Chapter 30

Jiang Yue couldn't help scolding herself for being unnecessary, then kept rubbing her hands under the table, avoiding Li Gu's eyes.

"Brother Li, I have something important to go to Jiangnan this time, but I'm sorry for the inconvenience of telling you what it is, sorry!"

Li Gu didn't care too much, no one has a few secrets, but he thought about going to the waterway in the south of the Yangtze River, with a serious face.

"There are floods in the south of the Yangtze River. It rains continuously and the rivers are surging. We are afraid that we will not be able to go all the way to the end. We will only go to Shangkou Town, which is only a few dozen miles away from the south of the Yangtze River. How does Ah Zhao feel?"

"Of course, Brother Li, don't worry about it." Seeing that Li Gu didn't ask any more questions, Jiang Yue calmed down and replied gratefully.

After making an appointment, they set sail in the afternoon. The journey was calm and calm. After seven or eight days, they finally arrived at Shangkou Town, and Jiang Yue's body had recovered.

After Jiang Yue disembarked from the ferry in Shangkou Town, she bowed to Li Gu and thanked him for his care during this trip. Li Gu also asked her to be careful along the way.

After a farewell, Jiang Yue took Mingyu and the three of them to Shangkou Town. There were not many people on the street, and there were still puddles on the road.

Jiang Yue had already expected such a situation. After all, there was only one prosperous place in the south of the Yangtze River within a hundred miles of Shangkou Town. In the past, the prosperity was brought about by the trade in the south of the Yangtze River. will be affected.

In this regard, she has no other way now, but to deal with the floods in the south of the Yangtze River first, and these will naturally recover together, otherwise it will only treat the symptoms but not the root cause, with little effect.

Just as Jiang Yue and the others walked to a small alley, two high walls enclosed a small passage with only two exits, the front and the back.

Suddenly several sharp arrows shot out, Jiang Yue and the others dodged again and again, only to see dozens of men in black jumping down from the wall with only one pair of eyes missing, and surrounded Jiang Yue and the others.

Jiang Yue looked startled, and glared, "Who are you?"

The group of men in black didn't answer, their eyes were fixed, and a murderous aura burst out, waving their long swords and attacking Jiang Yue and the others.

Jiang Yue and the others reacted as they should, immediately back to back, drew out the sword in their hands and went head-on.

Bang... bang... The sword light flashed, Jiang Yue turned her head and saw that Li Yuan had been forced into a corner, her heart was cold, and she swung the long sword in her hand, outputting a set of extremely dense sword skills, instantly killing the man in black The attack was blocked on the outside.

Taking advantage of this gap, he ran towards Li Yuan in the corner.

At this time, Li Yuan was being overwhelmed by the man in black. He was not good at melee combat, and now he was still outnumbered by one enemy, and he was in a hurry.

Unable to block a big move, the sword of the man in black pierced his chest. Just when Li Yuan thought he was dead, the man in black in front of him was suddenly shocked, and a shining sword appeared on his chest. bloodstained.

After the man in black fell down, he saw Jiang Yue standing behind the man in black. He was stunned for half a second, only to hear her speak eagerly, "What are you doing in a daze, come here!"

Li Yuan reacted immediately, ran behind Jiang Yue, back to back with Jiang Yue, while blocking the attack of the men in black, while seeing new men in black pouring into the alley, he asked, "Princess, There are more and more people, what should I do?"

Jiang Yue also noticed this, and suddenly there was a strong wind. She sighed inwardly about the opportunity, and shouted loudly, "Let's go, Mingyu."

When Li Xing heard it, he instantly understood what it meant.

After Jiang Yue and the others climbed over the wall, he suddenly let out a roar, drew a huge arc, supported the corridors on both sides with his hands, turned around in the air, and kicked the man in black closest to him. .

The man in black immediately bowed and flew out, hitting the group of people behind him hard, and they fell to the ground together, with a mouthful of blood spurting out of their mouths.

Li Xing took out a medicine bag from his waist and threw it forward. The powder in the medicine bag was scattered all over the place along the direction of the wind. Suddenly, the man in black fell to the ground and foamed at the mouth.

With one foot on the ground, he jumped over the wall and chased Jiang Yue and the others.

Seeing this, the men in black at the back yelled that it was not good, hurriedly stopped their steps forward, held their breath, the leader raised his hand and made a gesture, and they exited the corridor.

At this time, Jiang Yue and the others had long disappeared, and he shouted angrily at the back, "Why don't you hurry up and look for them, are you waiting for them to bump into you?"

"Yes, Commander Gu!"

This Commander Gu's eyes were fierce, and he spat fiercely on the ground, damn it!Encountered a hard stubble, and seeing him find it, it would not be enough to calm the anger in his heart if he didn't chop these people into pieces.

At this time, Jiang Yue and the others were hiding in the cellar. Seeing that Li Xing hadn't returned yet, Ming Yu asked worriedly, "General, is there anything wrong with Li Xing?"

"It's okay, Li Xing is good and poisonous, in this windy day, he will be the easiest to escape." Jiang Yue didn't know whether she was comforting Mingyu or herself, "Just wait, we have marked along the road, it should be soon. "

As early as after the attack in Fengyang County, the four of them negotiated a mark, worrying that someone would place an order on such a day.

After half a stick of incense, Jiang Yue clenched her hands from time to time, showing a hint of anxiety on her face.

The place where they hid was not far from that alley, so it was unlikely that Li Xing hadn't found them yet, could something really have happened?Jiang Yue's heart began to beat a drum.

Just when she couldn't sit still, suddenly there were three dong dong sounds from the cellar door, two long and one short, and she felt happy. This was the secret signal agreed by the few of them.

Ming Yu also showed joy, and hurriedly climbed up the steps to open the partition for Li Xing, seeing a man in black in his hand, Ming Yu asked, "This is?"

"It's easy to catch, we'll talk about it later, let me in first."

Mingyu also knew that this was not the time to talk, so he let Li Xing come in first, and when he heard footsteps coming and going outside, he quickly closed the partition.

Li Xing threw the man in black to the ground, washed his hands with the water in the cellar, for fear of getting bacteria, and then slowly told the story.

It turned out that after Li Xing killed them with poison, he climbed over the wall and hid, just happened to meet this man in black who was alone, so he fainted the man, and arrested him, hoping to find out something.

Jiang Yue nodded, feeling that Li Xing had done a good job this time, so she randomly found a rope and handed it to Ming Yu, "Hang him up."

"Got it."

Mingyu and Li Yuan each took half of the rope and tied it to the feet of the man in black, then pulled the rope around the beam and spread the legs as wide as possible, then tied the rope tightly.

Then he tied his hands behind his back, finally Mingyu found a slightly heavier thing and tied it in his hair.

After tying it up, Mingyu looked at it and nodded in satisfaction, "The general is ready!"

Jiang Yue turned around and saw the appearance of the man in black, she was dumbfounded for a second, this was originally a method of tying up animals in the army, but it was a new discovery that Mingyu would use it to tie him up.

(End of this chapter)

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