Qingchuan History

Chapter 716 She Said

Chapter 716 She Said
Among the masters around Wen Qi, Gu Xinglang's people have been taught more than once in Weinan Courtyard.

It was the escort that Shangguan Shuo had left for her over the years. Gu Xinglang confirmed it to Shangguan Yan, who did not deny it.

In this regard, the father and son are quite similar, they both like to make friends, black and white, fish in the world, if you can net, you can net.

The same goes for Gu Xinglang.Because Weinan Xiaoyuan has fought against each other before and knows the opponent's strength, he also carefully selected suitable guards to accompany him in this "exile" - Wen Qi's hand gesture, the first ray of wind in the forest in the west, and the airflow in the east In response, the branches and leaves were broken, and the first sound of fighting was heard above Gu Xinglang's head.

If you are not in a hurry, you want to watch the battle. You often live in the temple, and it is rare to enjoy a master duel, or it is a group battle.He laughed at himself, glanced at Chai Yinuo out of the corner of his eye, and was waiting in the dark with a tall dark horse.More warriors leaped out from the forest on the east and west sides, those who rushed to kill Qi Jun in white clothes, and those who rounded up the woman in black clothes were all intercepted by each other. Mountain.

When it was changed to Ping Ning, there was already movement in Yunshui Imperial City.

The imperial city is even more restless.

The vanguard of the Qi army going south is less than two hundred miles away from Yunshui.

The Wei army going north is definitely closer. However, the horses have been poorly transported by ships, and it will take time to recover their galloping combat power. However, they have captured many good horses from the southern country along the way. Near the capital.

The night is splashed with ink, and the stars are gloomy, which only adds to the decline of this country.Gu Xinglang and Chai Yinuo rode their horses and galloped wildly. Among the two sides in the melee, the kingslayer had to get away temporarily and chased him, but was caught up by the king's protector who escaped at the same time, and fell into a fierce battle again.

Continuously chasing and catching up, the sharp blade was close to Gu Xinglang's back several times, and finally made a gap.The speed of the black horse under him was actually faster than most good horses on this continent, and it could obviously be faster at this time to avoid injury, no, it was only because he was distracted to pay attention to the situation of Ji Huan and Wen Qi.

"They are all counted, and they must be kept alive. The safety of the king is the most important thing!" Chai Yinuo urgently said in the strong wind.

The waves of tree shadows turned into black surrounded from both sides and were broken by the increasingly violent sound of horseshoes.Gu Xinglang seldom rode a horse like this desperately, and he was happy when he was thinking about everything, secretly wondering whether it was because Shen Ji trained well or this horse was really unparalleled in the world.

When the black and white horses rushed out of the forest, the lights in Yunshui City were ablaze.The sound of fighting in the back was lower than before, and the distance was widened, but after all, they couldn't take risks.The two only stopped for a moment, and continued to drive towards the palace.

The layout of the city, where is Qi Guojun and where is Bai Guojun, Xue Li drew it very clearly in the letter.There was chaos in the city, Gu Xinglang and Chai Yinuo chose the most inconspicuous path to slow down, and when they appeared at the gate of the Unnamed Palace on the northeast side, they were ordered to dismount by the guards.

See clearly.

Chai Yinuo only said three words.

Gu Xinglang always likes to "walk around" the military camp.

When I was in Jidu, I went to the camp of the Forbidden Army to give condolences and give speeches by the way. That year, there was no delay in lighting the Lantern Hall, and the next day was the same; the borders of all parties must be patrolled at least once a year, to go to the coup d’état in Xiabai. After the king came to the throne, he stayed in the southern border for a long time, and he left many beautiful stories because of taking Ruan Xueyin with him.

Many soldiers in the southern border have seen him, from far or near.

The Qi army guarding Yunshui at this time are soldiers from the southern border.

None of these people in front of them have seen Tianyan up close.

However, he somehow felt the taste in Chai Yinuo's words, and then looked at the young man in white, his legs were a little soft with his appearance.

"General Xiao has an order, no one is allowed to enter the palace gate." Gu Xinglang smiled in the night, a corner of his cuff slipped out, "I don't know if this customs clearance document will work."

No one in the field has seen the cloud-breaking talisman in the right half of the master's hand.

All the people were completely limp in the twilight picture and the familiar tone, they all knelt down and asked for a shout.

"No." Gu Xinglang took the lead for a moment, and his voice was like a cloud covering a mountain from a high place, "Open the door and then close it properly, General Xiao doesn't have to report it. When everything is settled, there will be great rewards for increasing officials and rewards." .”

The palace is as quiet as an empty city, and the bloody smell has faded after being washed away by the daylight, but due to the drastic changes and no one to take care of it, deep red and black blood can be seen everywhere.

And the wreckage of soldiers who can't tell which country.

Xue Lihou was in the shadow under the corner of the eaves, and finally saw the two of them appear, limped over, and saluted silently.

Gu Xinglang said hard work, and only asked him to lead the way to Kuntai Palace or Lan Palace first.

Xue Li stayed in this palace for a whole day and night while recuperating from his wounds. He knew how to avoid eyes and ears and lead the way without talking too much. Soon he found blood on Gu Xinglang's back.

"Your Majesty is injured."

"A small injury, it's okay."

The Kuntai Hall is quieter than the outside, especially the blood stains.

The blood of Duan's pillars.

"The palace people were gathered in several palaces." Xue Li explained in a low voice.

"Are there no one else?" Chai Yinuo was not at ease.


Gu Xinglang went straight to the dormitory, leaving the two of them outside, and found someone clearly in the room.

Duan Xirun's mother.See you first time, it's not decent, there is a gap between yin and yang.

He bowed, then moved the person away with his own hands, and opened the layers of brocade as Wen Qi described to pry open the thick bed board.

In exile, he cares about everything, and the Huozhe is also carried with him. He has a secret way, and when he burns it, the wall full of water books can be seen impressively.

Because he was prepared, he watched more carefully than Duan Xirun, and spent a long time moving in the cramped passage, and finally went to the end that was said to lead to the Landian Temple to read everything, and confirmed that the time was in reverse order.

From the 16th year of Yuanfeng all the way to the second year of Yuanfeng, the handwriting became ugly to the naked eye.

should.Landian is the residence of Princess Qinghe. Since she was 11 years old, that is, the second year of Yuanfeng, she has been writing from one end to Kuntai Hall. The older she gets, the better she writes in Shuishu.

There is no blank space on the walls on both sides, and there are indeed many words, but there are not as many events as expected.Each event ranges from three to ten columns, and with the addition of the two-character inscription, the entire secret passage only records 32 events.

15 years, 32 things, two dreams every year - not so balanced, there were so many years that were very dense, but it was broken in Yuanfeng 14 years, and after two recordings in Yuanfeng 13 years, it went directly to Yuanfeng 15 years, and then 16 years Only one piece was written in the year, and it ended at the end of Kuntai Hall.

Either Yuanfeng had no dreams for 14 years, or she didn't keep records that year.

In the second year of Yuanfeng, she was 11 years old, so in the 16th year of Yuanfeng, she was 25 years old.

The record ends in this year.Because I went to Jidu?

He didn't go to Jidu until he was 25 years old.The palace archives contained the year, but not the age, and Gu Xinglang had never paid much attention to details such as women's homes, so today is indeed new knowledge.

Taizu Liqi was 31 years old, and his reign title was Xianwu.At the beginning of the second year, Xianwu proposed to the then Lord Bai to marry Princess Qinghe, and then built a large-scale construction project to show his sincerity.

Two years later, in the fourth year of Xianwu, Duan Mingcheng entered the palace, and Mrs. Feng Yu lived in the Zhexue Palace carved like a heavenly palace.

The number one beauty in Qingchuan is worthy of such sincerity.Afterwards, Tingxue Deng in the Wanlan Palace made this sincerity known to the world.

Of course he knew the love and hatred between Mrs. Ming and Taizu.

Going to Xia Ruan Xueyin and coming back to Daolan Palace, Duan Mingcheng lived in front of the pavilion, and he understood why the dust-covered palace in Qi Palace was called "Youlan".

But not the same story.Mrs. Ming had dream omens that could predict the world, but he never knew it; the Taizu asked for marriage and gave him great favors because of this, which also surpassed the inheritance of the monarchs in Shuming Hall.

He turned back with the fire in his hand and began to read it a second time.

What are the 32 things, with his photographic memory, he has memorized them once, and then read them to deepen his impression, get details, and return to Kuntai Hall.Most of these things have been confirmed, and a few of them have not been heard by him; one or two things actually happened before the year of writing, so they should be called "history" rather than "signs". The so-called prophecy.

Wen Qi's words were fully confirmed, and it would be a lie to say that she was not shocked.He calmed down the ups and downs in his heart, and finally walked back to the recording of the three events in Yuanfeng's 11th year.

Somewhat long, the longest of the 32 records.The first sentence of the book:

On this day, the power of the monarch will disappear, all living beings will be equal, and the world will be one.

There are some descriptions in the following, which are similar to the ideal of great unity of the sages, but they are different.He memorized it word by word, not in a hurry to comprehend it, his thoughts drifted away during this period, somehow he thought of Wen Qi's family plan, and last year Ruan Zhong threatened to change hereditary to abdication, obliterate the royal family, and make the world public.

(End of this chapter)

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