Chapter 14 Collection
As soon as Qu Yiqiu and his party left, Qu Youyou's team arrived at the ancient temple.

"Why is there no one?" Zhao Wen asked in confusion.

Qu Youyou glanced at the insignificant footprints on the ground, her face darkened, and said, "They have already left, let's go to Tianchen Town!"

The five of them walked in the air again.

Sifang Inn in Tianchen Town.

There were many people standing in the hall, the innkeeper and the waiter passed out in the upper left corner.

Qu Yiqiu looked at the few people facing him calmly. From the identity of the woman in red, He Yuman, it could be seen that the people facing him were all disciples of Xuanyi Sect.

They had obviously been waiting here for more than a while.

"Don't you explain to me Daoist Chi, what does it mean that your sect invites the real Jindan?" Patterned leaves, extraordinary temperament.

Xu Chengguang didn't dare to speak when he was directly used as the background board by this person, and just stood on one side with a sullen face.

Chi Yushu said indifferently: "As you can see, I crushed the mission token and recruited Master Xu, but this does not mean that our Tianyan Sect lost."

"Hehehe, Senior Chi's words are really interesting. You Tianyanzong recruited Jindan Daoist, broke the rule that you can't shoot if you are over 22 years old, and said you didn't lose?" He Yuman covered her mouth with her delicate hands and smiled.

"We didn't lose in the first place. The two teams lured Xie Chong at the same time. It happened to look at Junior Sister Qu, and was killed by Junior Sister Qu alone. This must be our Tianyan Sect's victory!" Luo Yingying interrupted unconvinced.

"Yes, our Tian Yanzong won, and Xie Chong was killed by Junior Sister Qu!" Although Lin Yaoxing found it incredible, it didn't affect his desire for the team to win.

"Ahem, yes, this evil creature was killed by Nephew Qu. I didn't take any action at all. It should be the Tianyan Sect who won." In front of the honor of the sect, Xu Chengguang was of one mind with everyone.

Wu Qiu felt that this was the truth, and he refused to back down, saying: "Realist Xu has been staying with us in the ancient temple, and has no chance to make a move. This evil spirit was solved by Junior Sister Qu alone. Naturally, our Tianyan Sect won!"

Faced with everyone's protection and explanations, several members of the Xuanyi Sect showed hesitation, and all set their sights on Qu Yiqiu.

Although Qu Yiqiu stayed in Xiaoping Peak all year round without any outstanding achievements, so the Xuanyi Sect didn't know her well, but this didn't prevent them from identifying Junior Sister Qu.

Just standing there, she exudes a distinctive fairy aura, as if she is the reincarnation of a great power, with a mysterious and incomparable silver light on her body.

It's just that once you use the qi-watching technique to probe into the details of her cultivation, you can immediately conclude that this is an illusion.

Her cultivation is no more than the fifth level of Qi training. Among such a group of people, her cultivation is not low enough to look at, and it is inversely proportional to her beauty.

The man in black glanced coldly at everyone's dull gazes, raised his hand and knocked on the table, showing a warning look.

A group of useless trash, but a woman with superior looks, so she turned around and couldn't look away.

He Yuman and the others looked back in shame, not daring to look away.

"You are all members of the Tianyan Sect, you can say whatever you want, but I only believe what I see with my eyes, that is, when Daoist Xu appears here, the evil disappears." The corner of the man's mouth curled into a mocking smile meaning.

Wu Qiu and the others immediately changed their faces upon hearing this.

"Tangsheng Huo, don't talk nonsense. When Junior Sister Qu was captured outside the ancient magic circle, Master Xu never showed up!" Lin Yaoxing really wanted to yell at this moment.

"Junior Sister Qu you are talking about was taken away for a day and a night. He didn't show up at that time, but it doesn't mean that he didn't go to the ancient magic circle to do something this morning." Huo Tangsheng stood up leisurely, his body was serious, and the corners of his mouth were raised.

There was an undisguised provocation in his pair of phoenix eyes.

Qu Yiqiu understood that he knew the truth of the matter clearly, but he would never give in.

Chi Yushu also saw his intentions, knew how difficult this matter was, and didn't intend to waste time here.

"Fellow Daoist Huo, since both of us hold our own opinions on this matter, we can't talk about it in one place, and there is no need to continue arguing here. When we return to the sect, the two sect leaders will decide the truth."

"What Yu Shu said makes sense, it's useless for us to say more about this matter, when the time comes we will present the evidence to the head, and they will find out the truth of the matter!" Xu Chengguang didn't want to get involved in this muddy water.

Although he is a Jindan real person, Huo Tangsheng is the most talented disciple of Xuanyi Sect, his status is extremely noble, his future is limitless, he dare not challenge him like Chi Yushu.

The smile on the corner of Huo Tangsheng's mouth gradually froze, and his phoenix eyes shone coldly.

Xu Chengguang didn't dare to look at him, and glanced away guiltily.

Chi Yushu stared at Huo Tangsheng calmly, without any trace of fear.

Looking at this scene, Luo Yingying was very excited.

These two are the sect's most promising disciples, the future peak master seeds, and now they are facing each other in front of her eyes!

He Yuman stole a glance at Qu Yiqiu from the corner of her eye, and couldn't help feeling a little funny when she saw her relaxed look.

In terms of appearance and temperament, she has nothing to say when she loses to her.

But this strength really doesn't seem to be able to solve the existence of evil spirits alone. What happened this night?
"Senior Brother Chi—! Fellow Daoist Huo, what are you doing here?" Qu Youyou and the others finally arrived at the inn.

How could their speed compare to that of Jindan Daoist, and it took Yujian a quarter of an hour to come here.

Huo Tangsheng glanced at her sideways, and said casually: "Fellow Daoist Qu, there is only one inn in Tianchen Town, you have booked it all up, do you want the disciples of Xuanyi Sect to live in the barren mountains?"

As soon as Huo Tangsheng said this, all eyes in the hall turned to Qu Youyou.

Good guy, you actually booked the inn, you are really rich and powerful, you don't leave any room for the people of Xuanyi Sect.

Qu Yiqiu held back her laughter.

Wu Qiu and the others looked at her speechlessly.

Xu Chengguang's eyebrows twitched, Qu Youyou's strength is not weak, but his mind is too small.

What's the use of contracting the inn, this time the task is fair and just competition, Tianyan Zonggui is the number one sect, there is no need to do such petty things.

Things that should be maintained on the surface have to be installed.

With so many people watching, how could Qu Youyou admit that it was her own doing, she secretly bumped the woman in yellow with her elbow.

The woman in yellow immediately understood, took a step forward and said guiltily: "It's all my fault. I originally wanted to book the inn to be quieter, but I didn't expect that there is only one inn in this town!"

Huo Tangsheng snorted coldly, apparently not believing her lies.

The woman in yellow blushed in shame, but could only stand still.

At this time, Qu Yiqiu yawned very abruptly, which attracted everyone's attention.

Qu Yiqiu blinked in confusion, she yawned on purpose.

If these people dragged on like this, how could she rest and get up early to see Yao Zhimei.

Gotta end their nonsense quickly.

"It's so sleepy, the innkeeper is asleep, shouldn't we also rest?" She looked at Chi Yushu sleepily.

(End of this chapter)

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