keep inching forward, giving you a chance to speak is flattering you, do you think I really want to know?"

After Zhang Tianfeng said this, he planned to turn his head, but was stopped by Jiang Yue's words, and saw an envelope landed firmly at his feet.

"It doesn't matter if the husband doesn't want to receive us, but since we've all come, let's give him something."

Seeing Zhang Tianfeng picking up the envelope at his feet, Ming Yu didn't stop there, walked straight into the house without even thanking him, he felt upset, "General, this man is so unreasonable, obviously he doesn't want to talk to us, What do we do now?"

Jiang Yue turned around and found a place to enjoy the shade, and sat down on the floor without any panic or eagerness on her face, "Wait, don't worry, he will come out within an hour."

Mingyu and the others were puzzled, but seeing Jiang Yue's appearance of winning the game, they couldn't help but feel settled, and sat down with her.

Sure enough, in less than an hour, Zhang Tianfeng came out of the house. Although he was dressed as before, his behavior was not as lazy as before, and his eyes were bright.

He opened the courtyard door and walked towards Jiang Yue, "Where is the other half of the picture?"

picture?What picture?Mingyu and the others were puzzled.

Only a gleam flashed in Jiang Yue's eyes, she knew what Zhang Tianfeng was talking about.

The letter she just gave him was a blueprint of a pavilion, which she saw in a dream. At that time, she thought it was amazing, so she imitated it out of her own memory.

She only took advantage of the craftsmen's curiosity and dedication to a boutique, which made her a dominant position.

Moreover, she originally wanted to find Zhang Tianfeng, but she didn't expect it to be so early after the flood was dealt with.

"I want the other half of the picture, Zhang Shenjiang won't invite me in?" Jiang Yue slowly raised her head and looked at him.

Although standing and sitting, Jiang Yue seemed to be at a disadvantage, but her aura was completely on the same level as Zhang Tianfeng, and slightly higher.

"Come with me!"

Zhang Tianfeng didn't want to receive Jiang Yue and the others from the bottom of his heart, but he wanted that picture, so although he was reluctant, he still compromised.

Jiang Yue got up, took Mingyu and others, followed Zhang Tianfeng, and entered the thatched cottage.

There are only simple furniture in the house, a bed covered with old patched quilts, a wooden table with a tiled teapot on it, and the rest are the materials and tools needed by craftsmen.

"What about the other half of the picture?" Zhang Tianfeng asked again.

Jiang Yue sat casually on the stool, and poured a few cups of water from the teapot on the table by herself, without opening her mouth.

Zhang Tianfeng saw that Jiang Yue was young and didn't have the extravagant ostentation of a rich kid, and he didn't dislike the dilapidated things in the house at all, his eyes flashed with surprise.

But thinking about Jiang Yue's appetite, she sarcastically said, "You really don't treat yourself as an outsider."

"Since I'm a grasshopper on a rope sooner or later, why bother to see outsiders." Jiang Yue played with the teacup in her hand, "Master Zhang, know my identity."

Zhang Tianfeng nodded. The story of Jiang Yue has spread widely in Liguo. Although he doesn't go out often, he can still hear it when he goes down the mountain occasionally.

He still admires Jiang Yue in his heart, and he also wants to see who is sacred, otherwise Jiang Yue will come here and knock on the door, and he will not go out.

But I didn't expect Jiang Yue to be such a young girl.

But Zhang Tianfeng just wanted to take a look, and didn't intend to have too many entanglements with Jiang Yue and the others.

Unexpectedly, Jiang Yue had such amazing blueprints, which made his heart itch, and he couldn't let them into the house.

Seeing him nodding, Jiang Yue bluntly stated her purpose, "I need a boat to go to the south of the Yangtze River, sir, there should be one here."

(End of this chapter)

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