Chapter 30
Mo Qingli's long eyelashes moved, "Yiqiu is right, Yunjin still needs the guidance of a teacher."

Qu Yiqiu breathed a sigh of relief.

"That's right, Master, you can improve your own cultivation while teaching Junior Brother Mu, killing two birds with one stone!"

Mo Qingli nodded, "Yi Qiu is right."

"Hey, Master can practice again now, and our life in Xiaoping Peak will definitely get better and better!" Qu Yiqiu smiled brightly.

Mo Qingli looked at her with both eyes, and seemed to have a thousand words to explain, but in the end he just pursed his lips and smiled.

"I will never let you be wronged again as a teacher!"

He thought to himself.


The next day.

Qu Yiqiu had a good night's sleep.

She stretched and got up and left the cave.

Mu Yunjin was taken away by Mo Qingli early in the morning, and there was no time to pester her.

"These days, I wonder how Zhao Wenwen and Huang Lan are doing?"

Qu Yiqiu lightly tapped her toes, and lightly jumped down the mountain.

At the spiritual field she opened up, Zhou Chen was sitting cross-legged on a boulder to absorb spiritual energy, with a leather whip on his right hand.

In the spiritual field, a man and a woman hunched over and carefully pulled out the weeds.

Qu Yiqiu nodded in satisfaction.

Zhao Wenwen and Huang Lan are quite witty!
She threw a storage bag at Zhao Wen, who caught it nimbly, turned her head and glared.

"What do you want to do?" Zhao Wen said angrily.

Zhou Chen opened his eyes when he heard the movement, and said happily, "Senior Sister Qu, you are back!"

Qu Yiqiu said with a smile: "I'm back, this storage bag is filled with red cloud soil, you can add it to the spiritual field for me, to ensure that the spiritual rice planted in the future will be harvested abundantly."

Zhao Wenwen and Huang Lan were taken aback.

He opened the storage bag, took a look, and asked in disbelief, "Where did you get so much red-cloud soil! Could it be another trick?"

Qu Yiqiu made a move with her right hand, and the leather whip on the boulder was in her hand immediately.

She slammed into the open grass, creating a ravine, looked at Zhao Wen with a half-smile, and said, "What did you just say? How did I get this red cloud soil?"

Zhao Wenwen and Huang Lan shook their shoulders and mumbled, "No, I didn't say anything!"

Qu Yiqiu is a lunatic, she really knows how to whip the whip on them!

"Let's spare you for a while, have you got all the goods for upgrading to the third-level spiritual field? The time is not short!" Qu Yiqiu asked loudly with a whip in his hand.

Zhou Chen secretly praised Senior Sister Qu for her might!
Zhao Wenwen and Huang Lan subconsciously huddled together, seeking a sense of security, and stammered: "Give, give us another seven days, and we, we will get everything together!"

The leather whip in Qu Yiqiu's hand fell.

Another long ditch.

"One day, hand over the things to me tomorrow, and the third-order spirit field will be upgraded within seven days."

Both Zhao Wenwen and Huang Lan are not children of ordinary families.

They have family support behind them. Although they are not as good as the Qu family, they are not bad.

No matter what method they use, they will definitely be able to gather the resources needed for a third-order spiritual field within a day.

When Qu Yiqiu whipped down, Zhao Wenwen and Huang Lan shook again.

"Okay, okay, we'll get it for you tomorrow!" Zhao Wen gritted his teeth.

Huang Lan nodded hurriedly.

Qu Yiqiu nodded slightly: "That's right, work quickly!"

Zhao Wenwen and Huang Lan lowered their heads, and they separated very quickly to weed in different areas of the Lingtian.

With the two of them under her nose, they could work more quickly, and she was especially afraid that she would drop the whip if she disagreed with each other.

Looking at their hardworking backs, Qu Yiqiu suddenly remembered that it had been a long time since Qu Youyou came to make trouble, and said to herself strangely: "According to the usual situation, Qu Youyou should have come to see me a long time ago, why hasn't he appeared yet?"

Hearing this, Zhou Chen said in surprise: "Senior Sister Qu, don't you know that she was punished by Su Feng to go to Wanjieya?"

"When was it punished?" Qu Yiqiu was confused.

She really didn't know about it.

Zhou Chen was surprised and said: "Senior sister really doesn't know? I thought it was the senior sister who sued Feng Master Su..."

Speaking of the latter, Zhou Chen seemed to feel that something was wrong with his words, his voice was a little weaker, and he scratched his head in embarrassment.

Although he didn't finish speaking, Qu Yiqiu already understood.

"I haven't met Su Fengzhu, and I don't know about Qu Youyou. Did Su Fengzhu punish Qu Youyou because of Zhao Wenwen and Huang Lan?"

Qu Yiqiu was a little curious.

She didn't mention anything about Qu Youyou in the main hall, why did Su Xichen do this?
Zhou Chen touched the back of his head, and said honestly: "I don't know what's going on, anyway, after Senior Brother Zhao and Senior Sister Huang were punished to come to Xiaoping Peak, Senior Sister Qu Youyou was sent to Wanjie Cliff by Su Feng. Everyone Said... Said that you went to Su Fengzhu to complain."

Zhou Chen thought to himself, the word "complaint" sounds better.

The gossip he heard all said that Qu Yiqiu was framing Qu Youyou.

Qu Yiqiu rubbed her nose: "I don't want to do this kind of thing, but Qu Youyou deserves to be punished, Master Su Feng is very discerning."

"Senior Sister is right, Senior Sister Qu Youyou cannot be innocent in this matter!"

Even if Zhou Chen doesn't know much about the conflict between the two of them, Zhao Wenwen and Huang Lan are Qu Youyou's most caring followers, and he has already heard about it.

Without Qu Youyou's consent, Zhao Wenwen and Huang Lan would not dare to do such a thing.

Qu Yiqiu smiled: "You don't need to worry about this matter, and don't mention Qu Youyou's name, let's forget about it, anyway, we Xiaoping Peak is not at a loss."

Zhou Chen has no strength and no background, if these words are heard by others, they will inevitably cause trouble for him.

There was a touch of red on Zhou Chen's dark cheeks: "It's... disciples shouldn't talk about Senior Sister Qu Youyou."

He is now a member of Xiaopingfeng, so he can't speak freely, talk about things without evidence, and bring trouble to Xiaopingfeng!
The two have their own thoughts, all for the sake of each other.

"By the way, Senior Sister Qu, with this red soil, we can perfectly plant a fourth-grade spiritual seed even in a third-order spiritual field!" Zhou Chen was elated when he caught a glimpse of the red soil that Zhao Wen had sown.

Qu Yiqiu turned her head and looked over. A little half of the red soil had been scattered, and it was beautiful under the warm sun.

The Golden Ghost King, who eats, drinks and has fun in Ghost Cultivator Paradise every day and night, and occasionally tricks Ghost Cultivator into devouring his cultivation, has no idea of ​​the value of the Red Cloud Soil.

The red cloud soil itself does not have much aura to hide, but if it is planted with a high-grade spiritual field, it can surpass the level of the spiritual field itself and gently raise a higher-level spiritual plant.

It was only by chance that she saw this kind of soil in the Immortal Cultivation Mall all over the world, and she knew the power of the red cloud soil.

"That's right, when the time comes to harvest the fourth-grade spiritual tea and spiritual rice, I will have to trouble Junior Brother Zhou!" Qu Yiqiu smiled and rolled her eyes.

Zhou Chen nodded heavily, and hurriedly said: "No trouble, this is what I should do!"

 Thank you for the two-headed ogre lord, the dead-eyed tyrant, the happy lucky star, the good times, the wind comes and the bamboo, love is like the blue sky and white clouds, Fatty voted for the recommendation~~~


(End of this chapter)

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