Chapter 44
Qin Yue Ming Lingmai was destroyed?
For a while, Song Qiyuan didn't care about talking to Lian Qiao anymore, and put the porcelain bottle beside the stone bed, "I put the Fuyuan Pill here, you should eat it earlier, don't make fun of your body."

After that, he turned around and left the cave.

Lian Qiao looked down at the porcelain vase beside the stone bed, silent, but her eyes were scary red.

She remembered that when she made the request just now, Master refused without even thinking about it.

In fact, she didn't really want Wan Yanzhi to apologize to the master, although she didn't spend much time together, she could also see that it was impossible for the ancestor of Guangye Zhenjun to apologize to the master.

All she wanted was an attitude from Master, nothing more.

But Master doesn't even have an attitude, so how can she let it go?

At this time, she frowned and covered her left shoulder. The painful wound seemed to be attacked by something. She groaned, the corner of her mouth was bleeding, and she returned to the stone bed to suppress the evil thoughts that came up.

She is the elder sister of Xuan Mingzong, how could she have a heart demon because of such a trivial matter?


Closing her eyes, Lian Qiao began to suppress her luck.

the other side.

"What's going on? Who did it?" Song Qiyuan's voice was deep.

Who on earth is so bold as to destroy the spiritual vein of Qin Yueming, the direct disciple of Chen Zhenren?

A person's face flashed across his mind, and Song Qiyuan was stunned.


Then he shook his head, it should be impossible, this ancestor should not have destroyed Qin Yueming's spiritual veins for no reason, and later he also had a little understanding of the grievances between Lin Yan and Qin Yueming, Qin Yueming did send Chen Li He bullied Lin Yan, but later Lin Yan also took revenge.

It is right for the two of them to settle their grievances.

He even went to Chen Zhenren to remind him, so that Chen Zhenren would not allow Qin Yueming to anger people who shouldn't be provoked, so as not to cause trouble to his upper body.

Chen Zhenzhen is a smart person, so he will naturally restrain Qin Yueming from going to trouble with that ancestor.

"It's Lian Zhi. I heard that when Qin Yueming was beating Lin Yan, Lian Zhi saw him, and Lian Zhi directly destroyed Qin Yueming's spiritual vein."

Song Qiyuan wanted to cry but had no tears.

What is this called!
Since this ancestor came to Xuanmingzong, more things happened in Xuanmingzong than in previous decades!
I don't know whether it is a blessing or a curse, but at present, it seems that the disaster is greater than the blessing.

When they arrived, they could see Qin Yueming fainted not far away in the middle of the crowd, while Lin Yan, who was breathing weakly, was lying at Wanyanzhi's feet. Wanyanzhi stood there with arms folded, looking mysteriously at the surrounding The disciples of Mingzong didn't care at all, as if they were waiting for someone.

When Wanyanzhi found Song Qiyuan, he frowned slightly, and Song Qiyuan understood that Wanyanzhi was waiting for him.

Song Qiyuan bit the bullet and walked over.

"Senior, you..."

"You came just in time, help me move this kid to Han Yufeng."

"Qin Yue called him..."


"I'll move right away."

Resigned to his fate, Song Qiyuan picked up Lin Yan and headed to Hanyu Peak, while Wan Yanzhi followed leisurely behind, leaving Qin Yueming who no one cared about.

Anyway, Zhenren Chen should know by now, let Chen Zhenren come to this ancestor to solve it, he can't control it anymore, Song Qiyuan thought desperately.

Put the person on the Lingyu bed.

"Senior, do you have any orders?"

"No more, go get busy on your own." Song Qiyuan ran away impatiently.

Somewhere in the Hanyu Peak, Chu Huaiyan, who was practicing, noticed that someone other than Wanyanzhi had gone up the Hanyu Peak, opened his eyes, spread his consciousness, and saw Lin Yan, who was breathing weakly on the Lingyu bed, and was about to Withdrawing his consciousness, he found something unusual about Lin Yan.

"Huh?" His expression froze.

Just as he was about to investigate carefully, Wan Yanzhi raised his eyes slightly, and said in a calm voice, "Put away your spiritual sense, and dare to come to my side again, I don't mind letting you taste the destruction of your spiritual sense."

"..." Chu Huaiyan had no choice but to withdraw his consciousness in despair, and stopped paying attention.

The unpleasant consciousness disappeared, and Wan Yanzhi looked back, and landed on Lin Yan on the Lingyu bed. His expression was still calm, but when he looked closely, there was a sense of coldness.

"Host, don't worry, no matter what, he has the ability to refine Qi. His breath is weak right now, but the wound looks scary. Just feed him a few spirit pills." The system comforted Wan Yanzhi.

"I'm not worried." Wan Yanzhi said.

What she cares about is not this, but——

Stretching out his hand to touch Lin Yan's wrist, the spiritual power penetrated into Lin Yan's body, and Lin Yan's damaged spiritual veins seemed to have been repaired, but this was just an appearance.

Wan Yanzhi knew that within three years, Lin Yan's spiritual veins would be completely destroyed.

At that time, Lin Yan became a cripple and could no longer cultivate.

Thinking of this, Wan Yanzhi's face became more and more cold, and then he pondered: "Is it too light to only destroy Qin Yueming's spiritual veins?"

The system didn't dare to make a sound at all, don't look at Yan Zhi's emotional stability now, but only it knows that Wan Yanzhi is suppressing, what he said to Chu Huaiyan just now is on the verge of burning, and now he lacks a igniter The fuse of anger.

A sense and aura that belonged to Daoist Jindan swept over.

"Senior, please come out and explain the destruction of the disciple's spiritual vein." Although the words were polite, the tone was not so polite, and he was also suppressing his anger.

Here comes the fuse.

The system decided to observe a few seconds of silence for this real Chen who had never seen him before.

Wan Yanzhi pursed his lips, walked out of the cave, and reached the halfway up Hanyu Peak, where Chen Zhenren hugged Qin Yueming with a distressed look on his face.

Sensing Wan Yanzhi approaching, he looked over with eyes that concealed resentment.

He thought of the suzerain's previous instructions, although this woman's cultivation base is only foundation building, her identity is the ancestor of Zhenjun Guangye, and he can't move it at will, but even so, after learning the news that the lover's spiritual vein was destroyed , or let the anger go to his head, hastily came.

"Is Yue Ming's spiritual vein damaged by senior?"

Wan Yanzhi smiled, but the smile didn't reach his eyes: "I did it, how about it?"


Chen Zhenre suppressed his anger again, and said in a deep voice, "I don't know what Yueming did to make senior do such vicious things as damaging the spirit veins!"

It was a bit rude to say this.

I believe that if Wan Yanzhi can't give a decent explanation, he probably really won't care about Wanyan Zhi's identity.

Unexpectedly, Wan Yanzhi didn't say that it was because Lin Yan's spiritual vein was also damaged, but wrote lightly: "I'm in a bad mood. Seeing him as an eyesore, I destroyed my spiritual root. Is there a problem?"

"go to hell!"

"Really Chen, stop!"

It was already too late when Song Qiyuan rushed over, he could only watch Chen Zhenren rush towards Wanyanzhi.

Wan Yanzhi sneered, a Jindan real person, dare to challenge her?

Just as he was about to make a move, he felt a wave of devilish energy eroding over, menacing.

not good!

(End of this chapter)

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