Chapter 505
Ruan Bi turned his head white.

It was indeed a rainy day, and there was no snow in Suoning, otherwise Ruan Xueyin would almost have thought that he had just been whitened by the heavy snow.

On the eve of leaving the palace, Dai Lu inspected Shang Qi's hair.

He didn't walk very well, and his hands and feet were trembling just getting off the carriage.

She and Ruan Zhong both stepped forward, one on the left and one on the right, and the scene was impeccable.Ruan Zhong didn't seem to care about the change, and said nothing; Ruan Xueyin hesitated a little, and said softly:
"When Shengjun woke up, he seemed to be a different person."

"I've said it before, your mother and the others want my life. They have spent many years in the camp, and they will not achieve anything." The voice is also like seven or eighty, and they are getting old.

Ruan Xueyin's heart moved slightly, "I didn't see any clues in the past."

"The medicine garden was built by me. They play ghosts, and I won't be completely powerless to fight back. I just suppressed them in the past."

"My lord, don't tell me that this hibernating prescription broke your suppression, so that hidden diseases have been triggered for many years."

Ruan Chu smiled lightly.The familiarity of this smile is enough for the children on both sides to confirm that this is Ruan Bi, not someone else disguised. "It's time to attack everything. Don't press any more." He said slowly.

In the former dynasty, Yuwen should kill Gu, Cheng should kill Duan, and Han should kill Murong.

Why slaughter Nguyen.

"Does Shengjun know who the teacher is?"

It was only a hundred steps from the carriage stop to the Zuihuan Building, and it was almost finished, Ruan Xueyin said suddenly.

When she said the word "teacher", she had locked Ruan Bi's expression sideways.

The other party was very surprised, very inexplicable, and glanced back with sharp eagle eyes, "Who?"

"Jing Ji, my teacher."

Ruan Bi narrowed her eyes and stared at her for a while, and was about to open her mouth, but stopped, and smiled darkly, "You lied to me. They are all dead long ago."

"At least two survived. One in Pengxi Mountain and one in Cangwu City."

Ruan Bi stopped, and under the steps in front of the gate, his head drooped a little due to his old age, and seemed to be nodding all the time, shaking like a doll on a stage. "Why tell me now. How do you know?"

"The old man is keeping you in the dark and I'm in the light. It's better to say sooner than later. I wasn't sure at first, but I saw the name on the broken wall when I entered the medicine garden that night. I want to tell you again, you are already in a deep sleep." Ruan Xueyin Taking half a step forward, his voice was so low that even Ruan Zhong couldn't hear it,

"Have you never thought about it? Some of them may be alive." She said, frowning slightly:

"It is rumored that you left their whole bodies. So you gave them poison? They are all good at medicine. If I were you, I would be beheaded to keep them safe."

Ruan Bi didn't answer, and looked past Ruan Xueyin's hair to look under the eaves.

"Master Yue Zhang."

It was Gu Xinglang who was waiting at the gate.

What is this appellation.Ruan Xueyin's hair stood on end.

"My son-in-law."

But hearing Ruan Bi catch it smoothly, he flicked Ruan Zhong and Ruan Xueyin away with a flick of his arm, trembling up the steps, Gu Xinglang stepped down quickly to support him.

"I should come down early to greet you, but Xiaoxue won't let me. It's my son-in-law who was rude." Gu Xinglang continued, sincerely.

"I have a heart." Ruan Bi was also loving, and tremblingly patted Gu Xinglang's big arm, "I am very pleased to have such a worthy son-in-law. I have always wanted to see her, and today I finally got my wish."

During the exchanging of pleasantries, Weng and his son-in-law entered the gate of the building, leaving Ruan Xueyin dumbfounded.

"They haven't seen it before." Ruan Zhong whispered.The meeting of the monarch is a big event, and Gu Xinglang has been on the throne for seven years, at least in his memory, he has never had it.

"Probably not." Ruan Xueyin replied.It's just a scene, it's commonplace for the two of them, but they didn't expect to get into the scene so quickly, and they came as soon as they said it, and they didn't expect that the expected tense confrontation back then would use such a false and dreamy opening scene .

Ruan Bi is no longer Yin Jun, in fact, he should not call himself me.She glanced at Ruan Zhong, who didn't care.

The largest hall on the second floor is already equipped with flowers, fruits, wine and food.A room full of young people was in low spirits, and the white-haired Ruan Bi walked in, adding to the excitement.

Because he rarely smiles.

"Seeing young people get together, Fang feels that time is never old, every year is spring, and every day is morning."

Not only did he turn gray, but he became obsessed with writing poetry.Ruan Xueyin felt more and more that he had some meaning of returning to life, and before she could think about it, the young people stood up, saluted and nodded.

Gu Xinglang supported Ruan Bi, Ruan Zhong was behind, everyone in the hall should bow and salute except Murong Xun.

"My son-in-law."

Hearing Ruan Bi's call again, he didn't mean to call Gu Xinglang, Murong Xun was slightly startled, and nodded, "Shengjun."

Ruan Bi wasn't surprised and didn't care, and Gu Xinglang coveted him to go to the seat left by the crowd, and said:

"Xi'er is still in the palace and was supposed to come. I thought she couldn't handle today's occasion, so I refused."

Murong Xun said "The Holy Monarch is thoughtful" and he agreed.

Jing Tingge glanced at Murong Xun, wanted to speak, but didn't say anything.

Ruan Bi sat down, straightened his clothes slowly, scanned the room, and finally stopped his eyes on Jing Tingge for a moment, without saying anything, turned to Gu Xinglang to the side:
"What's the schedule for today?"

"Enjoy the upbeat dance, drink and chat. Does your father-in-law have any favorite songs?"

This hall is square and tall, located in the middle of the second floor, it should be the largest room in the building.Among the veils, the dancers and singers are already in their positions. Ruan Xueyin raised her eyes to see that they were colorful and beautiful, and Shi Fuxiaoshan was also among them.

I haven't seen Su Wanwan yet.

Doesn't it mean that whenever Gu Xinglang arrives, she will show up?

Or he was preparing for something by relying on the reason that the top card did not appear easily.

Thinking this way, he looked at Gu Xinglang calmly, who was waiting for Ruan Bi to reply with a submissive expression on his face.

"I have come to listen to music before, and I remember a dance called "Four Seasons". It is so beautiful and unforgettable to this day."

Gu Xinglang had never heard of this dance, so he turned to ask the madam who was waiting between the curtains not far away.

"Returning to His Majesty Qi Jun," the madam tremblingly said, "It's the old name many years ago, and it wasn't Caomin who was in charge of the most happy building at that time—"

Naturally, these girls are not the ones who dance, and it is unlikely that anyone can dance now.

The meaning is already very clear.

"Mom." He heard the light-sandal-colored beauty nearby hugging a phoenix-headed harp whispering, it was Xiaoshan, "Wanwan seems to know a little bit about this dance, I have seen her practice it before."

The madam glared at her, and reprimanded in a low voice: "The dance of "Four Seasons" has not been rehearsed for many years, I don't even remember, how could she do it? The dance is not right, dirty the nobleman's eyes, and she is waiting to lose her head!"

"This girl said that someone will do it, so I guess it's not just empty talk." Gu Xinglang smiled, "Why don't you invite that Wan Wan girl to come and have a try? If it's not true, after all, it's been a long time, and I don't think Shengjun will blame me."

Ruan Bi's gray head shook from time to time, as if to agree.

Only then did the bustard realize that Xiaoshan, Shifu, and Wanwan were all His Majesty Qi's "love pets" in the past.In the past, I didn't know his identity, and I only knew that he was a noble son from afar; now that I know it, his identity has changed, but his affection cannot be faked.As if struck by lightning for a while, he regretted scolding Xiaoshan just now, and hurriedly promised to call Wanwan in person.Before walking out, he winked at Shifu again.

Wearing a lilac silk skirt, the poem help is unclear, so I stood up from the front of the piano and followed, walked out of the long distance, and listened to the madam whispering in the ear:
"A blessing that can't be cultivated in eight lifetimes, the stuffed pie that God dropped! I see that His Majesty is just protecting Xiaoshan. This time, I'm afraid I'm going to take you back. Be smart, and don't show off in front of the two ladies. Especially Mrs. Pei dotes on the Qi Palace, I'm afraid she is a difficult master! It's okay, you are young, you will have a bright future after entering the palace, but the first thing is to go to Jidu smoothly! I made my instructions clear, no matter what today, don't make the two empresses unhappy by soliciting favors and flirting!"

Shi Fu listened, raised his eyebrows and blinked his eyes for a good meal, finally calmed down and didn't answer half a sentence.

The bustard thought that the little girl's film was stunned by the sudden truth of wealth and wealth, so she pinched her hard:
"Where are you now? You're already so scared! Your Majesty is just an ordinary man. What happened in the past is what he will be like today and in the future. He must be very happy when he visits you three every year. After years of being bored in the palace and facing those bodhisattva-like ladies, it will be boring after a long time, so you just—"

"Mom." Shi Fu finally heard some smoke in his ears, and suppressed the dumbfounding expression and said nonuo:

"Not to mention whether His Majesty will bring a woman like us into the palace, if he wants to, he should also bring Wanwan, and he will not take the three of us down in one go. Both wives are here this time. According to my daughter, It's hanging every night."

"A worthless thing! The servants in the palace can still play tricks once they leap to the Dragon Gate, what kind of women are you, how can you be inferior to them? Wanwan is a famous Qing Dynasty official in Suoning City, who stretches out every year. The neck is waiting for the one inside, how many people can compete with each other in terms of appearance and talent?" The madam couldn't stop her chatterbox, but she had a good sense of propriety, she kept her voice down,

"I can't tell with your elm head, wait for me to work there in Wanwan!"

 Thank you Feng Yasong t monthly ticket 2333
(End of this chapter)

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