Chapter 19 Compensation
Zhou Chen didn't doubt this idea for a long time, and Qu Yiqiu explained the reason to him.

"Zhou Chen, with this photo stone, we can make them return what they lost! And return it twice!"

Qu Yiqiu frowned, as if seeing thousands of spirit stones greeting her.

Zhou Chen scratched his head in bewilderment, not understanding what she meant by double-doubling and returning.

"Zhou Chen, the situation here has not been seen by others, right?" Qu Yiqiu asked.

Zhou Chen shook his head: "No, no one came up, not even Brother Mu."

Qu Yiqiu nodded in satisfaction: "Very well, you stay here and don't let other people see what's going on here. I'm going to Mingde City to buy something."

Zhou Chen nodded in agreement because he didn't understand.

When Qu Yiqiu got the response, she curled her lips into a smile, immediately activated her spiritual power on her toes, and quickly descended the mountain using the wind travel technique.

Zhou Chen stayed where he was, thinking about her last instructions, and immediately guarded the area tightly.

Mingde City Fang City.

It was getting dark, and half of the shops on the street had closed their doors.

Qu Yiqiu, wearing a bamboo hat, happily bought a bunch of trivial items.

Zhao Wen and Huang Lan really gave her a big surprise when they came back this time.

Xiaoping Peak's spirit field is too barren, less than one-tenth of the second-grade spirit rice and spirit tea seeds sown survived under Zhou Chen's careful care.

Now that Zhao Wen and Huang Lan have destroyed these seedlings, she can immediately transfer these losses to them.

He could even take the opportunity to earn money from them to improve Lingtian.

When she was living in Lan Xing, she heard an interesting piece of news.

A certain bank was patronized by thieves and only lost 500 million. When reporting to the country, it lied about losing 5000 million.

In the end, the bank earned 500 million for nothing.

This plan was what Qu Yiqiu thought of when he got the photo stone.

She wants to demand a sky-high fee from Zhao Wen and Huang Lan!

Zhou Chen tightened his nerves and patrolled around.

"I'm back! No one is going up the mountain, right?" Qu Yiqiu had already taken off her bamboo hat on the way, and she looked at Zhou Chen with a smile on her face.

"No, no one is coming!" Zhou Chen stammered at the moment because of the dazzling beauty of the woman in front of him.

Qu Yiqiu saw it in her eyes and sighed in her heart.

If there is a chance to do it all over again, she would like to replace this bluffing appearance with a top talent!

"I can't delay for too long, I want to turn this ruin into a third-order spiritual field, and put it in the earth!" Qu Yiqiu said to herself.

She took out the storage bag with both hands, grabbed a bloody dead body and buried it in a pit at random.

Then she reached back into the storage bag, took out a handful of finely crushed jade stones, and sprinkled them around the fence.

Zhou Chen looked at her dumbfounded.

I saw Qu Yiqiu kept moving, raising his hand and performing a magic rain technique, and the drizzle containing spiritual energy fell continuously.

She moved the tip of her nose, smelling the aura in the air, and smiled contentedly.

"Okay, we can go to head Luo!"

Zhou Chen was taken away by her with a dazed expression.

"Is it too late, Sect Leader Luo should rest..."

On the way, Zhou Chen couldn't help asking questions.

Qu Yiqiu waved his hand and said with certainty: "He must still be in the main hall and not come out!"

The main hall of Tianyan Sect.

Luo Tangyu sat on the throne in the main hall, carefully sipping the newly brewed spirit tea.

Recalling the performance of Huo Tangsheng and others in the hall, some sadness appeared.

"Master! Master! You have to be the master for me!" When he was upset, there were wailing sounds from outside the door.

Luo Tangyu stood up and looked out the door.

Qu Yiqiu's figure gradually appeared in front of her eyes.

"Master, you have to make the decision for our Xiaoping Peak!" She was about to cry, pitifully.

Luo Tangyu's brows twitched, and he said inwardly: "What's the matter, if you have something to say, just talk about it?"

"See the master!" Zhou Chen fell behind and saluted respectfully.

Qu Yiqiu shook off her hand wiping her tears, and said aggrievedly: "Our third-order spiritual field in Xiaoping Peak has been destroyed!"

A third-order spirit field?

The soil quality of Xiaoping Peak sounds good!

Luo Tangyu secretly praised it in his heart.

"Do you know who destroyed it? Why did you destroy your spiritual field?"

Qu Yiqiu took out the photo stone and presented it to him.

"Master, please look at the photo stone. Once you see the two people inside, you will know why they destroyed my third-order spiritual field!"

Qu Yiqiu bit the word 'third order' very hard.

Zhou Chen lowered his head beside her, his guilty cheeks flushed.

Luo Tangyu especially listened to it in his heart, he couldn't tolerate this kind of thing.

A faint red light lingered at his fingertips and poured into the photo stone.

The scene of Zhao Wen and Huang Lan destroying the Lingtian immediately appeared in the void.

Luo Tangyu looked at him with raised eyebrows.

If he remembered correctly, these two disciples were members of Qu Youyou's team, and they had just returned from the mission of eliminating evil spirits.

These two are really brave!

He is still having a headache about Xuanyizong's matter, and these two people have brought up this kind of disagreement between the same sect, which is really messing him up!
"I know about this, I will punish them to be imprisoned on the confinement cliff for three months, and order them to make up for the loss of Xiaoping Peak!" Luo Tangyu said angrily.

Qu Yiqiu sobbed and asked: "Will the head let them make up for all the losses caused to Xiao Pingfeng?"

Luo Tangyu replied firmly: "Of course, they must pay for everything they broke!"

Qu Yiqiu stopped sobbing instantly when he heard the words, and said with his fingers: "The third-level spiritual field was destroyed and reduced to an ordinary spiritual field; the second-level spiritual beast earth jellyfish was killed, and the spiritual field lost the loose earth beast; the fourth-level sown The seeds of lingmi and lingcha died young, and the future hundreds of catties of fourth-grade lingmi and lingcha disappeared; the fences of sapphire buildings were smashed, and the lingtian lost its enclosure..."

As Qu Yiqiu's voice kept falling, Luo Tangyu's eyebrows throbbed even more violently.

He suddenly realized that he seemed to have been tricked!
It's nothing more than Xiaopingfeng owning a third-order spiritual field, how could there be so many expensive belongings!

A fence wall was built with precious sapphire stones, and there was a second-level spirit beast earth jellyfish, and a third-level spirit field was used to grow fourth-level spirit species...

This is getting more and more outrageous the more you hear it, is the poor Xiaopingfeng really the place where the accident happened? ? ?

"Okay, I'm done, did you hear the head?" Seeing that he seemed to be distracted, Qu Yiqiu shook his little hand in front of him.

With black lines all over Luo Tangyu's head, he said, "Are these the only things?"

"Hey, it's not that the master doesn't know about our Xiaoping Peak's poverty. It took ten years of hard work for me and Master to save these things!" A trace of pity.

What a thick skin!Is this still called being poor?

Luo Tangyu and Zhou Chen in the main hall came up with this idea at the same time.

"Okay, I got it. I will send someone to go to Xiaoping Peak with you to count the belongings you said in a while. If they are all in line with what you said, then I will definitely let them return them all to you!"

The corners of Luo Tangyu's mouth twitched, this girl is really not easy to mess with.

He must have tampered with the scene of the incident long ago, and now he even suspects that the third-order spirit field is fake!
"It's been hard work to head the sect. The sect master is really a good person. I wonder if he can meet another request from the disciple?" Qu Yiqiu looked at him with tears in her beautiful eyes.

Luo Tangyu was stunned, and said in a daze: "Say it."

 Thank you book friend 20210923144438673 for the recommendation vote~

(End of this chapter)

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