Gou raises a boss in the world of immortality

Chapter 44 The situation has changed

Chapter 44 The situation has changed

The three confidantes happened to hear this, and the streamer paused for a moment, cold sweat dripped down their backs, as if they saw Jiang Shuangyan's furious appearance.

They didn't dare to stay here too much at all, and the three of them accelerated their speed almost at the same time.

Using the escape speed faster than chasing the black and thin thief just now, it seems to have played the last trump card!

Before Jiang Shuangyan could curse angrily, the three of them carried her and flew away from the hall.

"Boss, the exercises are important!"

Xia Changhan's eyes turned slightly, he did not miss Jiang Shuangyan's passing, and said with a smile: "Mr. Daoist Ming has completely offended Junior Sister Jiang!"

Ming Haohua smiled disdainfully, the shield rose again, and said: "I originally planned to snatch her as a concubine, but the appearance of this fairy made me lose interest in her immediately, there is no need to pay attention to her!"

During the confrontation with Moxiu, Qu Yiqiu managed to find a ray of mind to check the surrounding situation, and heard such a bunch of strange conversations.

Who are they talking about?
The disciples of the fifth team in the hall are both male and female, even in the black-robed demon cultivator, there are also female demon cultivators.

Qu Yiqiu entered into a chaotic battle with his opponent, never thinking that he would be seen at a glance.

Xia Changhan's eyes sharpened when he heard the words, and the ringing of the soul clock in his left hand was even louder: "Ming Taoist friend wants to choose a Taoist partner at random in our Tianyan Sect, and we have to see if you have the ability!"

As soon as the words fell, the melodious ringtone invaded the sea of ​​consciousness of all the demon cultivators present.

Ming Haohua's face was full of fierceness, and he raised the knife and drew a bloodstain on his left arm: "Don't be afraid of me! His sound and soul bell can't restrain the noble blood flowing from our Holy Sect!"

After hearing the words, all the demon cultivators stabbed a blood hole in their bodies.

"No one can defeat our Holy Spirit!"

"The Most Holy Sect is the Chosen Sect, I will die for it!"

"You orthodox monks are only worthy of being a lackey of the Holy Sect!"


Qu Yiqiu watched them self-mutilate silently, and the ice-coloured jade silk slipped out of her hand, as nimble as a snake and as fast as lightning, instantly surrounded and suppressed all the demon cultivators who were self-mutilating.

This sudden change changed the situation that was originally evenly matched.

The disciples of the fifth detachment were shocked for a moment, and they shot quickly. Suddenly, the blue light and the red light became brighter, and the spells flew all over the sky, and the demon cultivators screamed again and again.

Xia Changhan seized the opportunity, wrapped his long sword in water, and struck Ming Haohua like a finger.

Ming Haohua's shield was broken, and the cold sword energy of the long sword immediately hurt his left waist.

He raised the sword ferociously, and black mist rose up like an angry dragon circling and roaring, and suddenly cut off Xia Changhan's long sword.


The long sword broke and fell to the ground in half.

Without a trace of distress, Xia Changhan quickly pulled out another brand new sword from the storage bag, and struck heavily at Ming Haohua.

"Brother, help...!"

"Help, Brother Ming!"

"Don't kill me, don't kill me...!"

Qi Qi, a black-robed demon in the hall, was wrapped in colorful ice-colored jade silk. Qu Yiqiu worked hard to maintain the spiritual power of the ice-colored jade silk. All the demon cultivators who resisted were killed.

Qu Yiqiu took back the ice-colored jade silk, and the spirit energy in her body was almost exhausted.

More than a dozen disciples of the fifth team quickly formed a Tiangang sword formation, protected Qu Yiqiu in it, and trapped the only remaining demon cultivator, Ming Haohua.

Ming Haohua swept across the crowd with his spiritual sense, and fixed his eyes on Qu Yiqiu, and smiled with his mouth open: "Very cruel woman, I have fallen in love with you again!"

Qu Yiqiu had goosebumps all over her body.

When Ming Haohua laughed, the scar on his face was even more terrifying.

Facing the situation that suddenly gained the upper hand, Xia Changhan was slightly startled, recovered quickly, and used his sword.

However, Ming Haohua knew that the general situation was over, and after saying this, the black mist rose sharply and disappeared immediately.

"Dog thief, don't run away if you have the ability!" Some disciples reacted and shouted in disbelief.

"Ming Haohua, that thing, runs pretty fast!"

"This time I have to thank this junior sister, the shot is too timely!"

"Yes, yes, is she a disciple of our fifth team? She looks so beautiful, why don't I have any impression?"

"Junior Sister, which detachment are you a disciple of? Can you leave a sound transmission talisman for easy contact?"

"I want it too, I want it too, Junior Sister Fairy, let's leave a sound transmission talisman for each other, if Junior Sister meets Moxiu again in Qunan City, you can call Senior Brother to protect you at any time!"

As soon as Ming Haohua ran away, Qu Yiqiu was surrounded by the male disciples of the fifth team in the center of the hall.

Xia Changhan coughed lightly when he saw the courteous appearance of each of his disciples.

"The matter of Moxiu Chaos City has not been completely resolved, there are still many Moxiu outside waiting for us to kill, everyone can't waste time here!"

"That's right, you perverts, don't just leave your soul here because of the beauty of other junior sisters!"

The female disciples of the Forgotten Fifth Detachment answered the words with a sour voice.

"Leader Xia is still reliable, where should we go to help our fellow disciples now?" the female disciple asked solemnly.

Xia Changhan patted the storage bag and took out a mirror.

He looked up at Qu Yiqiu in surprise, then looked down at Shui Jing.

"Next, let's go to Qunan City's Refining Heart Spring!"

The male disciples around Qu Yiqiu had dispersed, leaving fresh air.

She had a panoramic view of Xia Changhan's subtle movements, and wondered what the water mirror in his hand was.

Could that mirror be able to see the number of demon cultivators in various places in Qunan City?

"Let's go! Junior Sister Qu follow us to the Spring of Refining Heart!" A female disciple pulled Qu Yiqiu over, separating her from the male disciple.

"Usually we don't care how these men make trouble, but in front of a big battle, it's not good to harass junior sister."

Qu Yiqiu was held by the female cultivator, thinking hard about how to reject them.

Right now, she just wants to get Yao Zhimei back, she doesn't want to go to Lianxin Spring!
"Junior Sister Qu has such high military exploits, you might be able to win the first place by going to Lianxinquan." Xia Changhan said to her with a smile.

Qu Yiqiu was taken aback for a moment: "What military achievements?"

Xia Changhan threw away the water mirror in his hand, threw it into her arms, and said with a meaningful smile: "Junior Sister is hiding something, is that colorful jade silk a top-grade magic weapon?"

Qu Yiqiu didn't have time to pay attention to what he said, only to see several names on the water mirror, and the numbers following the names were constantly changing.

And her name is ranked in the top ten of the water mirror, and a string of numbers one thousand and two are displayed behind it.

Her complexion changed slightly, and she asked, "Does this mean that my military exploits are ranked No.10?"

Xia Changhan thought she was dissatisfied, his pupils trembled slightly, and he pretended to be calm and said: "Yes, junior sister can follow us to Refining Heart Spring, where there are more demon cultivators."

"This, this junior sister is too powerful!"

The disciples of the fifth team, male or female, all gasped.

Qu Yiqiu looks like a fairy, with mediocre cultivation, everyone thinks she is just a show.

It's just a coincidence with the top-grade magic weapon, but I didn't expect that she really has some skills!
Immediately, someone sighed in their hearts and cast admiring glances at her.

But at the same time, some people secretly suspected that her military achievements were fake.

 Thank you Shengxia, comeleila, Xinxin99, Pangpang, Guanshui love, Zeng, I am on the expressway, Ajing Aishu, and Limo for the recommended votes~~~


(End of this chapter)

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