Chapter 32

Qu Yiqiu: "..."

"Master, are you serious?"

"Look me in the eyes and say it again?"

"Being a teacher is serious." Mo Qingli followed her words and looked into her eyes.

Qu Yiqiu was dumbfounded and remained silent.

"Senior sister, the deer is so cute, shall we not eat it?" Mu Yunjin pleaded softly for it.

Qu Yiqiu waved his hands helplessly: "Don't eat, don't eat, let us make pets with rare and rare materials in the world!"

"Great! Then can it eat the spiritual plants planted by the senior sister?" Mu Yunjin cheered happily.

Qu Yiqiu's face changed when he heard the words: "No way!"

Mu Yunjin shrank her head pitifully.

"Yunjin, let's bring the Jiucai deer to the teacher's cave and raise it, so that it won't eat the spiritual plant planted by Yiqiu by mistake." Mo Qingli said softly.

"Okay! Okay!" Mu Yunjin was instantly happy.

Qu Yiqiu frowned and watched the two of them walk to the top of the mountain.

"Where did the nine-colored deer come from Yanzi Mountain? Didn't it mean that the nine-colored deer has extremely high requirements for the living environment, and the ordinary Lingshan can't be born at all?"

Qu Yiqiu is full of doubts.

Recalling the time when Mo Qingli picked up a dragon when he went out of the house some time ago, he couldn't help but wonder if there was some mystery about Mo Qingli?
This ability to pick up treasures is really unmatched!

Her worries seemed unnecessary?
"When Junior Brother Mu and this little deer grow up, let's secretly shed some blood, hehehe!"

Just let out a little bit of blood!

When she was dreaming of them growing up, a ray of light flew from down the mountain and went straight to the center of her eyebrows.

Qu Yiqiu raised her hand to grab it, and the sound transmission talisman landed in her palm.

"Your Majesty, something happened in Qunan City!"

"Five days ago at a small auction in the city, a technique that can increase life span appeared, which aroused competition among families of all sizes.

In these families, there are secret works of demon cultivators. Now the large moat formation in Qunan City has been changed, people inside can't get out, people outside can't get in, and the battle between righteousness and demons is in full swing. "

"At the same time, the situation in our Ghost Cultivation Paradise is not optimistic. Someone has set up a formation outside the Autumn Leaves Red Valley, and it seems that all the resentment and anger in Qunan City have been transmitted to the Ghost Cultivation Paradise."

"Now the little ghosts in the paradise are crashing into the barrier crazily, disobeying orders, and making a mess. I've already eaten more than half of the little ghosts, and I can't hold on anymore!"

"This is a puppet bug that I caught outside the paradise on an adventure. The workmanship and materials are somewhat similar to the humanoid puppet last time."

The sound transmission talisman disappeared, leaving a small bug in her palm.

Qu Yiqiu picked up the moth-sized bug and squeezed it hard.

The touch is like a real and living moth, soft and delicate, as if the internal organs are about to explode.

"Same as Qu Youyou's puppet last time, it's as lifelike as a real person."

"It's just that Huo Tangsheng is a true disciple of the Xuanyi Sect, and his cultivation is only at the early stage of foundation establishment. How can he have such a great ability to lead the resentment of Qunan City to the Ghost Cultivation Paradise?"

Qu Yiqiu played with the puppet bug, and suddenly an impossible thought arose in his heart.

"Tangsheng Huo...does he have anything to do with Moxiu?"

As soon as the strength in his hand was heavy, the puppet bug exploded and shattered into powder.

Qu Yiqiu whispered: "Oops, the evidence is gone!"

She had to go to the Autumn Leaves Red Valley to check it out herself.

Before taking a few steps, another sound transmission talisman flew over.

"All the disciples listened to the order. There was a chaotic city of demon cultivators in Qunan City, and all major passages leading to Qunan City have been closed. Now the sect has issued a summoning order to gather a number of disciples who voluntarily go to Qunan City to suppress demons. Those who are willing to sign up, please come Accept the summoning order in the mission lobby."

Qu Yiqiu's footsteps stopped, her figure flashed, and she walked towards the mission hall.

The scene in the mission lobby today is much more lively than before.

There are crowds of people, and the crowd is like a city.

She barely managed to squeeze in.

In the crowded crowd, only a few people cared to pay attention to her astonishing face.

The whispers and discussions didn't affect her at all.

"Junior Sister Qu! Junior Sister Qu!"

Luo Yingying caught sight of Qu Yiqiu through a crowd of heads.

"Senior Sister Luo?" Qu Yiqiu squeezed in her direction.

Luo Yingying also squeezed over, and the two met in the middle.

"Junior Sister Qu, do you also want to participate in the battle in Qunan City?"

"Yes, Senior Sister Luo, have you received the summoning order?" Qu Yiqiu struggled to squeeze through the crowd.

Luo Yingying's eyes lit up, and she pulled her out.

"Junior Sister Qu, I happen to have a vacant summoning order in my hand, do you want to join our second team?"

"The second team? Is there a team for this demon slaying mission?" Qu Yiqiu still hasn't figured out what's going on.

Luo Yingying explained: "That's right, after the protective array of Qunan City was tampered with, the elders of the Zongmen could only break open a weak node for monks below Jindan to enter.

In order to train us, the Zongmen made the brothers and sisters in the foundation stage become the captains of the major detachments, and now the second detachment I joined is the team led by Senior Brother Chi. "

Why is it Chi Yushu again, Qu Yiqiu hesitated a little when he heard his name.

"Junior Sister Qu, you join our team! The few of us have done missions together, and our tacit understanding is much better than others!

Originally, Junior Brother Lin also planned to go to Qunan City, but after receiving the summoning order, he received news from his parents in his hometown.

His mother was seriously injured by the monster, and now she is recuperating in bed, so Junior Brother Lin had to go back to take care of his mother. "

Luo Yingying took her left hand and shook it coquettishly.

Qu Yiqiu glanced at the crowded mission hall, thinking that his purpose was just to go to Autumn Leaf Red Deep Valley, it doesn't matter which team he joins, so he didn't refuse too much.

"Okay, Senior Sister Luo, I want to join the second team."

Luo Yingying beamed with joy: "Great, I've been wanting to form a team with Junior Sister Qu for a long time after finishing the task of eliminating evil spirits last time! Today I finally have a chance!"

She opened her arms and hugged Qu Yiqiu into her arms.

Feeling the soft body, Qu Yiqiu stiffened for a while.

"Senior Sister Luo hides her secrets... she has such a good figure!" she thought to herself.

"This is the summoning order for the second team. With this, Junior Sister Qu will be able to communicate with her teammates, and it will also record the achievements of Sha Moxiu."

Luo Yingying let her go, patted the storage bag, and took out a piece of turquoise jade.

After Qu Yiqiu took it, she said again: "The incident happened suddenly, we probably have to set off for Qunan City tomorrow, we don't have much time left, so the younger sister has to collect the things that should be prepared within today. "

Qu Yiqiu was stunned: "I don't have much medicine in my hand, will the sect send us some nourishing medicine?"

Luo Yingying frowned: "It's just that Qunan City is in civil turmoil, and the Zongmen must have not distributed many healing pills. How about this, I will take you to Mingde City for a tour. Senior Sister has something to do with it, so I will introduce you to it." An affordable alchemy shop!"

Qu Yiqiu blinked her eyes, and felt good about it: "Then I will trouble my senior sister!"

"It's a small effort, no thanks, no thanks!" Luo Yingying grinned.

 Thank you Little Tomato can only do it in a small wooden house, Wuwu Yaoji, Do I miss you, Feng Lai Shuzhu, Zeng, Pangpang voted for the recommendation~~~Thank you for your support~~~


(End of this chapter)

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