Said I am your ancestor

Chapter 40 What She Needs

Chapter 40 What She Needs
Chu Huaiyan's eyes lit up.


"What's your plan?"

Wan Yanzhi looked at him rather strangely.

"You know what to do?"

"Naturally to help you."

"Why do you want to help me?"

"Because..." Chu Huaiyan paused, and then said solemnly: "Because I also want to ascend."

The expression on Wan Yanzhi's face was even weirder, and he just wondered if there was something wrong with Chu Huaiyan's head.

"Don't you know that the reason Liao Cangjie couldn't ascend is because of the great war ten thousand years ago?"


"Since you know, why do you still help me? Aren't you afraid that I will make today's Liaocang world even more unviable?"

Like now, although she hasn't met any monks who hold grudges against her, she knows that once some monks above Nascent Soul know who she is, and know about the great war ten thousand years ago, people who want her dead may abound.

The system wondered in its mind: "Is it true that the inability to ascend in Liaocang Realm was caused ten thousand years ago?"

Wan Yanzhi sneered.

"If you want to add a crime, you can't worry about it."

"The great war ten thousand years ago has caused the situation where I can't ascend now. Even if I blame you, if I kill you, can I ascend? What's more, the inability to ascend is not caused by you."

Chu Huaiyan's seriousness surprised Wan Yanzhi.

Unexpectedly, even if he knew the false truth, Chu Huaiyan did not hate her, and even wanted to help her.

She couldn't help but clicked her tongue: "Should I say you are naive or stupid?"

Chu Huaiyan: "..." From knowing this ancestor to now, it seems that he has never praised him. Although he doesn't care, he still feels a little uncomfortable being scolded many times.

He opened his mouth, wanting to refute, but didn't know what to say to refute.

In the end, he could only hold back a sentence in a muffled voice: "Then what is your plan?"

Wan Yanzhi was overjoyed.

I didn't expect this muffled gourd to be quite fun.

Seeing Chu Huaiyan's face getting more and more tense, she stopped her voice in time and said seriously: "That's what you think."

Chu Huaiyan was startled, thinking of what he said before but Wan Yanzhi refuted.

"You mean..."

"Yes, as you said, investigate the final results of ten thousand years ago, and gather other people around Xuanmingzong."

"Then you found a way?"

Wan Yanzhi smiled slightly: "Not yet."

The light in Chu Huaiyan's eyes dimmed. Although he had been mentally prepared for it, when he heard Wan Yanzhi say there was no other way, he still felt disappointed, but immediately after that, he cheered up again.

It's been so long, do you still care about waiting?
"Then you must have a direction, right?"

Wan Yanzhi nodded.

"What is it?"

"I can't tell at the moment."

While talking, the two returned to Xuanmingzong Hanyu Peak. Before parting, Chu Huaiyan said again: "The next plan..."

"First know the ending ten thousand years ago." This is the major premise of doing everything.

Chu Huaiyan nodded, turned and left.

"Host..." The system hesitated to speak.

"Say something."

"Why did you choose him? Don't you not like him very much?"

Wan Yanzhi raised his eyebrows: "Who said I don't like it? I can't like this kind of junior who has a certain amount of advance and retreat."

The system doesn't believe it.

"you are lying."

The reason for being bound to the host is that it can feel some of the host’s emotions and thoughts, so I also know that because of personal preferences, Wan Yanzhi doesn’t like people like Chu Huaiyan who are so straight-faced all the time, that is, Just now, the disgust has subsided a little.

If there is a specific favorability number, then the host's favorability for Chu Huaiyan should be a negative number, and it didn't become zero until not long ago.

"Okay." Wan Yanzhi shrugged, "Since I take Xuanmingzong as the center, I must choose someone from Xuanmingzong as a representative. It is impossible for me to choose Song Qiyuan."

She really hates Song Qiyuan.

It seems that there is only one Chu Huaiyan who can barely catch the eye.

"Why doesn't the host focus on Wanyan's family? People from Wanyan's family will definitely support you without reservation."

Hearing this, the smile on Wan Yanzhi's face faded.

"That's why I didn't choose Wanyan's family." In the battle ten thousand years ago, because she was the leader of the formation, Wanyan's family even sent out members of the Jindan family, and suffered the heaviest loss.

People are selfish.

She naturally didn't want Wanyan's family to suffer more losses, at least, it couldn't be like it was ten thousand years ago.

"What about the other four suns?"

"If I choose any one of Siyang, do you think I will still have the right to speak?" Even if there is, everyone must discuss it together.

She is Wanyanzhi, with a high status, but that was only ten thousand years ago, and she knows well that today, ten thousand years later, her influence in the Liaocang world has been minimized.

And she doesn't want to discuss with others, what she needs is her words.

When the system heard the words, it immediately exaggerated.

"The host doesn't know what to do, and what he does depends on his mood, but he has a plan in his heart, and he has his own plan, so he won't miss anything."

Wan Yanzhi sneered.

"Okay, let's talk, who was detected again?"

The system whispered: "Sure enough, I can't hide from the host. There are two of them, they are in Xuan Mingzong, and now I am with Song Qiyuan. As long as the two can recognize the host as the master, I can use the accumulated energy to scan to a longer distance. I can find a more suitable body for the host sooner!"

Wan Yanzhi didn't take what the system said at all.

The thing in her mind is just a dead thing without a soul, but it looks more like a soul than ordinary creatures, and even has her own little abacus in her heart. A last resort.

In order to make this retreat come true, she will naturally complete the task actively.

He went straight to the mountain where Song Qiyuan was.

From afar, I saw Song Qiyuan communicating with this man and woman with a smile on his face.

This pair of men and women are both Nascent Soul cultivators, and their looks are as good as ever. There is no such thing as an ugly person who cultivates immortals, but the strange appearance of these two people makes people feel like looking at flowers in a fog. They only know that they must be beautiful, but Want to see clearly, but can't see.

Wan Yanzhi didn't look at the male cultivator, but focused on the female cultivator.

Because this is the first time that the system detects a female cultivator who needs to recognize her as an ancestor. After all, the system is transferred from the husband recognition system. Even if they are all men, she is not surprised, but it is really strange for a female cultivator to appear.

"What do you two fellow Taoists think? Xuanmingzong is really the best place to go. If you go to other Siyangs, you will definitely not get such good treatment as in Xuanmingzong."

A man and a woman seem to be still hesitating.

Wan Yanzhi walked over, the three noticed Wan Yanzhi, Song Qiyuan hesitated whether to let Wan Yanzhi avoid him, but he knew the character of this ancestor, so he didn't dare to speak.

In order to see the female cultivator's appearance clearly, Wan Yanzhi used his divine sense again.

Seeing an extremely gorgeous face, she was taken aback.

The female cultivator noticed it instantly, her eyes were alert.

At this time, Song Qiyuan explained embarrassingly: "Senior, these two are casual cultivators, and they want to choose a sect to stay."

Wan Yanzhi ignored it, and with a thought, an ordinary knife appeared in his hand, and before the other three could react, he stabbed the nun's heart with one knife.

 Sorry for something late

(End of this chapter)

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