Chapter 36
Qu Yiqiu returned to Xiaoping Peak and knocked on Mu Yunjin's door, but no one responded.

She didn't think much, and went straight to the top of the mountain.

However, Mo Qingli's cave was in the same situation, it was quiet and cold, and no one answered.

She took out Mo Qingli's identity jade token and opened the cave's restriction.

A table, a chair, and a stone bed are neat and tidy as if no one lives there.

"What is this? They won't run out to do some mission behind my back again, right?" Qu Yiqiu felt bad.

Out of the corner of his eye, he caught a glimpse of a jade slip placed behind the teacup on the stone table, and beckoned to photograph it.

"Yiqiu, Wei Shi and Yun Jin are guests at Sect Master Luo, so you don't have to worry."

"What the hell, so I went to visit Sect Master Luo!" Qu Yiqiu felt relieved, thinking that it was normal for Mo Qingli to meet Sect Master Luo just after recovering his dao foundation.

She stuck the jade slip between her eyebrows, and entered the fact that she was going to Qunan City. After putting down the jade slip, she returned to the cave.


The tired cold moon hid in the clouds to rest, leaving only a few stars twinkling.

Duobao Pavilion.

"Master Chi, I've already sold the cloud brocade you told me, but...but this fairy may have already seen the problem." Shopkeeper Qian bowed slightly, and respectfully said to the man in front of him.

Chi Yushu's handsome brows frowned imperceptibly, and said softly: "It's okay, she can just accept it."

Shopkeeper Qian showed hesitation, took out a storage bag from his arms, poured out a large pile of porcelain bottles and said, "The price she gave was not low at all. Six bottles of top-level condensed essence pills with three patterns.

Judging by the quality, a bottle of San Dao Wen Ning Yuan Pill costs at least 300 yuan for low-grade spirit stones. "

This is calculated based on the normal purchase price in the past. Now that the battle between righteousness and evil in Qunan City has started, the purchase price is definitely higher than usual.

Shopkeeper Qian couldn't help sighing secretly that the business was not a loss at all. There was no need for Young Master Chi to give her the brocade of clouds, as she had enough money to buy it.

I really want to know who is the master behind this fairy?
Chi Yushu raised his hand in a little surprise and summoned six bottles of Condensed Origin Pill with three patterns, sniffed the fragrance of the medicine with his nose, and said in a concentrated voice: "I underestimated Master Mo's love for Junior Sister Qu."

Qu Yiqiu didn't need to explain too much, they all believed that the elixir was refined by Mo Qingli.


The golden morning light dyed the towering mountain peaks red.

Under the majestic mountains, the small Xiaoping Peak is also stained with a few rays of light.

Outside the gate of Tianyan Sect, several teams gathered.

Qu Yiqiu and Luo Yingying stood side by side in it, and countless scrutinizing eyes circled around her, as if they wanted to see her thoroughly.

"My god, she is also a human being, so why is she born so beautiful?"

"Did you see it? That's Xiaoping Peak's first apprentice, Qu Yiqiu! What a beautiful fairy!"

"I'm going, I can't believe that such a fairy looks like a useless spiritual root?"


Since Qu Yiqiu came to Tianyan Sect, she rarely appeared in the crowd.

But every time she shows up, she will automatically attract thousands of eyes.

She was used to these whispered discussions.

Luo Yingying grinned dissatisfiedly at the crowd around her.

In the beginning, she could swear at people, but now she can't fight against ten thousand people, so she can only threaten those people to shut up with her eyes.

"Hehe, did Junior Brother Chi find that junior sister again? Why, do you still want to use beauty to seduce Moxiu out this time?"

In front of several teams, the leaders of each team stood uniformly.

At this time, the leading woman who spoke was about twenty years old, wearing a flying fairy bun with a beaded jade hairpin with tassels stuck in it.

As she covered her mouth and chuckled, the tassel hairpin on her bun swayed and jingled.

Chi Yushu casually glanced at the woman, and said calmly: "This is a good way, but Senior Sister Jiang can't use it, which makes Junior Brother regret."

"You!" Jiang Shuangyan stared angrily, pointing at him with her white fingers, but did not say a complete sentence.

Chi Yushu ignored it, and counted the number of people on his own, waiting for the opportunity to set off.

Luo Yingying looked in all directions, saw Jiang Shuangyan's high-spirited appearance, and couldn't help but whispered: "Junior Sister Qu, look at Jiang Shuangyan's dress, I wish to tell the whole world that she is the pearl daughter of the Jiang family. I saw her Nancheng, Moxiu was the first to grab her!"

Qu Yiqiu looked in the direction of her speech, Jiang Shuangyan was panting and turned her head to the side.

Jiang Shuangyan, single golden spirit root, bone age 22, early foundation establishment.

It is the jewel in the palm of the head of the Jiang family of the super family.

The Qu family has been in business for tens of thousands of years, but it is only a large family, and its background is completely inferior to that of the Jiang family.

Qu Yiqiu looked back and asked, "Is she the leader of the first team?"

"That's right, if she wasn't a little older than Senior Brother Chi and had waited a month longer at the beginning of Foundation Establishment, she wouldn't be the leader of the first team at all!"

Luo Yingying was a little angry, and then she snickered and said, "I'm telling you quietly, she also participated in the mission to get rid of Xie Chong last time, but Xie Chong looked down on her, the mission failed, and she ran back to Dailuo Peak in despair. In the cave, many treasures were smashed!"

Qu Yiqiu clicked her tongue slightly.

Prodigal daughter ah.

Luo Yingying couldn't stop laughing, Junior Sister Qu was wrong last time.

Brother Chi represented Jiu Jianfeng's interests and won the task reward, and Dailuofeng's power was suppressed again.

Seeing the domineering Jiang Shuangyan being hit, she felt a burst of joy in her heart!
Qu Yiqiu has never participated in the inner peak battle, but she also knows that the inner peaks are not harmonious.

In the sect, in order to allocate the best resources, there is a competition between the various peaks, both openly and secretly.

The Zongmen cake is only this big, and if you want to eat the biggest piece, the strength of the disciples on the top of the mountain must crush other mountains.

While she was thinking this way, a sharp gaze from the front of the team swept towards her.

Jiang Shuangyan smiled contemptuously.

No matter how good Chi Yushu was, he couldn't escape his manly nature.

Bringing a useless teammate who took drugs to the ninth floor of Qi training, he will definitely lose this mission!

Sweeping over Qu Yiqiu proudly, she looked at the elite team that had been painstakingly selected in front of her, her beautiful eyes showed the color that she was bound to win.

Qu Yiqiu shook her head helplessly.

This kind of inexplicable malice from a woman, she has experienced too much.

Don't worry about it.

A sage once said that it is a mediocrity not to attract envy.

Being too beautiful is a sin in itself!

After the assembly of several teams, the leaders of each team released the flying boats assigned by the sect, checked the number of people one by one, and set off for Qunan City.

On the flying boat, Qu Yiqiu quietly sent a sound transmission talisman to Yao Zhimei.

The speed of the flying boat was extremely fast, and it didn't take long for everyone to arrive outside Qunan City.

The camp of the Righteous Path Alliance is stationed here.

Qu Yiqiu was in the crowd, silently waiting for the leaders of the thirteen teams to join the monks of the Righteous Path Alliance.

Chi Yushu walked out of the camp.

"The task of our detachment is to guard the treasure house of Qunan City, now everyone follow me in."

Luo Yingying's eyes widened: "Why is this task, there are so many forces staring at the treasure house, how many enemies do we have to face?"

Hearing her surprise, Wu Qiu lowered his voice and said, "Didn't you come here just to earn military exploits? The more people who come here looking for trouble, the more military exploits our detachment will get.

At that time, it will not be easy for Jiang Shuangyan's team to catch up with us! "

 Thank you Xiaoying, Pangpang, and book friends 20191024113446087 for the recommendation votes~~~Thank you for your support~~~ I saw a lot of familiar IDs~


(End of this chapter)

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