Chapter 48 Temptation
Cheng Changsheng beckoned: "Let her in, this is the only time the city lord will see her."

The maid froze for a moment, and blessed her with a gift: "Yes."

The maid turned her head to greet Qu Yiqiu, but she saw that she came in by herself, she turned her head again and said, "My lord, that fairy has already come in."

Cheng Changsheng's lazy body shook immediately, and he said dissatisfiedly: "Which female disciple is so impolite? Before my Yan'er went to invite her, she broke into the city lord's hall?"

Cheng Changsheng remembered the anger he received from Qian Jiangfan, and immediately stood up, wanting to give this unmanned disciple a good lesson to vent his anger.

Seeing this, the maid named Yan'er moved away, revealing Qu Yiqiu's graceful figure.

I saw the woman's delicate dimples were as crystal clear as jade, her skin was as clear as snow, her pupils were water-cut, and she had an elegant and noble temperament. She dared not dare to desecrate her, just like a concubine or fairy;

Wearing the dark green Taoist robe uniformly issued by Tianyanzong, it still can't hide the exquisite figure.

Cheng Changsheng stared blankly, his expression froze in shock.

He thought to himself that he was not young, held a lot of power, and had seen countless women with outstanding looks, but until now, seeing this woman's celestial beauty and lost appearance, he knew what a frog at the bottom of a well is!
Cheng Changsheng swallowed, waved his sleeves loudly and said, "You guys, hurry up and make the Daoyun tea for me and leave!" He wants to be alone with this fairy!

The maids looked at each other, bowed and said, "Yes."

Qu Yiqiu was surprised.

Are all the city lords so rich?Such extravagant spiritual tea is used to entertain guests.

Daoyun tea is said to have a market price of 1 yuan, one or two middle-grade spirit stones!

Cheng Changsheng smiled all over his face: "Fairy, please sit down. Fairies don't need to be polite. Qu Nancheng and Tianyanzong belong to the same family. Fairies don't need to pay so much attention to etiquette!"

Qu Yiqiu was stunned for a moment, she just thought that the city lord did not welcome her, but now it seems that she made a mistake.

Since the city lord is so easy to talk to, she doesn't need to waste time laying the groundwork.

"My lord, I heard that the city lord's mansion has opened a secret teleportation array, which can send a monk out. Is this true?"

Cheng Changsheng kept smiling, nodded slightly and said, "It's true, what does the fairy need?"

If this fairy wants to buy medicines and magic tools from inside, it would be great!

If you want something from someone, you must give something... Hehehe!

Cheng Changsheng maintained a kind smile on the surface, secretly planning in his heart.

Qu Yiqiu was overjoyed: "Great, my lord, if I want to become the sent monk, what should I do?"

Cheng Changsheng was stunned with secretly delighted expression: "You want to send it out?"

Qu Yiqiu didn't pay attention to his subtle expression, and replied: "Yes, this disciple's cultivation level is low, but he wants to do something for his companions, so he hopes that he can become a monk who can transfer resources!"

Cheng Changsheng was stunned for a second, narrowed his eyes slightly and said, "I can understand how much the fairy wants to do for her companions, but this matter is difficult to handle! At present, this teleportation formation can only teleport one monk, and this monk has long been It's settled!"

Difficult to handle?
Qu Yiqiu grasped the point.

Doesn't mean there is a solution?
She paid attention to the change of Cheng Changsheng's expression, and asked tentatively: "My lord, as the lord of a city, you must have a way to help the disciple win this task! No matter what the disciple needs to do, the disciple will try his best to do it." of!"

It happened that she stole the treasure house of Qunan City, and she had plenty of spirit stones.

If the city lord wanted to take some bribes, she could bear the pain and return some to him.

Cheng Changsheng's shrewd eyes swept across her quickly, then slowly shook his head and said, "It's not that the Lord of the City doesn't want to help you, it's that you can't do it if I tell you."

Qu Yiqiu frowned slightly. Could it be that the city lord felt that his qi training period was too poor, and there was nothing he could look up to?
"City Lord, please be blunt. This disciple is also considered as the first disciple of Yifeng Peak. Even if his strength is not as good as that of Jiujianfeng's first disciple, he will not shrink back in case of trouble!"

She deliberately stated her identity vaguely, trying to make him think that she had a strong background and could offer bribes.

Cheng Changsheng's eyelids twitched when he heard this, this woman is actually the first disciple, why has he never heard of it?

This is troublesome, as the peak master's apprentice, he can't force her to stay here, he has to make her commit herself willingly!
Suddenly, Cheng Changsheng had an idea.

"I admire Fairy Qu's determination. Since Fairy Qu is determined to help everyone and become a disciple of teleportation, then I will say what it is to be a disciple of teleportation."

Qu Yiqiu looked at him expectantly.

Cheng Changsheng sighed softly, and said: "If the fairy can show 40 battle achievements, he can exchange for the status of teleportation disciple!"

"40 military exploits?" Qu Yiqiu raised her voice.

A hint of success flashed across Cheng Changsheng's eyes very quickly, and he said solemnly: "Fairy heard it right, it's 40 military exploits."

Qu Yiqiu frowned, she seemed to see the city lord sniggering just now?

"My lord, besides this method, is there any other way to become a teleportation disciple? Can't the city lord decide who the teleportation disciple is? According to the ability of the city lord, can't you decide the number of teleportation disciples?"

At this moment, she had some doubts about Cheng Changsheng's words. 40 military exploits is not a small amount, even Chi Yushu, who is currently ranked number one, has a total of only [-] military exploits.

Cheng Changsheng put his right hand on his left, rubbing unconsciously.

"Fairy Qu, the teleportation array of the City Lord's Mansion, at a small scale, is to transmit resources for each disciple; but at a large scale, look at it from a long-term perspective, it controls the life and death of each disciple!"

"Although I am the lord of Qunan City, I can't let the only teleportation circle be known by others for my own selfish desire."

"Those who can pass my checkpoints and obtain high-value military exploits will have absolutely no problem with her identity. Naturally, the city lord can rest assured that she will use the teleportation array."

Qu Yiqiu frowned: "The city lord means that you need to prove your identity with sincerity?"

Cheng Changsheng smiled: "Fairy Bingxue is smart, if you are willing to be my maid for ten years, you can also achieve this effect."

Qu Yiqiu looked at him expressionlessly.

After cooperating with the city lord and beating around the bush for so long, he just wanted to trick her into becoming a maid in Qunan City?

Where did he get the confidence that he would pay such a high price for this teleportation?
"Fairy don't worry, this matter can be considered slowly. After all, if you want to do something for your fellow sect, there is not only one way. As long as you are willing to stay in the city lord's mansion as a maid for ten years, whether it is the teleportation opportunity you want, longevity Dao, this city lord has the ability to plan for you!"

Cheng Changsheng's fox tail has been exposed, he is not hiding his appreciation for Qu Yiqiu, but slowly seducing.

Qu Yiqiu looked indifferent, and said: "Thank you for your generosity, the city lord. I will know what to do when I go back and think about it for a while."

Cheng Changsheng stared at her with scorching eyes, and said with a smile: "Fairy is still young, ten years is just a flick of a finger to you, but a city of resources is not always ready for you, and you Go back and think about it!"

Qu Yiqiu nodded calmly, turned and left the hall.

Cheng Changsheng's fiery eyes closely followed her graceful figure, and he didn't look away until she was completely out of sight.

"This woman, I am bound to win!"

 Thank you yawen, Riji, Guanshui Love, and Limo for your recommendation votes~~~Thank you, little fairies and cuties for watching~~~

(End of this chapter)

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