Luan's return today

Chapter 56 Extraordinary

Chapter 56 Extraordinary
Jiang Yue's heart was shocked at this time, and she quickly told Ming Yu, "Get out the person who said that."

Mingyu looked at Jiang Yue suspiciously, isn't this a good thing?Why is the general so panicked?
"General? What's the matter?" Ming Yu suppressed the joy on his face, it seemed that this matter was not as simple as he thought.

Jiang Yue's expression was silent, and her eyes were burning with anger, wishing to tear the body of the person who spread the rumors into pieces.

"Heh, compare me with the emperor?"

"Who owns this world? It belongs to the emperor. I am just a courtier beside the emperor. How can I compare with the emperor?"

"All the good things I do are good things done by the court, that is, good things done by the emperor."

"If the common people feel good, they can only think that the court is good, the emperor is good, not me. Otherwise, where will the emperor's face go?"

After hearing this, Ming Yu also understood the seriousness of the matter, but he felt that the emperor should not be careless, so he said, "The emperor treats the general well, it shouldn't be like this."

Jiang Yue glanced sideways at Ming Yu, "The emperor treats me well because I have no conflict with him, and even if the emperor is not careless, the ministers should keep their duty and don't do things that make people care less."

Rumors spread that this person obviously wanted to provoke her relationship with the emperor. She has no foundation, and only the emperor supports her behind her. If the emperor becomes suspicious of her...

She clasped the table with her right hand, her eyes seemed to be stirring black ink, and then said sharply.

"You go! Someone should be secretly guiding this matter. If that person is caught, he should be skinned, cramped, and beaten to death with sticks."

It was rare for Mingyu to see Jiang Yue get so angry. Even when he seriously slandered her and asked to divorce her at the beginning, the general gave the Hou family a little leeway. It seems that this person really violated the general's taboo.

He didn't dare to say much, he just walked out in response, and hurried to investigate.

At this moment, Jiang Yue faintly felt that the person behind her was very clear about the movements of the court and Jiangnan.

Moreover, the timing of the rumor spreading was particularly ingenious, it was when Li Yuan came back.

According to what Ming Yu told him, the people who came back this time should not only be Li Yuan, but also people from the imperial court.

These words came out at this time, obviously hoping to pass the matter back to Beijing through these people, and to the emperor's ears.

When the public opinion gathers, even if I have no intention of being disrespectful to the emperor, it will be rumored that I have, but jumping into the Yellow River will not clear it up.

The mind is really scary...

Jiang Yue read it twice silently, then slapped the table suddenly, and stood up. She knew why they wanted to create a natural disaster.

It is public opinion. In the minds of the common people, there is only one reason for the formation of natural disasters, to punish the superiors for being unkind, or to imply that the throne was not obtained properly.

If someone deliberately diverts the people's opinions in this direction, and the court has withheld food without telling the emperor, the rebels can openly rebel by obeying the mandate of heaven, and they will also gain the support of the people.

It was just because his appearance disturbed their rhythm, so he had to get rid of himself first.

After she figured it out, she quickly asked someone to call Xu Wen over.

After a while, Xu Wen hurried over, and was about to salute, but was stopped by Jiang Yue, who asked, "Have you found the person at the bottom of the mountain?"

Xu Wen shook his head, "My subordinates checked, and they all died in this flood, and none of them survived."

Jiang Yue's eyes were startled. How come no one escaped? Did they die in the flood, or was someone murdered to silence them?
But except for the people at the bottom of the mountain, no one will know who has been to the mountain, because most of the people in Jiangnan city are rich, and they generally don’t go to the mountain to cut firewood, and the people who go up the mountain to cut firewood are the villagers at the bottom of the mountain, and they make a living selling firewood .

Now that everyone is dead, what should we do next?Jiang Yue's mind was in a mess at this moment, and she had no thoughts at all.

Seeing that Jiang Yue was distressed, Xu Wen also sighed, and couldn't help complaining to himself.

"It would be great if my subordinates and Li Fang could find out what's going on on the mountain earlier, so maybe we can leave a clue."

These words hit Jiang Yue like a mallet, and a gleam flashed in her eyes, "Xu Wen, go and find out how many people have moved in the past year."

Xu Wen frowned. He didn't know what Jiang Yue was doing when he mentioned the relocation. This matter had nothing to do with the villagers. He hesitated to speak, but finally made up his mind and asked Jiang Yue tentatively.

"My lord, this subordinate thinks that we should ask the people in the city first to see who knows who has been to the mountain at this time!"

Jiang Yue shook her head and looked at Xu Wen.

"No, if we let the whole city know about it at this time, it would be a surprise. We will lose the opportunity. Since it is a war, we will be caught off guard."

Seeing that Xu Wen still didn't understand, she explained, "Let me ask you, if you, as a citizen of Jiangnan, knew that there would be floods in Jiangnan, what would you do?"

"Of course we should move quickly!" Xu Wen didn't even think about answering.

Suddenly reacting, he looked up at Jiang Yue, only to see Jiang Yue smiled at him, and then he knew Jiang Yue's intention, so he said.

"My lord, this subordinate will go now." He turned around and left quickly.

Jiang Yue couldn't help recalling the things that happened along the way. One pile after another was like a series of sets, locking people in it, and if they didn't pay attention, they would fall into the thief's net.

It seems that I am still too sloppy in doing things, and I need to be more cautious in the future to avoid stepping into the trap.

An hour later, Xu Wen came back, but the expression on his face was not very good. He looked at Jiang Yue with a strange expression, as if he wanted to say something but dared not.

Seeing his hesitant expression, Jiang Yue asked if there was something difficult to do, "Just tell me if you have anything to do."

But Xu Wen still didn't say a word, just handed the booklet in his hand to Jiang Yue.

Jiang Yue gave him a strange look, then took the booklet with her hands, opened it and read it.

The more she looked, the more she frowned. She looked up at Xu Wen from time to time, and suddenly she saw a familiar name——Meng Zhou.

Jiang Yue's pupils trembled, she certainly knew who Meng Zhou was, she escaped after being kidnapped by Shen Xuan five years ago, and wanted to come to the south of the Yangtze River to join her grandfather Meng Zhou's house.

It's just that before she reached Jiangnan, she accidentally entered the military camp. When she came back, things happened one after another, so that she forgot to ask why Meng Zhou was not in Jiangnan.

But in Jiang Yue's mind, it is normal for Meng Zhou, as a businessman, to travel all over the world and not be in Jiangnan all the year round, so she didn't find it strange.

But now that I heard that my family has moved, I feel that things are not quite right.

Because compared to others, the Meng family has been in Jiangnan since its fortune, and has gone through many generations. The background of the Meng family in Jiangnan is also conceivable, and generally they will not move.

Jiang Yue raised her head and glanced at Xu Wen, presumably Xu Wen also hesitated to herself because she found out that this was unusual.

Then she pointed to the word Meng Zhou and asked Xu Wen, "Do you doubt him?"

(End of this chapter)

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