Chapter 132 Contradictions
Sheng Baoling tightly held the wooden armrest of the chair, and said in a deep voice, "Go and invite people in."

Seeing Sheng Baoling let go, Jian Jia immediately breathed a sigh of relief, "Yes."

Qiu Yi on the side hurriedly prepared warm blankets and tea soup, and only waited for Pei Ci to come and deliver them.

"What are you doing?" Sheng Baoling asked coldly.

Qiu Yi paused, "Servants go prepare blankets and tea soup."

Didn't Master Pei always prepare these when he came in the past?
Naturally, she also went to prepare.

Sheng Baoling frowned, and wanted to say that there was no need to prepare, anyway, she didn't plan to keep Pei Ci here for a long time, but she thought that Jian Jia just said that Pei Ci had waited for half an hour, and the wind and snow outside were heavy, if she went back like this, how would she suffer physically? live?

In the end, he didn't say anything to stop Qiuyi.

Qiu Yi went to prepare blankets and hot soup.

When Pei Ci came in, his body was wrapped in cold air, his hair was still covered with wind and snow on his heavy cloak, he could see how long he had waited outside, and after walking two steps, he coughed softly, and Sheng Baoling's heart followed suit uncomfortable.

She glanced at Pei Ci, saw that his face was pale, and cursed herself inwardly, what if she let him in, why did the cold wind blow outside for so long.

Just by looking at Pei Ci, one can tell how big the snowstorm is outside.

Entering the hall, Pei Ci first saluted respectfully, seeing Sheng Baoling's face was serious, not as kind as usual, he somewhat understood in his heart, but since he answered others, he wanted to get things done.

"I don't know if the Empress Dowager knows about the Ping Lehou case that has been spreading all over the place recently?" Pei Ci asked in a deep voice.

He quietly looked at Sheng Baoling's reaction from the corner of his eye, and as he expected, Sheng Baoling's reaction obviously knew about this, and he only guessed why he came today, so he let himself wait outside without seeing him.

But in the end, why do you want to see yourself?
Hearing Pei Ci's question, Sheng Baoling's expression did change slightly. She originally wanted to intervene in this matter. Those innocent women and people who were killed are so pitiful. Ping Lehou really deserves to die.

But this matter involved the little emperor. Last night, the little emperor learned that Pei Ci would enter the palace today, so he came here and said something, which made her have to stand by and watch.

Facing Pei Ci's gaze, Sheng Baoling couldn't bear it for a moment, and quietly looked away, "I know."

Seeing Sheng Baoling's reaction, Pei Ci's heart turned cold for a moment, but he continued to ask, "I wonder what the Empress Dowager thinks about this?"

The two have been together for a long time, even if they don't explain a word on weekdays, they can understand the meaning of each other's words.

And now, with Pei Ci's question, Sheng Baoling naturally knew that he wanted to ask himself to intervene in the case.

In this case, the little emperor escorted Pinglehou behind his back, and the only one who could solve the immediate predicament was himself.

Therefore, someone must have asked Pei Ci before him, so he would enter the palace to invite him.

But... she made a deal with the little emperor, no matter what, she can't interfere with this case.

Sheng Baoling took a deep look at Pei Ci, and then said, "This case is complicated, and the government will arrange for someone to investigate and try it. Prime Minister Pei doesn't have to worry."

Pei Ci's eyes darkened, and he stared closely at Sheng Baoling, "Empress Dowager, this case is related to Pingle..."

However, Sheng Baoling directly interrupted Pei Ci's words, preventing him from continuing.

"The Ai family said that this case will be tried by someone else, so don't meddle in it anymore!"

This time, Sheng Baoling's tone was not as gentle as before, as if she had made a decision, no matter who she was, she could not shake her decision.

There was a look of disappointment in Pei Ci's eyes, he never thought that the little emperor would not fall out with the queen mother just because of a Ping Lehou, just to say a word on this matter.

However, Sheng Baoling only needed to order someone to intervene, but he held such an attitude. He obviously didn't want to deal with this matter, and had no intention of dealing with Ping Lehou.

Seeing the disappointment in Pei Ci's eyes, Sheng Baoling hesitated to speak, remembering the deal with the little emperor, he finally held back and ordered Jian Jia, "Jian Jia, send Prime Minister Pei out of the palace."

Jian Jia couldn't bear it, Mr. Pei waited outside for more than half an hour, and now he came in only to say a few words, and before taking a sip of hot tea, the empress wanted to let Prime Minister Pei out of the palace.

What if he gets sick and faints on the road?
What's more, at this moment, the two of them seem to be in the wrong mood. Today's words are both smug and sticky, especially the eyes of Mr. Pei looking at the empress, mixed with many other emotions, the most conspicuous of which is, It is disappointment.

Disappointed with the empress dowager.

Sheng Baoling had guesses in his heart, and Pei Ci's disappointment was probably because he didn't expect that he was such a person.

After Pei Ci left, Qiuyi put away the blanket. Seeing Sheng Baoling drinking one cup of hot tea after another, he was obviously in a mess, and it was also because of the matter of Ping Lehou, and even more because of Mr. Pei's entry into the palace today.

When the official's family came last night, she happened to be there for a long time, so she knew exactly what the official's family threatened the empress.

She sighed slightly, "Your Majesty, why bother to put on a bad face, it's all for Mrs Pei's good anyway, if you can't say it clearly, just keep your usual attitude."

With a cold face at the moment, Mr. Pei was exposed to the cold outside first, and after coming in here, he has to look at the cold face of the empress, how good can it be?

But Sheng Baoling sighed, "If I didn't do this, the official side would not let him go. With his body, how can he survive this year?"

The "he" Sheng Baoling was referring to was naturally Pei Ci.

The little emperor threatened the genius doctor who the Pei family had been looking for for several years without success. If Sheng Baoling insisted on intervening in this matter, he would order someone to kill the genius doctor. Naturally, no one would help Pei Ci to treat him.

At this time, Sheng Baoling knew that before his death, the late emperor had ordered his subordinates to find a miracle doctor, but he left suddenly. Of course, only the little emperor knew about it.

The little emperor had no intention of saving Pei Ci, and the people under him found a genius doctor and took care of him.

No wonder after all these years, the Pei family could not find her.

If he could save Pei Ci, I'm afraid the world will see him, and there is only one person, Sheng Baoling had to agree.

But since then, she can no longer intervene in Ping Lehou's case.

It was only because of the little emperor's behavior that Sheng Baoling suspected that Ping Lehou's blatant amassing of money and plundering the people's fat and anointment over the years was probably inspired by the little emperor.

Thinking about it this way, it's no wonder that every time the officials who were dispatched there came back, no one said anything about Ping Lehou's strangeness.

Qiuyi panicked for the two of them.

The empress always pretended not to care, but in private, how many times she had compromised for Mr. Pei, and how many things she had done for Mr. Pei, but she didn't tell Mr. Pei.

Qiu Yi was worried, if things continued like this, there would be more misunderstandings between the two, and sooner or later there would be big problems.

Sheng Baoling said

(End of this chapter)

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