Chapter 174 Extra Story: Big Marriage 1
Today, the city of Bianjing is full of excitement, because that Prime Minister Pei, who is famous all over the world, is finally getting married!
It's just that I don't know which family the girl is married to. I only know that the background is very big. There are several nobles in the capital, such as the Sheng Mansion, to put the dowry on.

How many people wanted to spy on the true face of this bride, but they all returned in vain.

The more the bride's identity is a mystery, the more it arouses people's curiosity.

The imperial city is bustling with red makeup, and the marriage in Pei's mansion is full of ostentation.

But only a small number of people know who this married person is.

In the temporary house in the city, there were lanterns, festoons and red silk hanging everywhere, Sheng Baodai was full of joy, and walked into the house with Pei Wan shoulder to shoulder.

"In the past, I really never thought that we could be a family in the future." Pei Wan had a smile on her face.

Sheng Baodai also laughed, "Isn't that right, Big Sister and Master Pei are hiding too deeply!"

This is known, but there are really not many people.

When mentioning this matter, Pei Wan felt a little complacent, "I knew about it a long time ago, but I just thought that it was Sheng Lang who made friends with my elder brother."

Now that this matter is brought up, she still wants to laugh, and she doesn't know what she was thinking at that time, but she actually thinks that her brother has something to do with Sheng Lang.

Pei Wan shook her head and laughed amusedly.

Sheng Baodai was stunned for a moment, "Sheng Lang?"

After thinking about it for a while, he also laughed, "You can think about it, if Mr. Pei finds out about this, I'll have to teach you a lesson."

This thought is really absurd.

Although Mr. Pei is really good-looking, but looking at it, he doesn't seem to like men.

I don't know what Pei Wan did to build her mentally when she was a girl.

The two entered the room talking and laughing. At this time, inside the room, the maids and mothers were busy, and Jian Jia was putting on makeup for Sheng Baoling.

Sheng Baoling, who was dressed in a red and green wedding gown, looked more radiant than usual today, and her brows and eyes couldn't hide the joy.

Jian Jia couldn't help sighing, "Miss, after today, she and Mr. Pei are husband and wife."

"Thinking about it carefully, when I first met Mr. Pei in the palace, the girl seemed unable to move her eyes away at that moment, and asked Mr. Pei to take care of herself. Didn't the girl already have her heart on Mr. Pei at that time?"

As soon as these words came out, Sheng Baodai and Pei Wan's curiosity was aroused.

Sheng Baoling looked at herself in the mirror, this was not the first time she wore a wedding dress, but this time, she married the one she loved and became a real wife.

Even she herself, can't help but have a lot of sighs in her heart.

But when facing Jian Jia, he was not shy at all, "He is so good-looking, if I look away, wouldn't it be a pity if I don't take a few more glances?"

With light laughter, Sheng Baodai marveled at Sister's frankness.

Pei Wan was thinking about how to use this matter to exchange some benefits with her elder brother, and her elder brother would not let it go in the slightest if it was related to the future sister-in-law.

Momo, who was at the side, couldn't help laughing a few times, "Okay, the time is coming, girls, go back quickly, don't miss the auspicious time."

As soon as the words fell, the sound of firecrackers came from outside, and the sound of beating gongs and drums came from far and near. Everyone's faces were full of joy. Today is a good day for Pei Manor.

The people in the neighborhood are all around, wanting to see who this new bride is.

Sheng Gong carried Sheng Baoling on his back, walked from the house to the gate of the mansion, and then reluctantly put it down.

He is clearly the elder brother, so he should hand over the bride to his future brother-in-law, but since Sheng Baoling's identity cannot be known to outsiders, at this moment, he can only do so.

Sheng Gong's heart was really not in a good mood, but seeing his younger sister getting married, this time she was marrying the person she loved, he couldn't help being happy for her, and his eyes were red.

"Brother can only send you here first, you just go out, brother is always behind you."

Listening to Sheng Gong's words, Sheng Baoling's eyes were slightly moist, she nodded, clenched the round fan in her hand, and walked out.

Every step seemed to be a very long road, but she knew that she was walking towards that person, so no matter how long the road was, it was not as long and lonely as him waiting for her all his life.

Pei Ci was dressed in red, and his whole complexion looked different from before. The aura that ordinary people were not easy to get close to, disappeared when he saw Sheng Baoling walking towards him, and his eyes were unconsciously full of tenderness .

Seeing this scene, some people in the crowd felt a little relieved.

Pei Ci slowly stretched out his hand and handed it to Sheng Baoling.

That hand was still the same as Sheng Baoling was familiar with, but it was different from before.

Pei Ci had handed her hands countless times, and each time the reason was quite different, never once, like today, made people's heart tremble.

When Sheng Baoling put his hand on Pei Ci's, his fingertips slightly landed on the Buddhist beads on his wrist bone, as if a lifetime had passed.

She was slightly taken aback, and Pei Ci who was beside her noticed Sheng Baoling's abnormality, and asked in a low voice, "What's wrong?"

Sheng Baoling smiled and shook his head, "No."

Pei Ci slowly grasped Sheng Baoling's hand, and helped her into the sedan chair.

Some people were amazed, how could such a big family like the Pei family not pay much attention to these rules of marriage?

There are also people who are envious of this bride, the grandeur is so great, it can be seen how much the Pei family value this bride.

How much does Mr. Pei value his bride.

There are also many daughters of aristocratic families who are jealous. If they had known that Mr. Pei was not short-lived, they should have made such a good husband-in-law earlier. Looking at it now, there is really no place to regret it.

And during this discussion, people can't help but think of the daughter of the Jin family who entered the palace before.

I heard that the daughter of the Jin family was originally assigned to the Pei family, but she thought that Pei Ci was short-lived, so she turned to the Lou family, and finally entered the palace again and became a concubine.

After a few days of this comfortable life, the dragon chair has been replaced, and it is said that he is now crazy.

On the contrary, the Pei family, now married to a bride, is still rich and honored.

Looking at the Lou family again, although something happened, but some time ago, Lou Shang, Chunwei High School, and now, one person supports the whole family's lintel.

After all, this daughter of the Jin family was not a happy life, she ended up crazy.

This is not to be lamented.

The guard of honor went to the direction of Pei's mansion. Inside the sedan chair, Sheng Baoling didn't look sideways, but just looked at the cloth hanging on the sedan door in front of him, but he seemed to be able to see through the cloth, in front of the sedan chair, sitting on the high horse. figure.

She finally married the one she loved on this day and became his wife.

Outside the sedan chair, Pei Ci's complexion looked better than ever, because he had a smile on his face, and the others almost forgot to move.

Mr. Pei, who always had a serious face, turned out to be like this when he smiled.

It can be seen how happy I am with this bride.

(End of this chapter)

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