Gou raises a boss in the world of immortality

Chapter 56 Good things delivered to the door

Chapter 56 Good things delivered to the door
After she came down, Jiang Shuangyan got off the flying boat with Qi Yongfeng.

She glanced at the crowd with cold eyes, and scolded softly: "Is there nothing else to do? You don't have talent and you want to seek longevity. If you don't cultivate well at this time, you will regret it later!"

As soon as Jiang Shuangyan finished speaking, disciples who were usually afraid of her coercion scattered around.

"Let's go, don't watch, I heard that Senior Sister Jiang didn't even win the top three this time! If you continue to watch, she may be the next one to attack you!"

An unknown female disciple in the crowd whispered to her companion.

"What? Senior Sister Jiang didn't even make it into the top three? Is she No.4?" the companion asked in surprise.

"Hahaha... What is No.4, did you pronounce it wrong? She is No.10!"

Jiang Shuangyan's ruddy and lustrous face instantly turned gloomy.

Seeing this, the three confidantes behind her rushed forward to drive away the crowd, shouting and cursing: "Hurry up and leave here, which disciple is talking too much about Junior Sister Jiang in the crowd?"

No one answered their questions, and the disciples of Tianyan Sect dispersed one after another at this time, no longer staying in front of the mountain gate.

Jiang Shuangyan glanced at Qu Yiqiu fiercely with a pair of bright eyes, then retracted her gaze, with a figure like lightning, she quickly used her footwork to enter the sect.

Qu Yiqiu touched her nose innocently, she couldn't break into the top three because she was unlucky, how can I blame me?
Wang Shaoyang looked at the lotus-shaped mountain peaks in the south of Tianyanzong with his hands behind his back, and his eyebrows were a little melancholy.

He didn't care about Jiang Shuangyan's petty temper, and said in a deep voice: "Let's go, it's time for us to meet the head!"

"Yes!" Qu Yiqiu and the disciples responded after hearing the sound.

The main hall of Tianyan Sect.

Luo Tangyu sat at the head of the hall with a happy and worried expression.

He picked up the teacup several times to taste the tea, but shook his head and sighed when the tea was not in his mouth, and put it back.

"Hey, why did Brother Mo leave Xiaoping Peak at this time, if only he could wait a few more days..."

Luo Tangyu pressed his eyebrows worriedly.

Wang Shaoyang led Qu Yiqiu and his party slowly into the main hall.

Seeing Luo Tangyu's sad look, he coughed lightly.

Luo Tangyu immediately came back to his senses, showed a smile, and said, "Disciples of the Thirteenth Division, you have all worked hard!"

Everyone saluted and bowed one after another, and replied: "My disciple is not working hard!"

Luo Tangyu nodded in satisfaction: "The civil strife in Qunan City can be resolved so quickly, it is inseparable from everyone's persistence, and the fact that Qu Yiqiu's disciple is trapped in the enemy's camp!"

When Qu Yiqiu heard her name, she hurriedly said humbly: "The master's words are serious, the disciple just did what should be done."

Luo Tangyu looked at her stepping forward, a ray of worry flashed across his eyes very quickly, he quickly covered it up, and said with a smile: "Victorious but not arrogant, good-natured, not bad, not bad! Sent by the sect Have you received the reward?"

Qu Yiqiu said respectfully: "My disciples have all received it."

Luo Tangyu nodded: "According to the past practice, in addition to the reward of alchemy, whoever has the highest military exploits can also get the promise of the leader. I wonder if you have any promises on the way?"

Qu Yiqiu looked up at him on the high platform, blinked and said: "Report to the master, this disciple has already made up his mind, I want to install a sixth-grade defensive formation on Xiaoping Peak."

Luo Tangyu raised his eyebrows, and said in a little surprise: "Have you really thought it through? There is no rush to make this promise, I'm just asking for your thoughts for the time being."

Luo Tangyu secretly winked at her, signaling her to take back the decision just now.

Qi Yongfeng, Zou Peng and others who entered the hall together were all very surprised by her thoughts, and some with poor concentration were covering their mouths and laughing.

The lack and poverty of Xiaoping Peak is something that all disciples of Tianyan Sect know. No one would like a poor and white mountain. Isn't it funny to pretend to be a sixth-rank defensive formation?

I'm afraid that if the entire mountain is replaced, it will not be as valuable as this sixth-tier defensive formation.

Qu Yiqiu didn't seem to see Luo Tangyu's intentions, and said with a firm face: "Disciple, think it over clearly, as the first disciple of Xiaoping Peak, I have an obligation to do something for the mountain I belong to!"

Luo Tangyu didn't expect this child to be so stubborn, so he couldn't help but put his hand on the center of his brow.

A suppressed snigger sounded in her ears.

Chi Yushu suddenly turned his head and swept everyone away, his calm eyes made everyone quiet.

Qu Yiqiu looked at him in bewilderment, was he trying to help her just now?

"Sect Master, this disciple feels that Junior Sister Qu has great love in her heart, and she should be rewarded for her righteousness! Whether it is secretly tracking down the demon cultivator's stronghold in Qunan City, or maintaining the safety of Xiaoping Peak in the main hall, Junior Sister Qu's every move They are all dedicating to their companions, and this disciple thinks that Junior Sister Qu has truly achieved mutual love and help from the same sect, and boldly hopes that the sect will reward her more, and allow her a sixth-grade defensive formation and a promise from the head of the sect."

After Chi Yushu finished sweeping the crowd, he suddenly turned his head to Luo Tangyu and knelt down on one knee, solemnly pleading for Qu Yiqiu.

Everyone present was taken aback by his sudden kneeling down.

Wu Qiu and Luo Yingying came to their senses, and hurriedly knelt down together, saying: "Disciple Wu Qiu (Luo Yingying) dares to ask Sect Leader Luo to reward Junior Sister Qu with a sixth-grade defensive formation and a promise from the Sect Leader!"

The corners of Xia Changhan's mouth lightly lifted, his thin lips opened and closed slightly, and he said to Qi Yongfeng and Zou Peng through voice transmission: "The three of us can obtain such a high combat merit value, and we cannot do without the jade slips of Junior Sister Qu. There is a cause and effect in cultivating Taoism. I should thank her every time.”

After finishing speaking, Xia Changhan flicked the front robe and knelt down: "Disciple Xia Changhan also asks for the reward of chasing Junior Sister Qu!"

Qi Yongfeng and Zou Peng looked at each other, and they both sent voice transmissions to the fellow members of the detachment. They all knelt down on the ground and said, "We are the same as Senior Brother Chi (junior brother), and we dare to ask the leader to give you an additional reward from Junior Sister Qu!"

"Leader Luo, please agree!"

All the people in the main hall knelt down on one knee, bowed their heads respectfully and begged loudly, only Qu Yiqiu stood there abruptly with a bewildered expression.

As early as when Chi Yushu opened his mouth, Luo Tangyu agreed with his idea in his heart, but as the head of the sect, he couldn't be too biased and intentionally hesitant.

Originally, he wanted to wait for Chi Yushu to persuade him a few more words before reluctantly agreeing.

But he never thought that the reactions of the disciples were even more unexpected than he had imagined.

Looking at His Highness's direct disciples and elite disciples from different inner peaks, he felt a burst of emotion in his heart.

This is the first time in the three hundred years since he has been in charge of the Tianyan Sect, he has seen different inner peaks live in harmony.

All the elites and first disciples of the inner peak are asking for a reward for a disciple of the outer peak. It seems that at this moment, the contradiction that the inner peak has been fighting for tens of thousands of years has quietly disappeared...

Luo Tangyu stared blankly at the only girl standing above the main hall, feeling a flood of satisfaction and gratification in his chest.

The apprentices taught by senior brother Mo are indeed people of great benevolence and righteousness!
Although Qu Yiqiu couldn't understand Luo Tangyu's expression, seeing everyone kneeling down and begging for a reward for her, she immediately knew that her reward was guaranteed, and she couldn't help but secretly elated.

I didn't expect that there would be such a good thing delivered to my door, Chi Yushu's move was good!
She secretly glanced at Chi Yushu's handsome figure, and decided to write down his friendship.

 Thank you for your subscription and support~~~Thank you Yuying, Mu Lulu, and eyeful for your recommendation tickets~


(End of this chapter)

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