Said I am your ancestor

Chapter 3 Ancestor?

Chapter 3 Ancestor?
"Huh?" The system was stunned, and thought about Wanyanzhi's question, "Because they hate demon slaves?"

Wan Yanzhi shook his head.

"Even if it is a demon slave, it is not enough to kill them all. Didn't you listen to what the fat man said just now? 'It's a pity...' What a pity?"

"It's a pity that he is a demon slave?" The system tentatively completed the sentence.

Wan Yanzhi was silent for a while: "Although I expected you to be a stupid system, I really didn't expect you to be so stupid."

System: "QAQ host, why are you scolding the system!"

Hearing that the voice of the system had begun to cry, Wan Yanzhi quickly stopped: "He wants to kill Lin Yan, it's impossible because Lin Yan is a demon slave, I saw it just now, and there is no disgust for Lin Yan in his eyes , only killing intent, that is to say, there must be other reasons."

"Wow! Host, you are amazing, you can see it with such small eyes!"

"Okay, don't blow it up, just keep watching."

Outside the soul jade, several people have already woken up Lin Yan.

When Lin Yan saw a few people, his already pale face turned paler. He hadn't recovered yet and couldn't move. He could only lie on the bed and look at the people.

"You, what are you going to do?" He struggled helplessly, his eyes gradually turned red, "Isn't it enough for you to push me off the Forbidden Spirit Cliff?! Why do you want to kill me all!"

"Why? Lin Yan, I think you know very well."

"But I never said anything!"

"That's different, only the dead will keep their mouths shut, kill him for me!"

These people have at least the eighth level of Qi refining, let alone the leader Chen Li at the tenth level of Qi refining, and he only has the fifth level of Qi refining, and he is still seriously injured now.

Lin Yan was in despair.

It was hard, it was hard to climb up from the Forbidden Spirit Cliff, why did you treat him like this?

But he was not completely desperate, and there was still a glimmer of hope in his heart.

His hand caressed the soul jade hanging around his neck.

"Old ancestor..." he murmured, "please save me..."

Hearing his murmur, Chen Li sneered: "I think you have been disturbed by the devil's energy and become possessed! You actually called up your ancestors, let alone your ancestors, whoever comes will kill you!"

As soon as the words fell, the room suddenly became cold, as if falling into an ice cellar. He had already refined his Qi, but he shuddered abruptly, and a chill shot up from the soles of his feet.

"Oh, really?"

An ethereal voice filled the room.

I can only hear his voice, but not see his people.

"Who? Who is talking?"

Lin Yan's eyes lit up amazingly, and his excitement was beyond words: "Old ancestor!"

Chen Li was stunned.

When did Lin Yan have an ancestor?
As far as he knew, Lin Yan had the physique of a lone star of the gods. His parents, elders and relatives all died because of it, and there were no immortal cultivators in his family. Where did his ancestors come from?
Obviously there was none before, why did I go to Forbidden Spirit Cliff to find...


Chen Li's expression was concentrated, and he thought of the soul jade hanging around Lin Yan's neck, which he discovered by accident. Before that, he had thought about waiting for Lin Yan to die and take the soul jade as his own.

Who knew that Lin Yan was like being beaten to death, no matter what method he used, he couldn't die, and Lin Yan also took a close look at this soul jade, so he reluctantly gave up the soul jade under the urging of Senior Brother Ming, and directly pushed Lin Yan out of the forbidden spirit cliff.

Could it be that for so many years, Lin Yan's ancestors have been nurturing their souls in the soul jade. They didn't show up before because they were not at the critical moment of life and death. Because it is impossible to climb up by perseverance alone!
That's it!

Chen Li's eyes turned red with jealousy.

To be able to leave a remnant soul in the soul jade after death, even if it is not a great power, it definitely has a lot of valuable skills and experience.

Lin Yan got advice, maybe he could enter the inner sect in a few years, maybe he would be more advanced than him in the inner sect.

Lin Yan is a lone star of the devil, and he has been the most humble demon slave, so why should he have such an adventure? !
If he wanted Lin Yan to die in order to fulfill Brother Ming's orders before, then now, without Brother Ming's orders, he wished Lin Yan would die immediately.

With a thought, a sword appeared in his hand, and he stabbed at Lin Yan regardless.

Lin Yan's eyes widened, trying to hide, but he couldn't.

At this moment, there was a sound of piercing through the air, and the next moment, Chen Li's sword broke in two, and the surrounding temperature became lower and lower.

Chen Li finally came back to his senses, thinking of the ancestor in Lin Yan's soul jade, his mouth trembled with fright, and with a "clang clang", he dropped his sword and ran away as if fleeing for his life.

Seeing Chen Li running away, several other people also ran away.

The temperature slowly returned, Lin Yan came back to his senses, touched the soul jade, his eyes turned red, and his voice choked up: "Thank you ancestor, if it wasn't for you, I'm afraid I'd be dead now."

As long as he can remember, he has been tortured by Moxiu's side. No one has ever saved him, and no one has cared about him. Even if he dies, no one will shed a single tear for him.

Wan Yanzhi snorted coldly, with a hint of impatience in his voice: "Why are you crying? It's really useless. How could the Lin family give birth to such a waste like you!"

Lin Yan wiped away his tears and was so moved that even though the ancestor scolded him, he knew that the ancestor scolded him for his own good and hated iron for being weak.

"My ancestor is right, I can't be so cowardly anymore, cowardice will only let me be slaughtered, and I can't embarrass you, ancestor..."

"Okay, okay, stop." Wan Yanzhi rolled his eyes.

If she doesn't stop, maybe she can keep talking.

She was puzzled, why she scolded this kid all the time, and this kid still looked so moved, could it be that he was stupid for falling off the Forbidden Spirit Cliff?
"Tell me why they have to kill you."

Lin Yan was startled, and then said in a low voice, "Because I saw something I shouldn't have seen."

"Shouldn't be watching?"

It turned out that when Xuanmingzong organized the sect's disciples to enter the secret realm, Lin Yan accidentally saw the inner disciple Qin Yueming killing his fellow disciple, and he ran away in fright.

He thought that Qin Yueming hadn't found him, but in fact Qin Yueming had already. It was just that the situation was urgent and someone was looking for him, so he didn't catch up and kill Lin Yan immediately. After Lin Yan returned to the outer door, he was originally Chen Li, who just bullied him, got even worse.

Because Chen Li had been bullying him before, he didn't think of other aspects. It wasn't until he was in Lingling Cliff that he learned that it was Qin Yueming who was going to kill him, and he understood everything.

"Qin Yueming is a disciple of Zhenren Zhao, and he is also well-known among the disciples of the inner sect. If he wants me to die, I can't resist at all."

At the end, Lin Yan lowered his voice.

Wan Yanzhi hated the person who boosted other people's aspirations and ruined his prestige. He clicked his tongue and was about to speak when he heard Lin Yan say excitedly: "But I don't think so now, so what about Qin Yueming? He has Zhenren Zhao , but I also have an ancestor! The ancestor will definitely not ignore me, do you think so?"

His eyes were shining brightly, where was the decadence before.

Wan Yanzhi's confidence in correcting himself was given by himself, not by others, but seeing Lin Yan's appearance, he still didn't say anything.

She now understands, what kind of murderous demon city lord is this, this is a fool!
"Yeah." He hummed a few times perfunctorily, then changed the subject, "Can you get out of bed now?"

"Should...can you?"

"Then go somewhere."

"Where is the ancestor going?"

"Mu Zifeng."

(End of this chapter)

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