After being a widow, the empress dowager was favored by the powerful ministers

Chapter 153 It Doesn't Look Like My Lady Is Stable

Chapter 153 It Doesn't Look Like My Lady Is Stable

Jian Jia was afraid that Sheng Baoling would think about it any longer, that he would not be able to eat the delicious fruits in front of him, so he hurriedly said, "If your empress wants to know, I will invite Mrs. Pei tomorrow, and if you ask, you will know that the second son is going to do it in Pei's mansion." What's the matter?"

Want to know, is it not easy?
But Sheng Baoling said, "Pei Ci has been busy investigating Fan Yuan's affairs recently, and there are quite a few people involved in this, so why come here to chat when you have time."

But after thinking about it, it was true that he hadn't seen Pei Ci for quite a while, since he returned to the palace that day, he hadn't seen him.

It's a little. I thought about it.

But Jian Jia said, "I'll still have to make a decision on this matter in the end, but it's better to call Mr. Pei now to understand it, so that it will be clearer and easier to handle in the future."

Jian Jia's method of persuasion is tantamount to the most useful.

But in fact, what she thought was that the little emperor was too scary, obviously not on the same path as the empress, maybe in the future when the power is in her hands, the first one to get rid of is their empress.

After all, the empress must have some other forces in her hands. Whatever Mr. Pei says, he is one of the assistant ministers, and he is also one who can talk in the court.

It is not without harm to the empress.

But compared with the benefits, the harm is negligible.

In this way, it is natural for the empress to have more contacts with Mr. Pei, so don't be unfamiliar.

What Jian Jia was thinking was all in her own mind, and she didn't tell anyone, for fear that if she said it, it would cause unnecessary trouble.

It can be said that he is the most careful one around Sheng Baoling.

And her remarks really shook Sheng Baoling's heart.

After hesitating for a moment, she agreed, and ordered someone to send a message early in the morning to find Pei Ci, saying that she had political affairs to discuss.

The next day, as soon as Pei Ci left the Golden Palace, he was invited away by the servant of the Hall of Compassion and Ning, and his colleagues around him didn't even have a chance to say a word or two.

Said that the Queen Mother had something important to discuss, Pei Ci naturally couldn't refuse.

But in fact, even if there is no important matter to discuss, he will not refuse at all.

Ever since Sheng Lang returned to Beijing and Sheng Baoling left the palace, he had no chance to see Sheng Baoling outside again. Before he knew it, it had been such a long time.

When they arrived at the Hall of Compassion, Sheng Baoling had already been waiting for a long time.

Refreshments and so on are all on display, and the styles are not too many, just ordinary ones.

Presumably, she went to the south for a trip, met those house dwellers, her mood changed, and the meals were simplified.

What Pei Ci observed with his eyes, and what he thought of in his heart, all of them were indeed in line with Sheng Baoling's thoughts.

After a long while, Pei Ci said, "I will see the Empress Dowager."

Hearing the familiar voice and seeing the familiar figure and face, Sheng Baoling subconsciously bent the corners of his mouth, "You don't have to be polite, Prime Minister Pei. I have something to ask you today, please sit down."

Only then did Pei Ci sit down.

The palace people on the side have already left the Hall of Compassion and Ning, and now only Jian Jia and Qiu Yi are left to serve in the hall.

This is Jian Jia's defense to prevent being noticed by others.

Secondly, it is also to keep these two people from being disturbed by others.

Hence the arrangement.

Originally, Jian Jia thought that it would be fine for her to serve by herself, she is a person with good eyesight, but Qiu Yi wanted to stay, and the excuse was, two people, she can't serve alone.

With such determination, Jian Jia had no choice but to stay and wait on Ren Qiuyi.

It's just that no one expected that Sheng would cook tea himself at this moment!

Pei Ci's pupils shrank slightly, and it took a while for them to return to normal.

Qiuyi froze on the spot, why did she feel that the Empress Dowager was not quite right with Mrs. Pei?
But when she thought about the fact that she did not have this kind of speculation before, and was finally punished by the empress, she told herself in her heart, not to think wildly, not to speculate randomly.

Between the empress and Mr. Pei, it is an ordinary relationship between monarchs and ministers.

There will be nothing else.

She kept saying this to herself in her heart, so that her eyes could see everything more purely, so that Sheng Baoling made tea, but no one came forward to serve it.

Fortunately, Jian Jia reacted quickly, stepped forward, took the cup of tea, and placed it firmly in front of Pei Ci's eyes, where it landed next to his hand.

The empress dowager made the tea with her own hands, why don't you take two more sips?
Even the little emperor never received such treatment.

Even the first emperor never drank it.

Pei Ci is really the first person.

Therefore, Jian Jia became more and more sure that her thoughts were not wrong. There was an inexplicable relationship between these two people, and if the empress could grasp this relationship well, there would be people inside and outside in the future, and the way forward would be prepared. Now, what road can't we go?
Jian Jia thinks long-term, which Qiuyi doesn't have.

Sheng Baoling didn't know at all, she just made a cup of tea for Pei Ci on a whim, and looked at the people in front of her, but they were all full of emotions and couldn't figure it out.

Especially Pei Ci, looking down at the teacup in hand, he didn't pick it up to drink for a long time because he was reluctant.

But in Sheng Baoling's eyes, Pei Ci dared not drink.

Her bright red lips pursed slightly, and her eyes began to fall on Pei Ci's body. Her face did not move for a moment, and she thought to herself, could it be that Pei Ci didn't dare to drink?

Are you afraid to drink something because you are afraid of something in it, or do you dare not drink because you have frightened him?

He still thought that there was some medicine in it, and was worried about dying, but didn't he care whether he died or not?
Sheng Baoling narrowed his eyes slightly, wanting to see what Pei Ci was thinking.

After a while, Pei Ci moved the teacup slowly, as if he had figured it out, he picked it up, took a sip, and then put it down again.

Sheng Baoling frowned, and didn't care about anything else, and asked, "But the tea doesn't suit your appetite?"

As soon as she asked, the other two people in the hall looked at Pei Ci in unison, curious about what Pei Ci would say.

The corners of Sheng Baoling's lips were slightly raised, and there was a faint smile, which was a little bright, and Pei Ci's eyes flashed, and his mind suddenly became a little confused.

The goddess smiled, Bai Meisheng.

Even if hundreds of flowers bloom seven or seven times at this time, I'm afraid it's nothing more than that.

So much so that he was stunned for a while, and after feeling lost in shock, he lowered his gaze, "It suits your appetite."

As he spoke, he picked up the teacup again and continued to take two sips.

The smile on Sheng Baoling's lips became brighter.

Jian Jia on the side wanted to laugh, why did he feel that Mr. Pei didn't seem to understand anything, and he was ashamed to be asked such a few words by the empress. After all, he was almost thirty, and he was much older than the empress.

Look, it seems that you are not as stable as your mother.

And Qiuyi on the other side, obviously felt that she was faster than anyone else before, but now, there is evidence in front of her eyes, so she almost told her by pressing her head.

But she didn't dare to think about it, nor did she dare to believe it.

(End of this chapter)

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