Chapter 23

"Senior Sister, do we need to watch them work?" Mu Yunjin could see that these two handyman disciples were not diligent at all.

Qu Yiqiu touched his chin, thought for a moment and said: "No need, you all go back to practice, I'll just watch here for a while."

"Sister, won't you go back to the cave to practice?" Mu Yunjin's face collapsed.

Zhou Chen looked confused: "Senior Sister Qu, don't I have to work?"

Originally, his task was to take care of Lingtian.

Qu Yiqiu's eyes swept over the two of them: "The martial art competition in half a year is very important. Whether I am in the cave or not, Junior Brother Mu has to practice seriously. As for Junior Brother Zhou, you don't need to do it for these three months. Tomorrow Let’s start, just come and supervise them.”

On the first day of today, Zhao Wen and Huang Lan were absolutely dishonest, so she should teach her a lesson first.

Mu Yunjin lowered her head slightly, her thick and long eyelashes cast shadows, and restrained the look of disappointment in her eyes: "Okay, I will prepare well for Xiaobi!"

Qu Yiqiu patted him on the head. It is said that the lifespan of dragons is longer than that of human patriarchs. Could it be that he is still a clingy baby among dragons at the age of 12?

"Yes, I understand, then I will go back with Brother Mu." Zhou Chen's biggest advantage is that he will obey Qu Yiqiu's orders unconditionally.

This is also the reason why Qu Yiqiu can safely hand over the Lingtian to him.

"Well, let's go."

After the two of them left, Qu Yiqiu leisurely found a flat boulder to lie down on, and took out a secular oil-paper umbrella and put it on top to provide shade and sun protection.

Zhao Wenwen and Huang Lan stole a glance at her, saw that she had already brewed herbal tea, hummed a little tune, and kept scolding this person for begging for beating!
On this day, Qu Yiqiu taught them a lesson while drinking herbal tea comfortably.

Under their sweat, the pitted Lingtian returned to its original flat and soft appearance.

Zhao Wen and Huang Lan returned to Nine Swords Peak cursing after completing the task.

The first thing Qu Yiqiu did when he returned to the cave was to enter the space.

She practiced in it all night.

After counting the time, she heard Chi Yushu's voice outside the cave.

It should be the reward for the evil mission.

Qu Yiqiu tidied up her clothes a little, and opened the cave's vulnerable Qi training period restriction.

"Junior Sister, I have already received the mission rewards such as Foundation Establishment Pill." Chi Yushu handed her the small dusty bag in his hand.

Qu Yiqiu took the storage bag, checked it, took out a crystal clear round pill in surprise, and said, "Why are there two patterns on this foundation building pill?"

The refreshing medicinal fragrance of Jiji Pill came out, and Chi Yushu said with a normal expression: "This mission can be completed, it is all thanks to my sister, so Sect Master Luo specially replaced the one-patterned Zhuji Pill with two-patterned one. , I hope that junior sister will be able to..."

Before he could speak, Qu Yiqiu swallowed Zhu Jidan in one gulp.

"..." Chi Yushu looked surprised.

"Junior Sister, why did you eat Zhuji Pill right now?" He, who was always gentle and refined, couldn't help raising his voice when he saw this scene.

"What, what, what did Senior Sister eat?" Mu Yunjin, who secretly hid in the cave and listened to their conversation, ran out.

Qu Yiqiu looked calm, and said: "It's nothing, I just took a Erdaowen Jizhu Dan, and I have to retreat for the next few days."

"Junior Sister Qu, do you want to use the Foundation Establishment Pill to impact your cultivation?" Chi Yushu thought like lightning, and instantly understood her plan.

"Although the medicinal effects of these Erdaowen Jiji Pills are good, monks should not be eager for quick success and quick benefits in improving their cultivation base. Now you can quickly break through the realm, but in the future, it is easy to have hidden problems such as damage to the meridians, rupture..."

Chi Yushu wanted to explain many troublesome things to Qu Yiqiu, but only heard her light voice.

"Senior Brother Chi, I can't hold it anymore, before I retreat, please give this whip to Zhou Chen!"

Qu Yiqiu took out the leather whip made from the corpse of Tujiaochu, handed it to Chi Yushu, then turned around and returned to the cave.


The cave door closed.

Mu Yunjin cheered: "Great, senior sister will be by my side these days!"

Chi Yushu holding a whip: "..."

Qu Yiqiu waited until Chi Yushu left outside the door before he dared to enter the space.

Sitting cross-legged next to the Lingquan, she couldn't wait to open the pores all over her body, and circulate the surging vitality in her dantian like a fire.

Under her guidance, the terrifying vitality broke into the meridians all over her body.

Enduring the pain as if her body was going to explode, she kept reciting the exercises silently, forcibly restraining her vitality to circulate one after another.

Day and night are reversed and time passes.

Three days later, Qu Yiqiu's cultivation had risen to the ninth level of Qi training.

She opened her eyes suddenly, and a foul smell came from the tip of her nose.

"The Erdaowen Jidan is really different. After taking it, it breaks through four layers in succession."

Originally, she was supposed to break through to the sixth level of Qi training, but now with the aid of the Foundation Establishment Pill, she directly reached the ninth level of Qi training.

She threw out a cleansing technique casually, and summoned the whole world's Immortal Cultivation Mall.

"Now that I have 1 experience points in cultivating immortals, it's time to buy ghost cultivation pills and find Yao Zhimei."

Qu Yiqiu quickly clicked on the category of ghost cultivators, tsk tsk said: "Ghost cultivators are really cheap, if it weren't for this, I can't guarantee that Yao Zhimei can be cured."

She quickly scanned through the introductions of pills one by one, and finally chose the Six Paths Pattern Soul Yuandan, which sold for [-] points of experience in cultivating immortals.

Soul Yuan Pill: It is specially used to treat symptoms such as soul insufficiency and trauma.

"With this, Yao Zhimei will be able to recover her original strength during the condensing stage!"

Qu Yiqiu put the elixir into a porcelain bottle, and stepped out of the space.

Zhao Wen and Huang Lan haven't collected all the property needed to cultivate the third-level spiritual field, but they bought a soil jellyfish that is about to advance to the second-level and put it in the spiritual field, and the fence mixed with sapphire stones has gradually been surrounded.

Qu Yiqiu asked Tu Jiaoyu to recognize Zhou Chen as the master, and gave him full power to handle this spiritual field.

Then she said a few words with Mu Yunjin, and then left Tian Yanzong.

On the way she put on her bamboo hat again.

Shuangran City is not too far from Tianyan Sect, but it is not as close as Mingde City.

It took Qu Yiqiu a day and a night to rush to Shuangran City.

She was walking in a remote alley, and took out a strand of hair and put it in her hand.

"This thing can even guide the way!"

The slender and soft hair twisted restlessly in her hands, and then pointed straight to the southeast.

Qu Yiqiu squeezed her hair tightly and rushed towards the southeast.

Outside Shuangran City, near Qunan City.

Autumn leaves are red in deep valleys.

Qu Yiqiu put her hair back into the storage bag, and ran to the cave not far away.

"Why did this guy come here? My aura is almost exhausted!" Qu Yiqiu hid in the dark cave, spreading his consciousness to check the safety of this place.

Almost running from one city to another, Qu Yiqiu didn't take much rest along the way, and the spiritual energy in her body was almost exhausted.

"Although my cultivation base is very weak now, I can't just run to see her with my whole body empty!"

Qu Yiqiu sat cross-legged on the ground, breathing in and out, recovering her spiritual power.

 Thank you Happy☆Xingxing for the monthly vote~Thank you Happy☆Xingxing, book friends 20191024113446087, Yuntou for your recommendation~
  Xiaoshu is growing, thank you for your support! ! !

(End of this chapter)

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