Chapter 28 Who Comes From

The Golden Ghost King quickly filled the storage bag with red soil.

Qu Yiqiu took a glance at the storage bag, and hung it back on her waist.

"So you are all here!" Yao Zhimei's clothes fluttered, and she landed on the hillside nimbly.

She looked at the Golden Ghost King: "Hey, Golden Ghost King, I have officially taken over the Ghost Cultivation Paradise, so you can rest assured to serve before the king in the future!"

The Golden Ghost King's face darkened, and he quickly showed a flattering smile: "That's natural, the future of Ghost Cultivation Paradise will be developed with you, Master Lao!"

Yao Zhimei laughed, and said, "Golden Ghost King, your Wang Er from the dark room above brought a male cultivator from the Xuanyi Sect, did you arrange it on purpose?"

"Which male cultivator from Xuanyi Sect is here?" Qu Yiqiu's expression changed, and he asked the question first.

The Golden Ghost King looked blank, and said, "Yes, which male cultivator? This king... I have never made such an arrangement!"

Yao Zhimei showed a clear look: "It seems that your Wang Er was arrested and had to bring him here."

She winked at Qu Yiqiu: "If you follow me, you will know who it is!"

Seeing her mysterious appearance, Qu Yiqiu suddenly felt like a man.

"Who is it? Master, let's hurry over and have a look!" The Golden Ghost King was a little anxious. It was not easy for him to build a ghost cultivation paradise, and he must not let the disciples of the Xuanyi Sect get in!
Yao Zhimei smiled, flicked her sleeves, a cloud of gray mist surrounded the three of them, and flew away in the form of light.

In the middle hall of the Golden Ghost King, a piece of crystal stands abruptly in the center of the hall. The crystal is translucent, and there are figures flickering on it from time to time.

Qu Yiqiu approached and looked closely at the figure on the crystal. In a corner with dim eyesight, stood a male cultivator.

The Golden Ghost King anxiously zoomed in on the angle of view, and the male cultivator's handsome face carved like a beautiful jade appeared clearly on the crystal.

"Tangsheng Huo!" The Golden Ghost King and Qu Yiqiu exclaimed at the same time.

"Why is Wang Er in his hands!" The Golden Ghost King was surprised to see that he was holding a cloud of black mist in his hand.

The black mist was struggling, and a man's face could be vaguely seen.

"This kid is kind of interesting. He actually managed to find this place. He is indeed the unicorn that Xuanyi Sect painstakingly cultivated!" Yao Zhimei looked at Huo Tangsheng on the crystal with great interest.

Qu Yiqiu frowned slightly: "He can't come in, it will reveal my identity."

"Master is right, you can't let him in! There are so many wandering ghosts in Ghost Cultivation Paradise, he won't let us go!" Golden Ghost King hurriedly agreed, fearing that Qu Yiqiu would stand by Huo Tangsheng.

Yao Zhimei raised her eyebrows slightly, and said with a smile: "He can't get in at all. Only you can open the passage to the Ghost Cultivation Paradise from the outside, right?"

Qu Yiqiu looked at the Golden Ghost King with scrutiny.

"What's going on in Ghost Cultivation Paradise? Can't that Wang Er open the passage from the outside?"

The Golden Ghost King's face turned bitter: "I haven't figured out the strangeness of the Ghost Cultivation Paradise until today. I only know that I came here by coincidence and ate a certain grass here, and then I mastered the ability to open the passage."

"The ghost cultivators who came in behind me don't have this ability. They can only use the crystal I created to open the passage from inside."

Qu Yiqiu didn't miss the doubt that flashed in his eyes very quickly.

"So, you are the first to enter the Ghost Cultivation Paradise?"

The Golden Ghost King nodded: "Yes, back then I rolled in in a daze and swallowed the spirit grass, as if I had been selected by the Ghost Cultivation Paradise, and my subordinates said that it specially invited me to come here to open it! "

Speaking of the glorious past, the Golden Ghost King showed pride on his face.

Yao Zhimei curled her lips in disdain: "Maybe it just chose you to work, and then let us take over, don't take yourself too seriously!"

The Golden Ghost King stared, but dared not speak out.

Qu Yiqiu ignored the bickering between the two, looked at Tangsheng Huo in the crystal, and became thoughtful.

"Can you make their voices sound like he's talking?"

The Golden Ghost King turned his head and shot out a gray mist that melted into the crystal, and said solemnly: "What is he talking about?"

Why is Huo Tangsheng the evil star!

If it is another disciple of Xuanyi Sect, just kill them.

But Huo Tangsheng is the apprentice of the Xuanyi Sect Supreme Elder, if he dares to touch him, then the Supreme Elder can immediately destroy his ghost cultivation paradise!

The Golden Ghost King listened vigilantly.

Qu Yiqiu remained silent, Yao Zhimei's lips curled up, her arms crossed her chest.

For a moment, a quiet needle drop could be heard in the nave.

"Why is there no movement at all, are you sure this is the passage to the Ghost Cultivation Paradise?" Huo Tangsheng raised his hand coldly.

A cloud of black mist flickered on his white and slender palm.

"I'm sure it's here. Maybe my brothers haven't received my code at this moment. They will definitely come and let us in after a while!"

The black mist quickly condensed into a human face, and hurriedly explained in fear.

"My brothers are all out of their minds. It's common for them not to notice that I'm outside for a while!"

Huo Tangsheng's cold eyes swept around lightly.

"I'll give you a little more time. If we're still here after a while, you know what will happen."

The light of the black mist is unstable, and it is about to disperse.

"They will definitely let me in! As long as they play enough, they will see my password!"

"Idiot, how dare you bring the enemy here! Go to hell!" The Golden Ghost King cursed angrily, and suddenly beckoned to attract a soul lamp.

"What do you want?" Qu Yiqiu reached out to stop him.

The golden ghost king's flipping with both hands was interrupted.

"Master, I'm going to kill him with the technique of soul attraction, otherwise he will reveal our location!"

Qu Yiqiu waved his hand: "It has been exposed, killing him now will only make Huo Tangsheng sure that we are hiding inside, and he will not let go."

"Then what should I do?" You can't just let it go, right?

The Golden Ghost King thought to himself.

Qu Yiqiu said calmly: "Didn't Huo Tangsheng say that if we don't open the door for a while, he will kill Wang Er. After Wang Er dies, he will have no way to open the passage."

" should Tangsheng Huo deal with it? Will he tell the elders of the sect what's weird here?" The Golden Ghost King was worried.

Yao Zhimei propped her chin and said with a smile: "I think he prefers to be alone, so he probably won't tell the elders of the sect about it."

Qu Yiqiu glanced at her: "If Huo Tangsheng really brought the high-ranking monks from the Xuanyi Sect over here, we'll just give up here."

"What? This is absolutely impossible!" The Golden Ghost King almost jumped up excitedly.

He has painstakingly managed the Ghost Cultivation Paradise for many years, and it must not just disappear like this.

When the time comes to get rid of this woman, he has to come back!
Qu Yiqiu glanced at him coldly: "If you want to fight against the high-level monks of Xuanyi Sect, I can keep you here."

The Golden Ghost King suddenly froze when he heard the words.

Wang Er, an idiot, why did he lure Huo Tangsheng here!

Yao Zhimei sat down on the chair, crossed Erlang's legs and said, "Don't worry, my mother sees that this kid is not a gregarious guy. As a Qilinzi recognized by the Xuanyi Sect, he must have the arrogance of a righteous hypocrite. I won't ask the sect for help, let's play with peace of mind!"

Qu Yiqiu thought of Huo Tangsheng's intention to kill her alone at night in Tianchen Town, and immediately felt that Yao Zhimei's analysis made sense.

He came this time, and he was obviously alone.

How could this kind of arrogance always ask the elders of the sect for help!
After he left, she took the Golden Ghost King and left here.

 Thank you Zeng, Good Times for your recommendation vote~~~


(End of this chapter)

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