Chapter 61
Su Ze was standing in front of this group of women, listening to their chirping, he frowned from time to time.

Thinking about when he went out to do business before, the shopkeepers of other stores were not as difficult as these women.

He just told them about Jiang Yue's proposal, which aroused their opposition.

Seeing Su Ze frowning, the women in the audience kept silent and couldn't help urging.

"Master Su, you should give me an explanation. Why do you want to make clothes for men first?"

"That's right, Master Su, don't tell me you're a man, so you don't care about our women's lives?"

"Master Su, it's not fair..."


Just as they were arguing, an old woman's voice sounded from behind.

"To shut up!"

The voices in the hall stopped abruptly, and they all turned their heads to stare at Jiang Wei, seeing the chill on Jiang Wei's face, their necks shrank involuntarily.

They dared to make noise in front of Su Ze, but they didn't have the courage to say a word in front of Jiang Wei.

No one has forgotten that someone saw Jiang Wei, a widow with a child, with impure thoughts, came to find fault with Jiang Wei, and was stabbed blind in one eye by Jiang Wei with cloth cutting scissors.

At that time, Jiang Wei was only in her early twenties, and she was so ruthless even when she was dry and thin, so that after that time, she also gained a firm foothold in Jiangnan.

Even though Jiang Wei is now over sixty years old, retreating behind the scenes, cultivating her self-cultivation, no one dares to underestimate her.

Jiang Wei walked onto the stage from behind the crowd, and looked at Su Ze with hatred.

This child's personality is too much like his mother's. He has a kind heart and distinguishes good from bad, but he is indecisive in dealing with things. It is difficult for him to take Su's Embroidery Workshop further, and he can only keep the family business.

This is also the reason why I strongly support Jiang Yue in the matter of flooding in the south of the Yangtze River.

Judging from her ability to know people for many years, Jiang Yue's future achievements will never stop here even though she is a woman.

When she is a hundred years old and the Su family encounters difficulties, maybe Jiang Yue can help her.

Jiang Wei turned his head and glanced sharply at these people's faces. Seeing that although they dared not speak, their eyes were still full of disbelief, he snorted and spoke coldly.

"Is it fair?"

"You guys are in the room, you don't go up to the open air, you don't step on the ground, you don't get wind, you don't get rain, don't you compare these things?"

"You hold embroidery needles, you don't need to carry them with your hands, you don't need to carry them on your shoulders, don't you compare them?"

"You are doing easier work than them, and you have the same food as them, so why don't you compare?"

"It's embarrassing for us women to be chattering here because of such a trivial matter as who will make the clothes first!"

After Jiang Wei finished speaking, the woman blushed, and one or two lowered their heads.

But some people still say, "They are men, and they should be doing those heavy jobs. We women can't compare."

Jiang Wei looked at her mean face, and ordered directly.

"Concierge, who is this person? Just cancel her name, my Su family can't tolerate this kind of person who should take advantage of it."

The porter answered when he heard the sound, and then asked several people to drive the woman out.

After that, Jiang Wei looked at the people below and shouted loudly.

"Think about it for yourself. If you are still not satisfied, you can go to the concierge to cancel your name. There is no shortage of these people in the Su Family Embroidery Workshop."

After a while, seeing that no one left in the hall, she said slowly, "Now assign tasks." Then she glanced at Su Ze.

Su Ze listed the boards that everyone was responsible for, and then gave instructions, and the women stopped making noise and started doing it in an orderly manner.

Then Su Ze helped Jiang Wei to the backyard, and said with a smile, "Thank you grandma today."

Jiang Wei glanced at him and sighed, who told him that this was her own grandson, and taught him earnestly.

"Xiao Ze, the Su Family Embroidery Workshop will depend on you in the future. It is not enough to convince people blindly with virtue. You must have courage and means. You can learn this from Mr. Jiang."

Su Ze replied, "The grandson knows."

Every time I can only get such a sentence, Jiang Wei shook his head, knowing that it was a waste of time.

"Go out and pay attention to those women who have good stitches and quick hands and feet. After a while, the Su family will make a comeback, and they can be given priority."

Su Ze nodded, turned and left.

Jiang Yue also heard about the Sujia Embroidery Workshop, and just as she was about to go there, Mingyu came to tell Jiang Wei that it had been resolved.

There was a tinge of warmth in Jiang Yue's heart.

Obviously the Su family can directly push this matter on her head, making the people feel dissatisfied with her.

However, the Su family didn't do this, and didn't even mention that it was her idea, but put all the hostility on themselves.

She remembered this thought in her heart.

With Jiang Wei in charge, the Sujia Embroidery Workshop will be safe, and Jiang Yue will focus on cleaning the riverbed wholeheartedly.

She rolled up her trouser legs and was about to go down the river, but was stopped by Li Fang, "My lord, you are a woman, just stand by and watch, let's go down."

"Although I am a woman, since I am in Jiangnan, I am a member of Jiangnan, and I should do my part for Jiangnan. How can I stand on the shore and watch you work."

"And as an official, you should lead by example, take the lead, and hide behind the people, what is the matter?"

After speaking, he stepped into the river and picked up the extra shovel to dig.

Li Fang's face was so red that he could bleed. He wanted to pat Jiang Yue's ass, but he patted the horse's hoof.

And Xu Wen behind him patted him on the shoulder, as if to comfort him.

"Brother Li, our Master Jiang likes to do practical things, and we don't like the flattery in Beijing. Let's follow suit!"

Seeing that Xu Wen also took off his shoes and socks and got into the water, Li Fang quickly picked up the shovel next to him and started to dry.

The people in the river didn't know what the three of them said, but they were surprised when they saw that several adults also got into the water.

They have never met an official who took the lead in doing things like this. Most of the people they met before were two lips, and after speaking, they didn't know where to go.

When they met someone like Jiang Yue, they couldn't help but feel happy, feeling hopeful, and digging with all their might.

At this time, Song Nan had already arrived in the capital, and ran towards Pingnan Palace in the middle of the night.

Just as he was lying on the courtyard wall of the Pingnan Palace, observing the terrain, trying to figure out where Chu Yao lived.

With a movement of his ears, he suddenly felt that someone was coming from behind him.

He tilted his head, rolled to the side, and jumped off the courtyard wall.

"Who is your Excellency? Why did you attack Pingnan Palace at night?"

A voice sounded behind him, Song Nan looked back, and saw the man in black looking at him sternly.

He thought, when did the guards look so good-looking?
But thinking of Jiang Yue's order, he had to avoid eyes and ears, tell Chu Yao himself, and ran away.

When Chu Yao saw that the visitor ran away, his brows tightened, and he felt angry. Whenever Pingnan Palace was a place where he could come and go whenever he wanted, he stretched himself out and chased after him.

Song Nan saw that the person who was chasing was getting closer and closer, so he knew that this person was more skilled than him.

Can't help cursing inwardly, it's been a long time since I've seen you, when will a mere housekeeper be so good at it.

Then he turned around immediately, quickly swept his foot towards Chu Yao's lower body, and punched Chu Yao hard in the face.

Seeing that the fist was getting closer, Chu Yao turned around, avoided the fist, tapped his toes lightly on the ground, and swept his right leg up to Song Nan's waist.

Seeing the strong leg wind, Song Nan bowed slightly, avoided the vital points, stepped back, and quickly said, "I'm looking for Chu Yao."

(End of this chapter)

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