Said I am your ancestor

Chapter 42 The Devil's Purpose

Chapter 42 The Devil's Purpose
"I met her in a family surnamed Sheng. The ancestors of the Sheng family helped me. In order to repay, I gave the token to the ancestors of the Sheng family, and promised that as long as I crushed the token, I would go there and help her." Do any of them a favor.

That day, someone crushed the token I gave, so I went there and found that everyone in the Sheng family had some mental problems. Picked up a weird magic weapon.

At the very beginning, no one noticed, but it was too late, their cultivation and consciousness were suppressed under the Nascent Soul, and they couldn't get out of that place at all, and their sanity became more and more sane day by day... ..."

Hearing this, both Wanyanzhi and Song Qiyuan's expressions became serious, with serious expressions.

What Nanxiu said is likely to be related to the abnormal situation earlier, like the empty space forest.

"Did you see what that thing looked like?"

The male repairman shook his head.

"When I found out, my cultivation base and spiritual consciousness had been suppressed under the Nascent Soul, and I couldn't get close to the strange things at all. My sanity also began to be affected. I don't know what happened afterwards, I only know that I woke up At that time, Xiner... Mo, was by my side."

Wan Yanzhi was thoughtful.

Why did the demon appear in the place where the strange thing appeared, and even saved Nanxiu?

Could it be that weird things have something to do with demons?
"and then?"

"At that time, my sanity was not fully awake, it was only for a while. In order to prevent my sanity from being polluted, the devil followed me all the time. I walked with it for half a month."

Mentioning that half a month, Nanxiu clenched his hands into fists.

At that time, he and Xiner stayed in the same cave and faced each other day in and day out. He didn't notice any abnormality. At that time, I thought that Xiner didn't speak often because she thought her voice was ugly.

"Later, it was going to leave. I knew that if it left, we would really have no fate. In the past half month, I had already been pleased with her, so I confessed to her. It didn't agree, but I begged hard, and it finally agreed. .”

Wan Yanzhi raised an eyebrow.

"Are you sure you begged hard, and it agreed?"

The male cultivator was stunned for a moment, and then said uncertainly: "It should be... Although it is a demon, I think it must have feelings for me, otherwise how could I agree."

"Hey, I think you've been bewitched by demons!" Wan Yanzhi didn't show any sympathy, seeing Nanxiu's dazed yet heartbroken expression, he rolled his eyes, "Just a reminder , that is a demon."

Demons do not have the seven emotions and six desires.

Only then did the male cultivator come to his senses, as if he had suddenly realized: "Yes, that's a demon! Then why is it..."

"Do you still remember what you said to it before it agreed?"

"I said that if you are willing to become my Taoist partner, we will settle down in a certain sect, and I will hold a grand marriage ceremony for you, but it is still unwilling. I saw that it was impatient, so I said it would not be long, we are now You can go to the nearest Xuanmingzong, and it agrees."

"When it comes to Xuanmingzong, it agrees. What is Xuanmingzong trying to do?" Song Qiyuan looked puzzled.

It's not that he belittled his own sect, it's just that Xuan Mingzong is a second-rate sect, even if it is second only to the other Siyang, there is really nothing to attempt.

Wan Yanzhi said lightly: "Xuan Mingzong really has no good intentions, but didn't something happen near Xuan Mingzong recently?"

Song Qiyuan came to his senses immediately.

"You mean the airspace forest?!"

The male cultivator was puzzled: "What happened to the airspace forest?"

"There is also a strange magic weapon in Kongyu Forest." Wan Yanzhi said ambiguously.

The male cultivator suddenly realized that it was so!
If so, it makes sense.

At that time, he thought that the devil also had him in his heart, so he agreed. Now it seems that the devil came here for the strange things. As for why he saved him, it was only to know what happened to the Sheng family before.

He couldn't help but smile.

It turns out that there are traces of all this, but he relaxed his vigilance after being rescued by the demon, and later fell in love with the demon so much that his head was dazzled, and he had no doubts at all. He came with something weird, and he agreed to it just to deceive people.

Nanxiu looked devastated.

"Why, still reluctant to part with a demon?" Wan Yanzhi sarcastically said.

The male cultivator didn't refute, and after a long while, he said in a low voice: "After all, you let go of your feelings, how can you just pull away when you say you want to pull away?"

This is a good point, no matter how long they have been together, even if they have only been together for a day, as long as they develop feelings during this day, when they learn the truth, they will not be able to stay out of it.

A short-term relationship, isn't it called a relationship?

Song Qiyuan next to him nodded in agreement.

"It's hard for you to be reluctant to part with it after you know it's a demon. If it knew, I'm afraid you'd be moved to tears."

"Senior, please don't mock me." Nanxiu was dumbfounded by Wanyanzhi's sarcasm, and the sadness in his heart dissipated a lot, and then he said seriously: "It is my fault to bring this farce to Xuan Mingzong, I Willing to do one thing for Lingzong, without violating the bottom line."

Before Song Qiyuan could speak, Wan Yanzhi answered, "Okay, there is one thing I need you to do now."

"What's the matter?"

"Stay in Xuanmingzong for the time being."

The male cultivator was stunned: "What for?"

Wan Yanzhi pouted angrily at Song Qiyuan: "Ask him."

The latter looked dazed, and he didn't know what to do. His eyes turned to Wanyanzhi for help, and Wanyanzhi turned around and waved his hands: "Okay, I have something else to do, so I'm leaving first."

"Wait a minute." Song Qiyuan called Wan Yanzhi to stop, "I have a question I want to ask senior."


"How did senior see that it was a demon?"

Wan Yanzhi paused, then chuckled: "When I was ignorant, I stumbled on the demon."

Song Qiyuan was still puzzled.

"Is it possible to distinguish demons after a stumble?"

"So I went to the land of demons and scattered nearly ten thousand demons." She said lightly, but both Song Qiyuan and the male cultivator shuddered. There was only one thought in their hearts: never mess with this ancestor in front of me in the future!

Breaking into the Heavenly Demon's Land alone, and smashing nearly ten thousand demons with one's own strength, what a terrifying strength this is!

What's even more frightening is this person's ability to hold grudges!
It's no wonder that when Wan Yanzhi identified the opponent as a demon, he directly stabbed the demon without saying a word, which shows how much he hates the demon.

The male cultivator originally didn't want to stay in Xuanmingzong, he was a casual cultivator, and he was used to being unrestrained, so he didn't dare to mention it, for fear of offending Wan Yanzhi, and the other party would stab him without saying a word.

After Wan Yanzhi left, the anxious system in the mind of the air traffic control came into being.

"Do you think it's appropriate for me to tell Zhenjun Yuanying who just lost a relationship that I am your ancestor?"

"But when you said this before, you didn't see if it was appropriate..." the system muttered.

Wan Yanzhi sneered: "I haven't even settled the score with you yet, so tell me, why did the devil recognize me as the ancestor."

(End of this chapter)

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