Chapter 72 Identity Swap
Qu Yiqiu didn't plan to waste time with her, so she simply asked, "Where is the teleportation array in Chunyu Tower?"

Jin Yiqiu's mouth trembled, and he didn't dare to lose his temper anymore, and replied fearfully: "Under the dungeon where you are being held."

Qu Yiqiu smiled: "You'd better tell the truth, if I find out that you have lied to me in any way, your flowery cheeks will rot into mud."

Jin Yiqiu's face turned pale with fright, his pupils dilated, and he cupped his face with his hands in a panic, "What I said is true, please, don't hurt my face!"

Qu Yiqiu turned cold and said sternly: "As long as you are obedient, I won't torture you. Now immediately change your face into mine, and you will be a maid tonight!"

Originally intended to deal with her directly, but Jin Yiqiu still needed to lead the way to the real location of the teleportation array.

Leave her by your side for now.

Jin Yiqiu was shocked like a cicada, holding his face and nodding repeatedly: "Yes, yes, I will be your maid tonight!"

She must be a demon cultivator!

No decent disciple from a famous family would be so cruel!

Jin Yiqiu secretly thought that he had run into gangsters and had to find a way to contact the people in the drug-addicted villa.

Qu Yiqiu harvested a drop of Jin Yiqiu's blood, and established a master-recognition contract.

In the space, Jin Yiqiu's thoughts and actions will be affected by the laws of space.

She handed over her essence and blood in a trance, but she didn't know why she was so obedient.

At this time, Qu Yiqiu's spiritual thought can determine Jin Yiqiu's life and death.

She secretly contacted Xiaoyan and stepped out of the space while Jin Yiqiu was in a trance.

Because the space layout was the same as that in Fengya Room, Jin Yiqiu didn't notice any difference except that he had a little more sense of resistance.

"Fellow Daoist Bai, come in, I have something to tell you." Qu Yiqiu said to the door while changing clothes.

When Jin Yiqiu heard this, she didn't understand that Bai Shulan had already betrayed her.

She stared angrily at Bai Shulan's entry, a trace of malice flashed in her eyes.

It's all her, it's all this bitch colluding with outsiders to harm me!
Jin Yiqiu has now turned into Qu Yiqiu's disguise, Bai Shulan stared at the two Qu Yiqiu, and was stunned for a moment.

Qu Yiqiu said with a smile: "Fairy Jin Yiqiu is now on our side, and she is also a pawn in Wuhuifeng's plan."

Bai Shulan and Jin Yiqiu turned their heads to look at her in shock at the same time.

"Friend You Daoist, how did you do it?" Bai Shulan opened her small mouth into an 'o' shape, she could no longer describe the shock in her heart at this moment.

Several thoughts popped up in Jin Yiqiu's mind, and the previous assumption was instantly overturned by her.

This person is not a magician!

She is the disciple of Wu Huifeng named You!
She had to find a way to pass the news back to the Drug Addiction Villa!

Qu Yiqiu blinked, and said with a slight smile: "As an elite disciple of Wuhui Peak, I naturally have hidden supernatural powers. You don't need to ask more questions, fellow Daoist Bai. Next, just cooperate with me with Jin Yiqiu."

Bai Shulan nodded in shock, but a feeling of inferiority involuntarily rose in her heart, and she looked at Qu Yiqiu with envy and jealousy in her eyes.

Is this the elite disciple cultivated by the great sect?

Originally, she should have lived such a life!
Qu Yiqiu didn't pay attention to Bai Shulan's gaze. After she finished arranging her clothes, she combed her hair into a fairy bun, inserted butterfly hairpins obliquely, and simply decorated her hair with a few pearls.

Little did they know that Bai Shulan's eyes became hotter and hotter, and the jealousy in her eyes rose like flames.

Qu Yiqiu looked at herself in the bronze mirror, and turned around in satisfaction.

Bai Shulan and Jin Yiqiu put away their little thoughts at the same time.

Qu Yiqiu rolled her eyes back and forth between the two of them, and said with a slight smile, "Let's go, everyone is still waiting for me outside."

Bai Shulan subconsciously said yes.

Jin Yiqiu hid his unwillingness, and bowed his head in response.

Qu Yiqiu took a panoramic view of their expressions, smiled lightly, and said: "Outside, I don't allow anyone to show their feet, otherwise, if the plan fails, I can't protect you."

"Yes!" Both of them replied with a hint of caution in their tone this time.

Although they have different encounters and standpoints, they are all under Qu Yiqiu's control.

What should be said, she has made it clear.

Qu Yiqiu walked out slowly, ignoring them.

Jin Yiqiu and Bai Shulan followed closely behind in dark green Taoist robes, with respectful expressions.

In the hall of Chunyu Building, there were already a circle of men sitting around, and a small number of tough female cultivators were sitting among them.

The old bustard Wei Juan looked left and right, saw Qu Yiqiu appearing in the private room of Tianzihao, and hurriedly followed.

"My aunt, you made my mother wait so long!"

Wei Juan touched her chest with heartache, pushed Qu Yiqiu into the door, and shut Jin Yiqiu and Bai Shulan out without mercy.

Jin Yiqiu anxiously wanted to grab Wei Juan's clothes, but Bai Shulan inadvertently stopped her.

Jin Yiqiu glared at her, not daring to make any small moves.

Bai Shulan's eyes dodged for a moment, and she watched Jin Yiqiu stubbornly.

"What's the matter with you, why did you come so late? Do you think that if you become the oiran, you can be the owner of this Chunyu building?" Wei Juan sneered and waved her handkerchief, and an invisible sound barrier poured down from the top of her head to cover the two of them.

Qu Yiqiu blinked innocently, feeling horrified in her heart.

This bustard seemed to be running out of lifespan, yet he actually had the strength of a Golden Core Stage.

She quickly regained her composure, imitating Jin Yiqiu and said softly: "Mom misunderstood, how dare I have such rebellious thoughts, Chunyu Tower will always be my mother's world!"

The sneer on Wei Juan's mouth did not disappear, her face covered with thick white powder trembled, and she said: "Jin Ningning, don't forget that you are just a dog raised in the poisonous villa, even if the owner looks at you more, sparrow I can't be a phoenix either!"

Qu Yiqiu's face was ugly, as if he really entered Jin Yiqiu's world, Nuonuo said: "I know, I don't dare to think about it!"

The owner of the drug-addicted villa?The most famous ugly man in the Five Elements Realm, he was covered in pustules by poison in his early years. He was shameless and famous.

Didn't expect Jin Yiqiu to like this?
Qu Yiqiu couldn't help shaking off goose bumps all over her body.

Wei Juan smiled triumphantly: "Okay, it's almost time, go out, it's almost time for you to play."

"Yes." Qu Yiqiu tried to imitate Jin Yiqiu's respectful appearance.

Wei Juan seemed very satisfied, her wrinkled old face smiled like a flower.

The door opened again, Wei Juan turned her head and said, "Put on the veil and keep it a little secret."

Qu Yiqiu did as he said.

Ever since Weijuan came out, Jin Yiqiu's eyes never left her.

"If you don't want to lose face, just tell me her identity." Wei Juan had already walked off the stage, and Qu Yiqiu sent a voice transmission to Jin Yiqiu with a cold face.

Bai Shulan only saw Jin Yiqiu's face change slightly, but she didn't know what the two said.

"Yes, master." Jin Yiqiu didn't dare to resist at all, and told her Wei Juan's identity in every detail.

 Thank you again for your support and watching~
(End of this chapter)

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