Chapter 62
Speaking of this, Feng Lan Zhenjun looked defeated and trembled all over, as if he saw the huge catastrophe again.

He stared at Wan Yanzhi, and said in a deep voice: "The source of the catastrophe is you."

Wan Yanzhi raised his eyebrows, and the corners of his mouth curled up slightly.

"So I succeeded?"

However, according to this person, it is not considered a success.

"Yes, if you hadn't been pressing hard every step of the way, Tiandao wouldn't fight the situation of losing both sides and finally die together with the entire Liaocang world!"

The way Master Fenglan looked at Wanyanzhi changed.

Because he knew that the female cultivator in front of him was indeed capable, and she could even force the way of heaven to the point of no return!

But he will never allow that to happen.

When he first saw it, he didn't even believe it himself.

That is heaven!

No matter how powerful a monk is, can he force the Dao of Heaven to the point where he has to die?Facts have proved that yes, when he saw it on Weishi, the monk's face was blurred, and he couldn't even distinguish between men and women, so it was impossible for him to find that person.

Before coming this time, he had a dream in a daze while meditating, and once again dreamed of seeing the future of Weishigami Liaocangjie.

But this time, the monk who caused the annihilation of the Liaocang Realm on Weishi also had a face, and it was Wanyanzhi. He had never seen Wanyanzhi before he came, so it was impossible for him to imagine it.

"Is there any more?" Upon hearing this, Wan Yanzhi's previously serious expression became careless again.

"No more, I only saw so much." Then he passed out, and when he woke up, he found that his cultivation had regressed a little.

He never mentioned this to anyone.

Wan Yanzhi nodded, calmly said: "If there is nothing else, you can leave."

"You..." Feng Lan Zhenjun had a look of disbelief.

Why didn't she respond at all? !
He thought about her reaction, but he didn't expect that she didn't even have a reaction!

"What about me?" Wan Yanzhi looked lazy, her pupils reflected the flowers all over the mountains and plains, she didn't pay attention to anyone, in her eyes, these people couldn't even compare to these gorgeous blooming flowers.

"I'm not joking, and that ending is indeed true." Master Feng Lan reiterated again.

"so what?"

"You should immediately stop what you are doing."

"Oh, what if I say I don't?" The tone was still casual.

"Do you still want to continue? Do you want the entire Liaocang Realm to be buried with you!" Seeing Wanyan Zhi being so inconsiderate, Zhenjun Fenglan became angry.

Wanyanzhi smiled, but the smile didn't reach her eyes, her gaze finally turned to Master Fenglan, her eyes were cold: "So what? I never weigh the pros and cons of what I want to do, even if the entire Liaocang world What about being buried with him? What's more, I don't think I will make things such an irreparable mess."

For this, she is very confident.

"How can you guarantee that you will never let the Dao of Heaven and the Liaocang Realm die together?"

Wan Yanzhi shrugged: "There is no guarantee."

"Since you can't, then please stop immediately and don't repeat the tragedy of ten thousand years ago. I don't care about what you did ten thousand years ago. After all, you have already tasted the consequences, but..."

Before he finished speaking, a terrifying coercion like Mount Tai was released, and Zhenjun Fenglan couldn't move immediately.

Accompanied by Wan Yanzhi's dark and cold words: "What are you, are you worthy of caring about our actions?"

Zhenjun Fenglan only felt that he could not breathe, as if something weighing tens of thousands of catties was on top of his head, and his whole body was stiff. He felt a little regretful. If he had known that this person was so powerful in the foundation building period, he shouldn't be so reckless.

But he has come.

"Give up...Give up." He said with difficulty: "Could it be that you really want the Liao Cang Realm to disappear completely? Even if you don't think about other monks, you should think about the Chu family, think about the Wanyan family, You should think for yourself..."

Having said that, the coercion like the top of Mount Tai disappeared, and Zhenjun Fenglan immediately breathed a sigh of relief.

It appears his words have had an effect.

Just as he was about to continue talking, he realized that he was tied up at some point. He glanced at the immortal locks that bound him.

"What is the meaning of this, Fellow Daoist?" He said in a deep voice, "Could it be that you want to silence me?"

"That's not the case." Wan Yanzhi clapped her hands, she did intend to silence her, but as a true monarch, there must be a soul lamp in the sect, once the soul lamp goes out, it will lead to a lot of troubles.

She hates trouble, but it is impossible to let Zhenjun Fenglan go.

In this case, there is only one way.

Call Chu Huaiyan.

"Watch him, don't let anyone find out, and don't let him get away."

Zhenjun Fenglan looked at Chu Huaiyan with hope in his eyes. Xuanmingzong's Zhenjun Guangye, he had heard, was the only person who was expected to reach the stage of fusion in the past 5000 years. If he knew that Wanyanzhi's behavior would cause No matter what the consequences, I will definitely not listen to her again.

"Fellow Daoist Guangye, listen to me, I once saw the future of everyone in Liaocang Realm in an ancient secret realm." But Chu Huaiyan did not stop, so Master Fenglan hurriedly said: "Do you believe I, what I said is true, I not only saw the future on that Weishi, but also saw the great war ten thousand years ago!"

Sure enough, Chu Huaiyan frowned.

Hope rose in Zhenjun Fenglan's heart, and he hurriedly said: "Do you want to know what happened to Liaocang Realm? As long as you let me go, I will tell you."


As Chu Huaiyan said, he stretched out his hand directly, Zhenjun Fenglan's eyes darkened, and he passed out.

Watching this scene, Wan Yanzhi burst out laughing.

"Don't you really want to know about the great war ten thousand years ago and the future? Why don't you listen to him? Maybe he can tell you how you ended up." She said jokingly.

"I really want to know, but you've already said it, you'll tell me, I'm not in a hurry, as for my final outcome." He paused, "I'll go to the end, and I will naturally know what my ending will be."

Knowing the ending in advance will not do him any good, maybe he will be affected by it instead.

That being the case, don't know.

Wan Yanzhi nodded in satisfaction.

"Don't worry, you will know the truth of the war ten thousand years ago soon."

She will soon know the end of the war.

Therefore, Zhenjun Fenglan was detained in Hanyu Peak by Wanyanzhi in the name of hitting it off, and with the testimony of Chu Huaiyan, everyone thought that Zhenjun Fenglan wanted to get something from Wanyanzhi, and it was only a few Month, even for three to five years, is nothing unusual for a cultivator, so no one doubts it.

And after this time, Song Qiyuan wisely didn't come forward to disturb her again. In addition, the Siyang Continent's once-in-a-ten-year competition was coming soon, so he was very busy, and he didn't have time to deal with those people who wanted to see Wanyanzhi. , they are all rejected.

"How? Is she still missing?"

Wan Yanqing hummed.

"What's the matter with her? Back then, you defended her everywhere. Why didn't she even want to see you? This old ancestor of your Wanyan family is really headstrong!"

"Even without my protection, she will not suffer any harm."

"That's what you say... Tsk, that's all, what should we do now, do you still want to give her this thing?"

Wan Yanqing lowered her eyes, staring at the things in her hand.

At the beginning, that person asked him to send something back to Wanyan's house, but he never thought that the person who wanted to give it was Wanyan Zhi!

(End of this chapter)

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