Luan's return today

Chapter 53 He Did It On Purpose

Chapter 53 He Did It On Purpose
After a while, the rest of the men in black were captured alive by Song Nan and his party.

Song Nan turned around and wanted to yell at Jiang Yue, but saw that she was fighting with the man in black.

Jiang Yue spread her wings like a roc, running at top speed and sprinting towards the man in black.

The resulting gale lifted the leaves within ten meters from the ground, forming vortices.

As soon as the two collided, the leaves scattered and broke as the two blades tore apart, and fluttered and fell to the ground.


The sound of metal and iron, surging and rushing, even Song Nan's ears were momentarily distracted by the roar.

In the end, the knife wind on the two of them slowly disappeared like the tide at night.

Then both of them turned pale, each staggered, took a few steps back, and stared at each other.

Seeing this, someone couldn't help shouting, "General Jiang, I'll help you."

After speaking, he rushed forward, but Song Nan stopped him.

"General Song, what are you stopping me for?"

"She doesn't like to bully the few with the more."

Although Song Nan said so in his mouth, seeing that the two were fighting equally, he was unavoidably worried, and his hand holding the knife tightened slightly.

At this time, Jiang Yue was thinking about how to lose without showing a trace.

The man in black looked at Jiang Yue in a daze, thought to himself, what a good opportunity, lightly shook the blade in his hand, then held the handle of the knife with both hands, and slashed at Jiang Yue.

With a slash, the figure of the man in black with fierce eyes flickered, leaving a clear afterimage on the spot.

The next moment, he was within nose-to-nose distance with Jiang Yue, and without thinking, he quickly changed the direction of the knife in his hand, and wiped it towards Jiang Yue's neck.

Seeing the sharp blade approaching, Jiang Yue lowered her waist, put one hand on the ground, and swept towards the man in black's lower body, attacking his weakest point.

The hand supporting the ground spun around, jumped up, and snatched the weapon of the man in black.

The man in black saw that his knife had landed firmly in Jiang Yue's hands, saw that the rest of them had been captured, and saw that he and Jiang Yue were on the outside of the encirclement.

He thought for a while, turned his eyes, moved his body, and fled towards the outside.

"Don't chase after the poor!"

Jiang Yue yelled, stopping Song Nan and the others in their footsteps, and the man in black paused for a moment, and looked back at Jiang Yue.

Song Nan was puzzled. Seeing that the man in black was about to leave his sight, Jiang Yue's serious voice suddenly came from his ear.

"Song Nan, follow up!"

"If he returns to the capital, kill him on the way. If he goes in another direction, then find his lair and come back and tell me."

Song Nan lowered his head and caught a glimpse of Jiang Yue staring ahead with a deep expression.

He didn't know what Jiang Yue wanted to do, but he obediently followed in the direction of the man in black.

After Song Nan left, Jiang Yue called some people to transport grain to the city from the avenue.

Some people escorted the man in black to enter through the entrance of the ruined temple, and then ordered someone to seal the entrance.

The place where the food was stored before has become a dungeon in the south of the Yangtze River.

Seeing that Jiang Yue didn't intend to torture them severely, but just tied their hands and feet and left them here, the group of men in black couldn't help asking questions.

"What do you want to do?"

Hearing the sound, Jiang Yue lowered her eyes, cast a disdainful glance at him, did not answer, left a few people staring at them, and then left towards another exit.

Mingyu stared intently at the exit in the courtyard, for fear of missing a figure.

Hearing a sound suddenly, he immediately got up and walked towards the exit. Jiang Yue took the lead climbing up from the inside, and he quickly pulled Jiang Yue out.

"Mingyu, from now on, you will guard here yourself, and no one else will approach you."

After Jiang Yue came out, she patted the dust off her body and said to Mingyu.

She reckoned, and in about three or four days, she knew which direction the man in black, whom she had let go on purpose, was heading towards.

At that time, the matter will be settled, and there is no need to worry about the food problem anymore, and my heart is slightly relaxed.

Seeing Mingyu nodded, he walked towards the room.

Early the next morning, it was just dawn.

Jiang Yue ordered the servants to transport all the corpses to an open space outside the city, and asked them to bring shovels and other things.

When they arrived, there were already a lot of people standing there, some were silently wiping away tears, some were crying loudly, and there were people beside them who kept comforting them.

These are the relatives of the deceased, and the reason they came here is to send the deceased for the last time.

Jiang Yue glanced over their faces one by one, bowed to all the people, and said in a voice that everyone present could hear.

"Everyone, don't be sad, they will not be alone on this trip, and I will collect all their ashes and bury them here."

"Everyone can come forward to worship if it is a festival during the New Year."

The common people felt much better when they heard this, and thanked Jiang Yue again and again.

They thought it would be fine after the burning was over. The ashes were blown up by the wind and scattered everywhere, becoming lonely ghosts. They didn't expect Jiang Yue to collect the ashes and give them a place to stay.

After speaking, Jiang Yue took the lead in offering three sticks of incense to those who passed away.

She asked Song Nan to find these incenses, and the quantity is limited.

Therefore, a family can only get three pillars, and Jiang Yue feels a little guilty.

"Now the conditions are limited, so let's do this for now. After our flood is cured, I will lead everyone to pay homage together."

The common people nodded in tears. They knew that these incenses were not easy to come by, and they didn't complain to Jiang Yue because they were too little.

After all the people had finished their worship, Jiang Yue nodded to the yamen servant.

The yamen servant threw the torch in his hand into the dry wood under the corpse, crackling, and the flames burst out in response to the sound, burning bigger and bigger, and the whimpering among the people became louder and louder.


Suddenly a shrill female voice reached everyone's ears.

Everyone turned their heads and saw a woman in gray patched clothes standing not far away.

Her face was neatly tidied up, her hair was not as messy as last night, it was neatly combed, she bent her body, crying heartbreakingly.

She wiped away her tears and rushed towards the fire.

"Come on, stop her!"

Jiang Yue never thought that she would rush over at this time.

Then a panting yamen servant ran over, and when he saw Jiang Yue, he knelt down and pleaded guilty.

"My lord, I didn't mean it, I just went to the hut, and in the blink of an eye, she disappeared..."

How could Jiang Yue have time to pay attention to this matter at this time, and did not answer, the yamen servant felt uneasy.

After the woman was stopped, she yelled at Jiang Yue.

"If you do this, God will not let you go. You should have a short life, and you should have no children and grandchildren in the future..."


The common people could no longer listen to these words, and tried to persuade the woman one after another, but the woman was now unconscious, and she felt that it was Jiang Yue who burned her daughter alive.

But Jiang Yue's face remained unchanged. She never believed in the sky, only in herself, so she turned a deaf ear to the woman's scolding.

After a period of time, the fire became smaller and smaller, and finally calmed down, and the woman's yelling and cursing became smaller and smaller, obviously exhausted.

Seeing the pile of white ash on the ground, she rolled her eyes and passed out.

(End of this chapter)

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