Chapter 60 Secret
Xiaoping Peak.

"Junior Brother Mu, how do you feel?" Qu Yiqiu looked at Mu Yunjin who slowly opened her eyes, and asked cautiously.

Mu Yunjin's fiery red pupils gradually dimmed until they became the same black pupils as ordinary humans.

He moved his eyes in confusion, and turned his head to look at Qu Yiqiu.

"Senior sister, why are you here?"

Qu Yiqiu was slightly taken aback, and asked, "Don't you remember your injury?"

It was said that it was injured, but in fact it was just that he ate the nine-colored deer and couldn't refine it, Qu Yiqiu thought to himself.

Mu Yunjin dazedly stretched out her hand and tapped her head, and said sadly, "Yunjin doesn't remember, when did Yunjin get hurt? How long did Senior Sister guard Yunjin?"

Seeing that he was knocking harder and harder, Qu Yiqiu quickly stepped forward and grabbed his hand and said, "It's okay, don't forget, senior sister didn't stay here for long, do you feel better now?"

She stared straight into his eyes, trying to see different information from them.

Mu Yunjin was still at a loss and didn't know: "Yunjin doesn't seem to be in pain anymore, and her body is very comfortable."

"That's good, as long as the junior brother is fine." Qu Yiqiu didn't see any problem, and looked away.

At this moment, Mu Yunjin's eyes flashed a ray of red light very quickly.

He hurriedly lowered his head to cover it up, saw himself soaking in the wooden barrel, and asked suspiciously: "Senior sister, is this... a spiritual spring?"

Qu Yiqiu followed his line of sight, nodded and said: "Yes, there is an unknown force in your body colliding with your meridians, so I specially found a spiritual spring for you to soak in."

"There are also patio tea and rosewood pear carvings on the moon bed with chilong patterns. You have to use them during this time."

Mu Yunjin was stunned and said: "Where did the senior sister get so many things, did the master give it?"

Qu Yiqiu didn't answer his question directly, but said: "You don't need to worry about these things, senior sister has her own way, the most important thing now is to take good care of your body, after you wake up, I won't have time to accompany you."

When Mu Yunjin heard the last sentence, her expression flashed a little nervous: "Where are you going, senior sister, why can't you stay with me?"

Qu Yiqiu looked at him solemnly and said: "I'm going to find my parents, and you don't need me to accompany you anymore, your cultivation has reached the initial stage of foundation establishment."

"Senior sister, what did you say?" Mu Yunjin was stunned.

He looked down at his white and flawless hands, and with a slight thought, the powerful foundation-building spiritual power rolled in his chest.

He was suddenly stunned and ignorant.

"What's going on here? Did my senior sister help me build the foundation?" Mu Yunjin asked Qu Yiqiu in a daze.

Qu Yiqiu looked at his expression, and calmly said: "Junior Brother, you built the foundation by your own ability, and it has nothing to do with me. From now on, you can take care of yourself."

Mu Yunjin clasped her head in both hands in a daze, unable to remember what happened.

All he knew was that there seemed to be a voice in his head telling him that he could not tell his secret.

Qu Yiqiu patted his head, said with a slight smile: "Junior brother, don't think about it, you built the foundation so quickly, Master will be very happy to see you when he comes back."

Don't know if this is a good thing or not.

Under her gentle comfort, Mu Yunjin gradually let go of her hand and looked at her with attachment.

"When will the senior sister leave?"

Qu Yiqiu put a piece of jade slip in his hand, and said softly: "This is the solution to the sixth-rank defensive formation that Xiaopingfeng just set up, and I'm leaving here soon."

"How long will senior sister be out? How can I contact senior sister in the future?" Mu Yunjin looked at her beautiful and delicate face reluctantly, and suddenly saw another face with dragon horns.

He was slightly startled, his eyes were drooping very quickly to cover it up, and his thick long eyelashes fluttered, making it difficult for people to see his eyes clearly.

Qu Yiqiu took this strange behavior into his eyes, and said calmly: "I won't go out for a long time, at most half a year, it's nothing, as for the contact information, I will leave a soul lamp here."

Mu Yunjin didn't dare to raise her head, and said in a low voice, "Okay, Senior Sister must take care of herself!"

Qu Yiqiu rubbed his head, said with a smile: "I see, I hope my junior brother will practice hard during this time, if I have the opportunity, I will watch your martial art competition."

Mu Yunjin nodded softly: "I will work hard! Win No.1 for Xiaopingfeng and Senior Sister!"

"Hahaha, I hope so!" Qu Yiqiu smiled, not taking it seriously.

He is now in the early stage of foundation establishment, and he will be fighting against the elites and even the first disciples in the middle and late stage of foundation establishment, and the chances of winning No.1 are very few.

Mu Yunjin's eyes were firm, and she secretly vowed in her heart that she would bring back No.1 for her senior sister.

"Okay, I've finished what I have to tell you. Next, you have to cultivate your body. Master has been out on a mission recently, and no one will take you with him." Qu Yiqiu didn't say the real reason for Mo Qingli's departure.

Mu Yunjin believed her without reservation, nodded and said: "Senior Sister, be careful all the way!"

"En." Qu Yiqiu gave him one last look, turned and left the cave.

Mu Yunjin felt the temperature of the Lingquan, and looked at her disappearing back with nostalgia, her graceful figure seemed to overlap with another dragon's body.


When Qu Yiqiu came out of Mu Yunjin's cave, he met Zhou Chen on the way, and only then did he know roughly what Mo Qingli had done.

He left Huang Lan imprisoned in the cave as a substitute, and within two days, he was discovered by Wang Shaoyang and others.

The people from the Criminal Law Hall sent several secret guards to look for him, and finally found a little trace of him near Qunan City.

But still failed to catch him back.

Qu Yiqiu listened to him for a long time, and after knowing the whole story, she was going to look for Luo Tangyu.

After a short walk, Wang Shaoyang was seen walking up with the Jiucai deer in his arms.

"Hallmaster Wang, why is the nine-colored deer on your body?" Qu Yiqiu asked in surprise.

She thought that the Jiucai deer had already been eaten by Mu Yunjin.

Wang Shaoyang gently pulled out a smile: "I think you already know that Mo Fengzhu is gone, this nine-colored deer ran to Qingyuan Mountain Cliff on the third day after he left, and was handed over to me after being discovered by the hidden guards. On my behalf The sect is for fostering for the time being."

Qu Yiqiu nodded, continued to chat with him, and asked about Mo Qingli's whereabouts.

It took about half a stick of incense for Qu Yiqiu to understand the ins and outs of the matter.

In short, this nine-colored deer was not eaten by Mu Yunjin, he probably just drank the nine-colored deer's blood.

As for Mo Qingli, after he left Qunan City, no one saw him again.

Qu Yiqiu's question was almost finished, but she didn't take the Jiucailu.

"Hallmaster Wang, why don't you take care of it for us for a while, now that Master is not here, we disciples don't know how to take care of it."

Wang Shaoyang thought for a moment, and said: "It's okay, you are still young, you really should spend your time on penance, and I can continue to take care of Jiucai Deer for a while."

Qu Yiqiu looked slightly happy: "Thank you, Hall Master Wang!"

Wang Shaoyang shook his head: "There is nothing to thank, Master Mo Feng ushered in a prehistoric spirit seed for our Tianyan Sect, which is to win glory for the sect!"

Qu Yiqiu secretly praised Wang Shaoyang's integrity and loyalty, and solved the Jiucailu matter. After a few chats between the two, she sent Wang Shaoyang away.

 Thank you little fairy and cute for watching~~~Thank you eyeful for the recommendation ticket~


(End of this chapter)

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