Gou raises a boss in the world of immortality

Chapter 62 Huo Tangsheng's Secret

Chapter 62 Huo Tangsheng's Secret
The surrounding fiery lava rippled layer upon layer.

Huo Tangsheng glanced at it casually, and didn't take it seriously.

"Hand over the key of the Greedy Demon Palace, and I will spare you from death."

His phoenix eyes were frivolous, and he stared at the woman bound by the three puppets with a faint smile.

The woman's hands were restrained by the golden puppet's backhand, and the spring light was about to emerge from her chest. There was a big slit on the side of the flirtatious fiery red feather cloak that dragged the floor, from the waist to the jade feet. Most of the slender white skin was exposed, and the waist was as slender as a willow. Hot and charming figure.

She raised her eyes to look at Tangsheng Huo, her eyes were full of passion, and her red lips were sexy and seductive.

"Master Shengzun, since you disappeared, I have not missed you for a day. Back then, the Demon Sacred Sect was torn apart, and I tried my best to save a team of your subordinates, and established the Royal Insect Village. Looking forward to your return!"

The woman in the floor-length skirt with a flaming feather cloak turned out to be Wu Xian, the owner of Yuchongzhuang.

Huo Tangsheng's expression moved slightly, and he said with a half smile but not a smile: "I don't know that Xiao Wu is so loyal. Since you have me in your heart, it means that you are still valuable."

Concubine Wuxian's charming eyes sparkled with hope, she nodded repeatedly and said: "Master Shengzun is now reborn, and his cultivation base has been depleted. With Xiao Wu's assistance, he will definitely be able to quickly return to the peak state a thousand years ago!"

Huo Tangsheng's eyelids moved slightly, his thin lips curled into a faint smile, and he said, "You are right, this deity is at a time when he is short of people."

The dancing concubine was overjoyed.

"However, if you want the deity to believe in you, you have to show your true sincerity." Huo Tangsheng continued.

Wu Feixian immediately understood what he meant, she opened her mouth, moved the Nascent Soul in her body, and got out holding a dark key.

Her face was rosy, and the corner of her mouth was hooked into a smile: "My lord, this is from the Temple of Greedy Demon..."

Before Wu Feixian could finish her sentence, her eyes opened wide. Her Nascent Soul was slashed to death by the golden-skinned puppet. Before her whole body could react, she was torn in half by the golden-skinned puppet behind her.

The dark key fell into Huo Tangsheng's hand.

He glanced at the bright red blood evaporated from the red rock, and said with a light smile, "Xiao Wu is still so naughty, kill her."

Hearing the words, the three golden-skinned puppets raised their sharp machetes one after another, and chopped at the body of Concubine Wu's broken string.

At the same time, a dark red light group hurriedly ran out from half of Wu Feixian's body, and before she could get close to the three golden puppets, she was crushed to powder by the machetes falling all at once.

Seeing this movement, the three gold-skinned puppets did not stop until they chopped Wu Feixian into a meat paste, then they stiffly retracted their machetes.

Huo Tangsheng had already turned his back to him.

He sighed indifferently: "I just let you know my identity. The days of being a saint are not as interesting as being in the Xuanyi sect. Think about those orthodox monks who hate the deity, and now they are eager to give it to me. It is really hard for the deity to refuse the resources for my cultivation."

He shook his head regretfully, and ordered the golden-skinned puppet to spit out a cluster of flames, and burned the crime scene clean.

In the lava gap on the right, a stream of hot magma flows down, pouring into the boiling and bubbling magma pool.

At the bottom of the deep red pool, there was a ray of purple flame jumping beside the woman.

It bumped into it curiously, but it couldn't touch the woman's body, as if there was an invisible barrier blocking it.

The purple flame was perplexed, it turned around the woman without giving up, and suddenly spit out a tongue of fire to wrap her in its body.

"Master, the people above have already left." Xiao Yan spoke in the sea of ​​consciousness.

Qu Yiqiu suddenly opened his eyes, looked at the belly of the purple flame, and suddenly had a thought, took it into the space, and jumped out of the deep magma pool.

The purple flame proudly licked the corner of his mouth, looked down at his body, but saw nothing.

It looked up suspiciously, and found that the surroundings had changed, and its favorite flame magma had all disappeared.

As soon as Qu Yiqiu jumped out of the deep magma pool, he hurriedly added a water shield on his body.

Hot, it's really hot in here!

Xiao Yan threw the weak Golden Ghost King out.

In order to protect Qu Yiqiu, he had to absorb part of the power of the Golden Ghost King.

Now the Golden Ghost King's cultivation has fallen to the twelfth level of the human race's Qi training.

When Qu Yiqiu was hiding in the hot magma pool, Xiao Yan had already told her the whole story.

During the process of fusing the yin and underworld energy, the reason why Xiao Yan reminded her not to think about anything was mainly to guard against space disorder and unexpected appearances that Qu Yiqiu could not control.

In the end, it was good that Xiaoyan didn't remind him, but Qu Yiqiu thought more about it when he reminded so hastily.

Xiao Yan watched Qu Yiqiu hotly put the Golden Ghost King into the Soul Suppressing Banner, and his expression flashed with astonishment.

He originally thought that when the two spaces collided, Qu Yiqiu inexplicably activated the magical power of space teleportation, which would cause her fragile body to explode into pieces.

From now on, it seems that Qu Yiqiu has mastered the supernatural power of space teleportation very well.

Moreover, her cultivation base has broken through to the late stage of foundation establishment at the moment of the extremely fast transfer of space.

"Xiao Yan, do you know how to get out of here?" Even with the protective body of the hydrocondensation shield, Qu Yiqiu can still feel the heat from the surrounding magma.

This shows that they are in the deepest part of the underground magma.

It stands to reason that no monk below the Golden Core level can penetrate into this desperately hot area alone.

This is also the reason why Huo Tangsheng is relieved to solve Wu Feixian here.

Xiao Yan withdrew her mind, put her small hands in front of her, and blew out a mouthful of mist, wrapping around Qu Yiqiu's body.

She suddenly felt a burst of coolness.

"Master, this is the yin energy from the Yin and Nether Realm, which can temporarily resist the heat of the magma. Xiao Yan first goes to the front to explore the way, and when he finds the way, he will come back and lead the master out."

Qu Yiqiu nodded comfortably and said, "Thank you, Xiao Yan."

"This is what Xiaoyan should do." Xiaoyan frowned, showing a smile in front of her for the first time.

Qu Yiqiu boasted: "Little Yan is so beautiful, he is really an elf!"

Xiao Yan was stunned, put his hands on his face, and turned around very quickly with his round eyes: "Xiao Yan is going to explore the way, the master can call me if you have anything to do."

"Okay... hey, be careful!" Qu Yiqiu was halfway through speaking, and saw the flustered Xiao Yan bumping into the lava with his eyes swaying from side to side.

But fortunately, the lava didn't hurt Xiaoyan, he recovered and ran away as if fleeing.

Qu Yiqiu smiled reassuringly.

Is Xiaoyan shy?so cute.

After watching Xiaoyan go away, Qu Yiqiu wandered around and observed.

The surrounding lava is burning red, and occasionally a few magma waterfalls pour down from the cracks in the rocks, forming a pool of magma water, which is steaming hot enough to scald people to death.

"This is really an excellent holy place with strong fire spirit veins!" Qu Yiqiu couldn't help murmuring in admiration.

After saying this, she suddenly remembered the purple flame that kept provoking her in the deep magma pool, her eyes lit up immediately, and she immediately sank her mind into the space.

(End of this chapter)

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