Said I am your ancestor

Chapter 59 Ancient Rune

Chapter 59 Ancient Rune
Out of the cave.

Without waiting for Chu Huaiyan to ask, Wan Yanzhi was the first to speak out: "Do you know what the strange thing of the Sheng family is?"

"What is it?"

"The way of heaven."

Chu Huaiyan was stunned, then puzzled.

"The Dao of Heaven?" How could it be, not to mention that the Dao of Heaven is something illusory to the monks, it is a real thing, and it is not something that the monks can touch.

Of course, those masters in the fusion stage ten thousand years ago may be able to sense the way of heaven, but the current monks absolutely cannot.

Now Wan Yanzhi told him that the strange thing of the Sheng family is the way of heaven?
"Is... what does it look like?"

"It's just a bunch of junk."

Seeing Chu Huaiyan's expression of wanting to believe but not being able to believe it, Wan Yanzhi burst out laughing.

"Okay, I won't tease you anymore."

Hearing this, Chu Huaiyan heaved a sigh of relief, but also faintly lost.

If you can find the way of heaven, you may be able to ascend.


"What is that strange thing in the Sheng family?"

"It's nothing, it's just a tattered piece of the rules of the heavenly way, or in other words, it's the medium through which the heavenly way communicates with the Liaocang world." Speaking of this, Wan Yanzhi sneered, "I was still thinking, who would use such a I didn't expect him to be the means of not being popular, so it makes sense."

Chu Huaiyan: "..."

He didn't know what to say. In the eyes of others, he didn't even dare to mention the way of heaven, but Wan Yanzhi looked down upon him so much. He didn't know whether it should be said that this ancestor didn't know the heights of heaven and earth, or that her strength had already disregarded the way of heaven. eyes.

After thinking about it, Wanyanzhi and 10,000+ monks all intended to destroy the Dao of Heaven ten thousand years ago, so it is not surprising that they have such an attitude now.

"Aren't you curious why I say that about Him?"

"...Curious." He was indeed curious, but he also knew through this period of getting along that Wan Yanzhi didn't want to talk about things, no matter how she asked them or whoever asked them, she would never say them, so he didn't ask them just now.

After a moment of silence, Yan Zhi said quietly, "Do you also think that it was those six integrated monks who angered the Heavenly Dao ten thousand years ago, so that He cut off their ascension passage in a fit of anger?"

"That's what the records of the Chu family say." Chu Huaiyan answered the wrong question.

But Wan Yanzhi didn't care, she didn't care what Chu Huaiyan thought, as long as it could achieve her goal.

"You want to ascend?"


"I have a way."

Chu Huaiyan's eyes lit up. Although he had always guessed that Wan Yanzhi might have a solution, this was the first time he heard the other party say it with such certainty.

"What do you need me to do?"

Wan Yanzhi smiled slightly, talking to smart people is a peace of mind.

"You should know about situations like the Sheng family, and there are many more."

"I know, I heard from Song Qiyuan that this kind of situation has happened everywhere in Siyang Continent." After speaking, Chu Huai paused, and hesitated: "Could it be that the strange things in other places are also like the Sheng family?"

If this is the case, what is Tiandao's plan?
Wan Yanzhi looked at Chu Huaiyan who was lost in thought, and made his next decision in his mind.

"A month later, you will go with me to Chengyangzong, as well as Luoyang and Xuanyang. By then, you will know why the current Liaocang world cannot ascend, and I will tell you what to do in order to ascend later. , but before that, I want you to promise me one thing."

"What's the matter?"

"Do whatever I want you to do. If I want you to go east, you can't go west. Don't ask, and you can't tell anyone, let alone have the slightest hesitation. If you agree, you will swear your heart demon."

To be honest, Chu Huaiyan was not a good candidate.

But so far, there is indeed no more suitable one, she can only make do with it, after all, among the people she has met so far, only Chu Huaiyan is smart enough and pure enough.

To put it simply, as long as he is given a goal, he will not be disturbed by any external objects until he reaches the goal.

Therefore, after Chu Huaiyan swears the heart demon oath.

"Hand out."

Chu Huaiyan stretched out his hand, palm up, Wan Yanzhi also stretched out his hand, and put his hand in his palm. When Chu Huaiyan was wondering, he heard a stiff and strange voice like a three-year-old child.

"Hello." He clearly heard the voice greeting him, and his body froze immediately.

He has been looking forward to when Wan Yanzhi will tell him what is the thing in her mind that does not belong to Liao Cangjie, but he never thought it would be so soon, or in the most direct way.

Not only that, he could feel a strong aura, and he couldn't tell what it was, but he knew that this thing was very powerful, and this aura had always enveloped him and never retracted, and the chill flowed all over his body. Under the field, it is like the smallest ant.

It can be said that if it wants to, it can even make his soul fly away in a single thought!
Seeing that Chu Huaiyan was stiff and silent for a long time, the system gasped, "Host, what's wrong with him? Why does he look like a fool?"

Wan Yanzhi also felt that Chu Huaiyan's reaction was a bit over the top.


Chu Huaiyan looked at Wanyanzhi stiffly, even having difficulty speaking, he paused every word: "Can't you feel it?"

"What do you feel?" Wan Yanzhi looked puzzled.

Isn't it just a useful system, is there anything else amazing?
It is also because of this that she doesn't mind being known by Chu Huaiyan.

System: "QAQ, am I so useless in the eyes of the host?"

"Is not it?"

"Then, that wouldn't be useless at all..."

"That's why I said you are still useful."

"woo woo woo woo……"

Chu Huaiyan could hear the conversation between the two clearly this time, but he was even more afraid of the two of them.

One is something from the outside world that can knock his soul out of him in a single thought, and the other is Wanyanzhi, who is docile and obedient who can even deal with such a powerful thing from the outside world.

At this time, he heard Wan Yanzhi ask him: "Is there anything else you want to know about this thing?"

"No more." He said shyly.

Wan Yanzhi withdrew his hand, the powerful aura disappeared in an instant, Chu Huaiyan breathed a sigh of relief, and looked at Wanyan Zhi who still seemed to feel nothing.

He doesn't think Wan Yanzhi doesn't know, she must know, she is telling him in this way, if he dares to betray her, she can make him die in an instant, as for why she did this, maybe she will do something against the righteous way in the future matter.

The hands beside him were clenched.

But he doesn't regret it.

As long as he can ascend, he can do anything.

Cheng Yangzong.

Zhenjun Liuying returned to the sect with Zhenjun Guangyi and the disciples of Chengyang Sect.

The suzerain and all the peak master elders gathered together.

After listening to her description, she frowned.

"You said that such a difficult matter was easily solved by the foundation-building female cultivator who claimed to be the ancestor of Qing Suizhenjun?"

Zhenjun Liu Xing thought of Wanyanzhi's pale face, and it was not easy, but the whole process seemed to be very fast and easy, except for Wanyanzhi's pale face.

So she nodded.

"What did she put in Guangyi's dantian?"

"I do not know."

A white-haired elder said solemnly: "If she has ulterior motives."

When the others heard it, their expressions suddenly sank.

One of them came directly in front of Zhenjun Guangyi and stretched out his spiritual power to explore it. However, when he saw something in Zhenjun Guangyi's dantian.

Immediately froze.

"what happened?"

"It's actually an ancient rune!"

(End of this chapter)

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