Chapter 157
"What's up with him?"

Hearing this, the system couldn't help but say: "That boy Lin Yan is too paranoid. Now that the spirit vein is damaged, I don't know what will happen! Host, hurry up and ask what's going on!" The system hurriedly urged.

"You'll know when you go and have a look."

Seeing that Chu Huaiyan said the same thing, Wan Yanzhi didn't ask any more questions, and went straight to the place that Lin Yan had set up before.

There is no restriction outside the cave, after all, it is Hanyu Peak, there is no one there except Chu Huaiyan, and Chu Huaiyan is not the kind of person who is idle every day and peeps at what others are doing.

After entering the cave, one can see Lin Yan lying on the stone bed with his eyes closed.

At this time, Lin Yan looked thinner than before. He was fifteen or sixteen years old, but he looked about the same as thirteen or fourteen years old. He was as thin as a stick, with sunken cheeks on both sides, and bruises under his eyes.

As if sensing someone coming in, his eyelashes trembled slightly, but he didn't open his eyes.

Seeing this scene, the system quickly said: "How did he become like this! Although he was seriously injured before we left, the situation is not so bad! Could it be that the injury on his body is still not healed?"

No, the injuries on his body are basically healed except for the damaged spirit veins.

Wan Yanzhi handed Lin Yan over to Chu Huaiyan to take care of him. Although Chu Huaiyan didn't know how to take care of others and never carried any pills with him, he could ask Song Qiyuan for it. Since Lin Yan's identity was there, Song Qiyuan would naturally not say anything. Well, with one elixir, those injuries are basically healed.

And Lin Yan's spiritual veins will be completely damaged after half a year, that is to say, as long as he works hard, although he can't repair the spiritual veins, it won't be as bad as it is now.

Now it's like... Waiting to die.

Due to being silent for too long, Lin Yan couldn't bear the feeling of being stared at all the time, and said: "Please leave Zhenjun, Zhenjun, don't worry, as I said, I will not take it by myself until I see my ancestor. Short-sighted."

"Suicide! Sure enough, he just doesn't want to live!" The system yelled, "What to do! Host, think of a way!"

Yes, what is the most important thing for monks?
Naturally, to cultivate longevity, if one wants to cultivate immortality, the spirit root, spirit vein, and heart are indispensable. Without the spirit vein, it is equivalent to a broken bucket. No matter how good the spirit root is, it will not help.

The road to cultivating immortality is broken, it is better to die.

If it were someone else, I'm afraid they would try their best to comfort him, even if it didn't help, Song Qiyuan also came to persuade him, but he was all slobbering, and Lin Yan didn't respond at all.

Chu Huaiyan didn't persuade him, but occasionally he would extend his consciousness to take a look. It was the second time he came here in person like today.

The first time was when Lin Yan just woke up, the two stared at each other in silence.

After a while, Chu Huaiyan said dryly: "She asked me to watch you, so that you won't be overwhelmed."

Lin Yan was stunned for a moment, silent for a moment, and then said: "Don't worry, I won't commit suicide."

But Chu Huaiyan didn't believe it, so he would pay attention from time to time, and didn't know what to do this time.

Forget it, what does it matter what you do?

Lin Yan thought indifferently, his spiritual veins had been destroyed, if he really died, he might feel that it was a relief, his life was a failure from beginning to end.

Once upon a time, he thought that meeting his ancestor would be his luck finally coming. Unexpectedly, meeting Wanyanzhi would also be the last luck.

Lin Yan smiled wryly.

The old ancestor must be very disappointed. A useless person like him, even with his spiritual veins destroyed, how can he still have the face to live in this world?

At this time, a sneer sounded.

"It is true to say that you are a useless piece of trash!"

Lin Yan was startled, and realized that the person who came was Wanyanzhi, he opened his eyes suddenly, and saw Wanyanzhi standing not far away with folded arms and sneering, his eyes were slightly bright.


"Don't call me old ancestor, I don't have descendants of such a waste as you!"


Lin Yan pulled out an extremely ugly smile, "I'm sorry, Lin Yan let the ancestor down..."

Before he finished speaking, he saw Wanyan Zhi walking towards him, he shrank back subconsciously, Wanyan Zhi stepped forward and grabbed his skirt, and threw him hard on the ground.

Lin Yan wrinkled his whole face in pain.

Seeing Wan Yanzhi approaching again, he stretched out his hand, and he hurriedly said, "Old Ancestor, what are you doing! Are you really going to kill me!"

Great loss and sadness spread in my heart.

He is like this, and the old ancestor didn't have a word of consolation. Also, in the old ancestor's heart, he may be nothing, just like the old ancestor said, he is just a useless waste, unable to build a foundation, even the inner door of the Xuanming sect. Can't even get in, and in the end the spirit vein was even damaged by someone!
Thinking of this, he closed his eyes and stopped struggling.

The whole person was slammed to the ground again, and he curled up in pain, but he didn't resist.

His life was given by his ancestors, and now that his ancestors want him to die, he will not have any resistance, nor will he have any complaints, but he will still feel grievances involuntarily in his heart.

Could it be that in the heart of the old ancestor, he really deserves to be so damned...

He was already very desperate for his spiritual veins to be damaged, and now the ancestors didn't comfort him and even wanted to just throw him to death.

Thinking about it, it was hard to cry, sobbing softly.

"Ooooooo old ancestor... I'm in so much pain..." Even if you want him to die, can you please give him a good time so that he won't be hurt physically and mentally anymore.

"You still know the pain?" Wan Yanzhi sneered, "I thought you didn't know."

Lin Yan looked over with tears in his eyes, and saw Wan Yanzhi looking down at him with a cool look in his eyes, looking at him as if looking at a stranger, so he wanted to cry even more.

No matter how others bully him, he will not feel pain, nor will he feel wronged, he will just write it down and repay it a hundred times in the future.

But facing his ancestor's cold, unfamiliar eyes with murderous intent, he was really uncomfortable and wronged.

"Why did you kill me!"

"I look at you looking so hopeless in life, I want to die, I will naturally fulfill you."


"Want to die?"

"I..." Lin Yan was at a loss. He really wanted to die before, and what supported him to survive was to see his ancestor again, so that he could die with peace of mind. But when the ancestor asked him, he was at a loss. up.

Want to die?
"I don't know." He was like a little beast that was seriously injured and lost its way. After finally seeing his relatives, he wanted to be comforted, so that he could die without any worries, but his relatives wanted him to die more than him.

Wan Yanzhi nodded clearly, but his expression was still indifferent: "That means I want to die."

I don't know if I just want to die!Old ancestor, you are too arbitrary!
Lin Yan couldn't help complaining in his heart, and then saw Wan Yanzhi stretching out his hand again.

(End of this chapter)

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