Gou raises a boss in the world of immortality

Chapter 130 Set fire to the upper body

Chapter 130 Set fire to the upper body
"It's all right, I'll catch up to Huo Tangsheng right away." Qu Yiqiu stared at the spot where Huo Tangsheng was standing, and galloped over quickly.

Xiao Yan wondered, "What is this man doing? He just stood there and didn't move."

Qu Yiqiu didn't care so much, it was a good thing for her that Huo Tangsheng was waiting for her at the same place.

A gust of wind rushed past.

Huo Tangsheng smiled with phoenix eyes, and set up the puppet formation.

He watched Qu Yiqiu's approaching figure, and slowly moved his hand to activate the formation.

Several puppet figures flickered ghostly in the grove, surrounding him in a circle.

"This time, you can't escape."

Huo Tangsheng's voice was deep, cool and soft.

The surrounding scene is full of lurking murderous intent.

Qu Yiqiu didn't notice it.

But Xiaoyan saw something was wrong.

"Master, go around him, don't go straight up."

Qu Yiqiu's galloping steps suddenly stopped, and immediately turned a corner and flew out in a semi-circular arc.

Huo Tangsheng, who was in the puppet formation, raised his brows slightly, smiled at the corner of his mouth, and waved calmly.

The puppets around moved silently in Qu Yiqiu's direction.

At this time, Qu Yiqiu was only a hundred meters away from him.

Huo Tangsheng had a cold smile on his face.

"You must die."

No one can escape his puppet array.

Even if she has all kinds of supernatural powers, she will be crushed into powder by the puppet formation.

He has a winning ticket.

The corner of Huo Tangsheng's mouth widened into a smile, but his eyes were murderous.


Several earth-shattering roars came out again, and Taotie stared angrily at the fleeing black spot.

The hateful human race escaped and escaped under his nose.

The sound of his roar to the sky seemed to shatter the clouds.

The waving wings brought his mountain-like body to fly above the woods. Under the warm light, the huge shadow covered a large area of ​​the woods, making it dark.

Only then did Huo Tangsheng see his appearance, his pupils suddenly constricted a little,

"This is... the ancient fierce beast gluttonous!"

Even he, when he was Shen Kunyuan, the True God of Transformation, had never seen such a famous ancient beast.

His eyes shifted quickly, and he cast his eyes on Qu Yiqiu who was still running away all the time. He gritted his silver teeth and raised his eyebrows: "She deliberately brought this glutton here, does she know that this venerable is going to attack her?" ?”

Huo Tangsheng couldn't tell how angry he was at being played by a woman again.

Qu Yiqiu glanced at Huo Tangsheng's position out of the corner of her eye, seeing that there was some anger on his face, but he had no intention of escaping, so she breathed a sigh of relief.

"This person really has a way to deal with Taotie, we are saved!"

"Yes, that's great!" Xiao Yan answered while paying attention to Huo Tangsheng's movements.

Looking at the puppets that suddenly appeared around him, Xiao Yan faintly felt that this was the reason why he didn't choose to leave there.

The facts were just as Xiao Yan guessed.

Huo Tangsheng is currently limited by his cultivation, even though he has several high-level puppets in his hands, he cannot control them as he pleases.

When he set up this puppet formation, he used himself as the eye of the formation and entered the law with his body, so that he could control all the puppets in his hands.

Therefore, if he wants to leave here at this moment, he has to gather all the big formations, and it will take some effort to do so.

But Taotie's speed was faster than his closing the formation, even if he closed the formation at this time, he still couldn't escape from Taotie's big mouth.

Huo Tangsheng had never been so aggrieved before. He watched the instigator leave in front of him, but he couldn't catch up. He could only try to get rid of the Taotie behind him so that he could not hurt himself.

He stared at Taotie sharply, and thought of the rumors spread by Qu Yiqiu in the secret realm, his teeth itched with anger.

After dragging this gluttonous head, he will definitely grab that female cultivator in his hands!
Qu Yiqiu didn't know what Huo Tangsheng was thinking, let alone that when she first entered the secret realm, what she said had spread to every corner of the secret realm.

Now everyone in the secret realm knew that Huo Tangsheng was pursuing her and was rejected.

"Xiao Yan, take me to find the disciples of Tianyan Sect." Qu Yiqiu had other thoughts in his mind when he saw Taotie behind him turn his devouring eyes to Huo Tangsheng.

She wanted to tell the disciples of the Tianyan Sect about this, and then go to find the secret weapon spirit.

The birth of an ancient ferocious beast was not a trivial matter after all.

Huo Tangsheng alone cannot kill him.

The gigantic Taotie withdrew his glaring gaze at Qu Yiqiu, and stared at Huo Tangsheng who was waiting calmly not far ahead. The proud beast suddenly felt contemptuous in his heart.

He wants to regain the dignity of the despised beast, and he wants to swallow this ignorant human race!

Taotie roared to the sky, a pair of wings flapped violently, stirring up wind and dust all over the ground, branches swayed, making a violent rustling sound.

In the blink of an eye, this huge body flashed in front of Huo Tangsheng.

The figure of the puppet lurking around slightly swayed a little, and ran firmly towards the body of the coming Taotie, slashing sword qi one after another.

Taotie slapped a huge hole with his palm, leaving five fingerprints, but there was no broken human corpse as he imagined.

Huo Tangsheng didn't know when he ran behind Taotie, and with a single-handed upward move, several silver-skinned puppets jumped out, clinging to Taotie's hair like ants.


Taotie immediately felt itching and numbness on his back, he roared impatiently, and immediately shook his body violently, shaking off several silver-skinned puppets.

With one palm after another, the puppets were immediately turned into powder.

Huo Tangsheng's face darkened, he glanced at the direction where Qu Yiqiu was running away, and suddenly smiled strangely.

"It's too late, Xuanyizong's plan has already started, no one can get out of this secret realm."


"It's strange, why haven't I seen a few people all this way?" Xiao Yan tilted his head, his eyes were very puzzled.

Qu Yiqiu stopped suddenly, looked at the deathly silent scenery, and said in surprise: "Here, there is not even the sound of birds."

There are a lot of forests in Feiling's secret realm. She fell on a tree branch and scared away a few birds. Why is there no animal sound now?

"No, something happened in the secret realm!" Qu Yiqiu's expression changed, and somehow he suddenly thought of Xia Changhan's mysterious behavior in the ancient tomb.

Xiao Yan expressed nervously: "Master, have you thought of anything?"

Qu Yiqiu looked around, the tip of his nose moved slightly, and his brows were tightened: "It smells of decay, very similar to the weird zombies in the ancient tomb."

Xiao Yan frowned: "Could it be that the zombies from the ancient tomb ran out? What about the master's companions?"

Qu Yiqiu looked solemn, thought for a moment and said: "Go to the secret weapon spirit first, if you can meet other disciples on the road, then tell Taotie about it."

"Okay!" Xiao Yanzheng nodded.

In fact, those fellow disciples meant nothing to him.

He just wanted Qu Yiqiu to leave here safely.

The Feiling Secret Realm is still covered with fog, and the spiritual sense cannot see the distance clearly.

Led by Xiao Yan, they came to a cemetery shrouded in gloom.

 Thank you for the reward, my friend. I didn’t see the ID in the background, and I couldn’t find it after searching for a long time, but I was very excited to receive the reward for the first time. Thank you for your support! ! !

(End of this chapter)

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