Chapter 21
Qu Yiqiu came out of the main hall with the appearance of a victor.

"Don't get complacent too early, the days are still long!" Qu Youyou looked at her contemptuously.

Qu Yiqiu smiled sweetly: "I'm waiting for you, give me another fortune!"

After saying that, she led Zhou Chen calmly past Qu Youyou and returned to Xiaoping Peak.

Qu Youyou smiled disdainfully, and the compensation of a few pieces of spiritual fields made her happy like this, she is really a poor and used to mouse.


Qu Yiqiu approached the cave, only to see Mu Yunjin come out.

"Senior Sister, you're back!" A pair of glazed eyes lit up instantly.

Qu Yiqiu smiled, "Yes, I'm back, and your injury seems to have healed."

"Yeah, I listened to my senior sister and practiced obediently in the cave every day!" Mu Yunjin clenched her white fists, and her delicate face was full of tenacity.

Qu Yiqiu couldn't help rubbing his head: "You did a good job, our people in Xiaoping Peak are not qualified, so we should work hard!"

She didn't know exactly what Mu Yunjin's qualifications were, but he was only 12 years old now, and he was only able to draw Qi into his body, so there was definitely something wrong.

"Yeah, senior sister, why did you come back so soon? I thought you were going for a long time!" Mu Yunjin pouted first, then looked at her and smiled purely.

It's great to be back so early!
Qu Yiqiu thought of the series of things caused by this mission, touched his nose, and said: "I thought it would take a month, but some unexpected things happened in the middle, so I came back early .”

"It's good that the senior sister is back. I'm so boring here to practice alone. Before the senior sister lived next to me, I wouldn't feel bored!" Mu Yunjin said softly.

Faced with this natural coquettish tone, Qu Yiqiu thought she was a straight girl, but couldn't help feeling soft.

This guy is like a real son, so clingy to his mother!

"Hey, I won't take on such long-term tasks for a while, I have to take good care of Xiaoping Peak and work hard to improve my cultivation."

"Really? I'm so happy!" Mu Yunjin happily grabbed her hand and jumped up, her clear eyes curved into crescent moons.

"Really, really!" Qu Yiqiu was infected by his innocent smile, and his tone was a little playful.

"I will definitely practice hard, and I will be able to do missions with my senior sister in the future!" Mu Yunjin fantasized about the future, her whole face beaming with joy.

Qu Yiqiu glanced past his cultivation, secretly thinking that he is really a silly boy.

If you practice hard, I'm afraid I won't be able to catch up with you without golden fingers!

"By the way, there is one more thing I didn't tell you. Tomorrow, we will welcome two new handyman disciples at Xiaoping Peak."

Mu Yunjin touched her head, and said confusedly: "The handyman disciple? Did he grow spiritual plants like Junior Brother Zhou?"

"That's right, but their identities are not as high as Zhou Chen's. They are only temporarily working in our Xiaoping Peak for three months. You don't have to be too polite to them. You can just ignore them."

Qu Yiqiu didn't intend to tell him everything, and he probably wouldn't understand it.

Mu Yunjin's eyes twinkled like stars: "Okay! I see!"

"Well, let's go back to practice now!" Qu Yiqiu patted him on the forehead casually, then turned his head and entered the cave.

Hibiscus flutters in the wind.

As soon as Qu Yiqiu entered the cave, she fell on the stone bed, she wanted to sleep well.

It takes a lot of energy to act for so long!

This sleep lasted until mid-sun and she didn't wake up.

"Is Senior Sister Qu awake yet?" Zhou Chen's whispered question outside the cave reached her ears.

"No, have those two handyman disciples come over?" Mu Yunjin replied immaturely.

"Handy boy disciples? Brother Mu, you can't say that, they were only fined for three months!" Zhou Chen's tone was a little flustered.

If others listen to such words, Mu Yunjin will definitely be scolded.

"Ahem, Zhao Wen and Huang Lan, have you come?" Qu Yiqiu came out refreshed.

"Sister (Qu)!" The two exclaimed in surprise at the same time.

"They've all come here, and they're waiting for us at the Lingtian!" Zhou Chen hurriedly replied.

Qu Yiqiu glanced at the two of them, responded, and said, "Okay, then let's go and have a look!"

"I'm going too!" Mu Yunjin felt a little fresh for a moment.

"Let's go together!" Qu Yiqiu also wanted him to recognize these two people, so as to avoid being abducted by them in the future.

After all, Qu Youyou, the trio, has been fighting with her since childhood, and the conflict has never disappeared!
"Wow! We have three handyman disciples on Xiaoping Peak!" Mu Yunjin thought like a child, thinking that a mountain with many handyman disciples is great.

Zhou Chen didn't get along with him much, but he also roughly understood his childlike heart, didn't think his words were ambiguous, and chatted with him with a smile.

Talking and laughing all the way, the three of them came to the messy spiritual field together.

"What happened to our spiritual seedlings? Why was the spiritual field destroyed!" Mu Yunjin cried out in surprise.

Qu Yiqiu patted him on the shoulder and said: "It's okay, this is done by two new handyman disciples. We plan to overthrow the spiritual field and replant spiritual plants."

Zhao Wen and Huang Lan secretly glared at her when they heard her words.

Qu Yiqiu pretended not to see it.

Mu Yunjin calmed down, and asked blankly: "Why do you need to replant the spiritual plant? Brother Zhou took good care of it!"

He looked at the collapsed fence and the dying yellow seedlings, his eyes flashed with pity.

"In order to cultivate higher quality spirit seedlings, I will not do this again in the future!" Qu Yiqiu comforted his young heart.

This sacrifice is enough to reap the third-level spirit field and other property.

She will definitely set up a high-level formation on Xiaoping Peak next time!
"Yes, Brother Mu, I will take good care of these spiritual plants and make sure they grow better than before!" Zhou Chen said with a smile.

Mu Yunjin relaxed after hearing the words: "It turns out that the seedlings that Junior Brother Zhou takes care of are all the best!"

He smiled innocently.

Qu Yiqiu and Zhou Chen secretly breathed a sigh of relief.

"Okay, let's see what we should do today!" Qu Yiqiu crossed his arms and walked over leisurely.

Zhao and Wen's breathing froze suddenly, as if a demon was approaching them.

Qu Yiqiu chuckled, and said, "I heard that you haven't paid the compensation yet? But it doesn't matter, first flatten all these spiritual fields. Remember, you are not allowed to use spiritual power, so that the soil will be softer."

Huang Lan raised her head in amazement: "If we don't use spiritual power, it will exhaust us to death!"

Zhao Wen bit his lip, his lowered eyes gleamed with resentment.

"This reminds me." Qu Yiqiu grinned, "If you are exhausted, it will be considered a work-related injury, and I will bury you with spirit stones."

"Of course, the spirit stone is borrowed from you, and it is mine in name!"

"You, you deceive people too much!!!" Huang Lan trembled angrily.

Zhao Wen suddenly bit his red lip hard, and a trace of blood spilled out.

Qu Yiqiu laughed a few times and said, "Don't you understand my temper? When you do this, you should have thought of this result!"

With wanton laughter, she recalled the past of fighting with Qu Youyou and the other three.

She and Qu Youyou almost got out of their mother's womb, and they have been fighting until now.

(End of this chapter)

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