Gou raises a boss in the world of immortality

Chapter 26 Welcome to Ghost Cultivation Paradise

Chapter 26 Welcome to Ghost Cultivation Paradise

Qu Yiqiu felt a little weird about the title of the king, but thinking that Yao Zhimei was a female general, she didn't care about this trivial matter.

However, regarding Yao Zhimei's carefree temperament, what she was worried about was whether there were other ghost cultivators in the condensing stage hidden in the Ghost Cultivation Paradise, and she hadn't discovered it?

Qu Yiqiu was immersed in thinking, and Yao Zhimei swept her away like a gust of wind.

The work of a cup of tea.

The two of them arrived in front of the majestic and towering mountains.

The vegetation is luxuriant, the mountains are full of red leaves, and the mountain wind is rustling.

The height of the three mountains is as high as the sky.

Yao Zhimei's mobility is really impressive.

She only thought for a moment, this person has already arrived here.

Qu Yiqiu looked around resignedly, and asked strangely, "Is the Ghost Cultivation Paradise you mentioned here?"

In front of them, there are three tall and tall mountains, surrounded by continuous low mountains, red leaves are falling, birds and animals are shuttling in the forest, it is quiet and peaceful.

This kind of scenery is not like the place where ghost cultivators live.

Yao Zhimei grabbed her by the shoulders and landed at the base of the two mountains.

"See, the two mountains are almost merged into one at the base, and they are not separated until they reach the mountainside."

Yao Zhimei raised her eyebrows.

Qu Yiqiu seemed to understand something, and looked towards the tiny gap between the roots of the two high mountains.

"Is the Ghost Cultivation Paradise hidden under the two mountains?"

Yao Zhimei chuckled: "Smart! Under these two mountains, there is another world. As for how it was formed, my old lady spent a few days and didn't figure it out!"

After saying that, before Qu Yiqiu could react, she grabbed her and fled in again.

This unexpected escape made Qu Yiqiu dizzy for a while.

Fortunately, the two of them stopped after only one breath.

"This is a dark room they dug at the root of the mountain, specially for entertaining guests. If outsiders want to enter the Ghost Cultivation Paradise, they must either show an invitation letter or ask the little ghost inside to lead the way. If you don't have both, you can be a Nascent Soul cultivator. , there is no way in!"

Yao Zhimei touched the surrounding stone walls, and seemed to be curious about what kind of restrictions or formations there are.

Qu Yiqiu was surprised when he heard this.

She thought she couldn't feel anything special here, just because her cultivation base was too low.

However, judging from what Yao Zhimei said, and the fact that Ghost Cultivation Paradise has existed for so long, there is another mystery hidden underneath.

Yao Zhimei withdrew her restless hand and said triumphantly: "But these two things are not important now, the Golden Ghost King is in our hands, as long as he opens his mouth, this stone wall will automatically welcome us in."

Qu Yiqiu looked down at the Soul Suppressing Banner that Yao Zhimei handed over to her, and cut through her fingertips, forcing out a drop of blood.

The red blood melted into the flag very quickly, and the nine skulls immediately came to life, with little red light shining in their empty eye sockets.

At the same time, Qu Yiqiu felt a strange connection in his sea of ​​consciousness.

She knew that this was a successful recognition of the treasure.

Yao Zhimei saw that she recognized the Lord without hesitation, and there was a hint of interest in her eyes.

This girl is clearly an orthodox cultivator, but she dares to take a ghost weapon with her.

If it is said that she is a person without means, she absolutely does not believe it.

This girl definitely hides her innate supernatural powers, so that I can let her go again and again, and won't take her away!
This scheming and means, she is ashamed of herself.

But among the sect geniuses and sons of aristocratic families, there is no one who does not want to stand out and compete for power.

However, there are hundreds of millions of monks, and there are countless people who compete with the Dao.

Geniuses are born from generation to generation, and they can live to the end, but few of them will last forever.

If the edge emerges too early, the chance of premature death will be greatly increased.

She was able to bear it for so long, her character is very comparable.

Yao Zhimei secretly rejoiced, she must have bet on the real king this time!

Qu Yiqiu looked at Yao Zhimei's smirk to herself, and shook her head.

She withdrew her doubts about Yao Zhimei.

This guy is really stupid!

The flag in his hand shook slightly, black mist flickered, and the Golden Ghost King fell to his knees.

"What is the master's order?"

"Huh? This bitch is quite good at judging the situation!" Yao Zhimei kicked his ass domineeringly.

Resentment flashed across the Golden Ghost King's eyes, he fell down abruptly, and fell to the ground.

Qu Yiqiu didn't stop Yao Zhimei, she didn't forget that the Golden Ghost King almost cut off her head just now, he was a lesson from his shortcomings.

"Hurry up and take us into the Ghost Cultivation Paradise, don't try to play tricks!"

As soon as her voice was sharp, there was a hint of warning in her spiritual sense, and the Golden Ghost King immediately became frightened.

"Yes, I will take Master in!"

The Golden Ghost King stood up tremblingly, with his palms pressed somewhere on the stone wall, and the surrounding scene suddenly began to blur.

The hard and wet stone wall rippled like a lake, and the small dark room suddenly fell downwards. Qu Yiqiu and others lost their center of gravity in an instant.

"What's going on?" Qu Yiqiu's mind moved, almost killing the Golden Ghost King.

"Master, please spare me! This is normal, if you don't believe me, ask that old woman!"

Qu Yiqiu let go of her thoughts, the Golden Ghost King escaped, and couldn't help cursing in her heart.

Just now he almost disappeared from the world!

"Who are you calling an old woman? Damn you, I'm going to call you pretty in a while!"

If it wasn't for the unstable center of gravity, Yao Zhimei's kick should have landed on the Golden Ghost King.

"Beauty Fairy, I was wrong! I dare not do it again! Please let me go!" Now that I am under the control of others, I can only lower my noble head for the time being.

The Golden Ghost King secretly brainwashed himself in his heart, being able to bend and stretch, he is a real man!
"Dog, it's quick to beg for mercy. I can let you go with these few words!" Yao Zhimei gripped the stone wall tightly, not daring to move.

"Yes yes yes, thank you Fairy Beauty! Fairy Beauty is kind-hearted and broad-minded, I can't match her!" The Golden Ghost King kept praising her incessantly.

During the crazy fall, Qu Yiqiu could only hear the conversation between the two of them.

After being weightless for an unknown amount of time, the dark room with dim vision lit up with a pale light.

"It's here!" The Golden Ghost King exclaimed.

Yao Zhimei kicked him suddenly, and walked out gracefully.

Qu Yiqiu turned her head and saw the Golden Ghost King lying on the upper left corner of the stone wall like a cockroach, with a footprint visible on his face.

"Little ones! Get the hell out of here, your grandma Yao is back!" Yao Zhimei was floating in the air with her arms akimbo domineering.

Qu Yiqiu was not surprised by her domineering behavior, standing behind her and looking around.

The dark room where they were originally standing has disappeared, and the surrounding gray mist is floating around, there is no sunlight above the head, and the terrain is flat for several miles.

It seems that the most common thing here is the gray mist, which seems to contain Yin Qi.

Amidst Yao Zhimei's high-spirited cry, several little ghosts appeared gradually.

"Who are you, how dare you act presumptuously in my Ghost Cultivation Paradise!"

"Report your name, and spare you!"

"Ghost Cultivation Paradise, Ghost Cultivation Paradise, Welcome Your Excellencies!"


 Thank you Fufanfan and Zhiyu for your recommendation votes~~~

(End of this chapter)

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