Said I am your ancestor

Chapter 72 The goal is the first

Chapter 72 The goal is number one
Outside the secret, the island where the Lian family is located.

"She is from the Lian family?" The elder of the Lian family frowned, "Why didn't I know there was such a person in our clan."

After seeing Yan Zhi's cultivation base, age and strength, it is impossible for him not to know!
"That's right, she's from the Lian family, but she's a side branch, her name is Lian Zhi. I heard that because of some incidents, she was expelled from the Lian family by Lian Qiao."

The elder was thoughtful, Lian Qiao was the focus of the Lian family's cultivation, speaking of it, he had indeed heard that the two maids around Lian Qiao were not in the right mind.

But to become Lianqiao's maid, although the aptitude is good, it is not as good as Lianqiao. How come the cultivation base has grown so fast and the strength is so powerful?

"After leaving the secret realm, send someone to invite her here."


At the same time, on the island where the Chu family is located, someone suddenly said, "Isn't she the ancestor of our Chu family!"

This person's words fell, and without waiting for other people to react, another person responded quickly: "Yes! It's her! True Monarch Guangye personally admitted that she is the ancestor of the Chu family!"

After he finished speaking, he suddenly covered his mouth.


The ancestor of the Chu family told them not to tell the rest of the Chu family. Why did he accidentally say it? !

Several elders of the Chu family heard it, and said in a deep voice: "Don't talk nonsense, do you know the consequences of talking nonsense?"

The man let go of his hand, and said hastily: "I didn't say anything nonsense, it was indeed Zhenjun Guangye who admitted it himself, elder, if you don't believe me, you can ask Zhenjun Guangye."

Later, he went to Xuanmingzong to inquire about it, and he heard that there was indeed a female cultivator in Hanyu Peak where Master Guangye was.

It must be Wan Yanzhi!
Eh, no, since she is the ancestor of the Chu family, why is she called Wanyanzhi?
The elder also thought of this level: "Since she is the ancestor of the Chu family, why is her surname Wanyan, and according to this disciple of the Xuanming Sect, her previous surname was Lian, and she was from the Lian family."

For the time being, this matter can be regarded as her seizing the house, and the person who seized the house was from the Lian family, but why did she say that her surname was Wanyan?
It is impossible for a person to be the ancestor of the Chu family and the ancestor of the Wanyan family at the same time.

There must be something wrong with this.

"This... I really don't know, but Master Guangye did admit that she is his ancestor."

"When she leaves the secret realm, invite her to come over."

Since Master Guangye admitted it himself, he had to meet and confirm such a big matter in person.


On the island where the Xuyang Sect is located, Lushan Taoist smiled slightly, looked at Wanyanzhi in the water mirror, and sighed: "Ah Zhi really, no matter where he is, he can attract everyone's attention."

"You know her?" A gentle female voice came from beside her.

It is rumored that he has a close personal relationship with Taoist Lord Xiuqing.

Seeing Lushan Daojun's familiar tone, he asked curiously.

"Well, it's an acquaintance."

"But I saw that she was only in her teens. How could Taoist Lushan know a teenage Foundation Establishment disciple of Xuan Mingzong?"

"She is not a disciple of Xuan Mingzong."

"Then she is..."

"The ancestor of the Wanyan family, my former master, Wanyan Zhi."

Someone next to him gasped, "She is the ancestor of Wanyan's family? No, isn't she the ancestor of Zhenjun Qing Sui?"

It was Taoist Surong of Cheng Yangzong. Seeing Taoist Lushan and Taoist Xiuqing looking at him, he explained: "I also heard from that girl Liuying that there is a female cultivator in the foundation stage of Xuanmingzong. The ancestor of a casual cultivator named Qing Sui Zhenjun, it should be her."

"Qing Sui Zhenjun? What about others?"

"I heard it was folded in the Sheng family."

Speaking of the Sheng family, everyone had different expressions. After all, this time everyone gathered here, apart from coming to Shuangji Island to sit in town, there was another more important thing, which was to discuss a result of the strange things that appeared in Siyang Continent.

"Now that we've come to this point, let's talk about the opinions of each sect..."

In the secret realm, Wanyanzhi didn't know that she was receiving attention from all sides and had different identities in different people's mouths. However, everyone except Lianjia knew about it. The only thing everyone has in common about her identity is That is: ancestors.

Yes, no matter whose ancestors or whose family's ancestors, it is the ancestors anyway.

Ancestor Wanyanzhi swiftly dealt with the disciples of several small sect aristocratic families, and the number of tokens in his hand was as high as 170.

"Generally, the number of people entering the secret realm is two thousand, and we have already got nearly one-tenth of the tokens!"

One tenth!
It is estimated that on the current combat power list, not to mention the top ten, there must be a top hundred.

The top ten cannot be extravagantly expected. In this big competition, the foundation-building stage disciples are the most. In the big competition once every ten years, basically all the people from the foundation-building stage of Siyang Continent came. From the early stage of foundation-building to the late stage of foundation-building, at least 2 There must be thousands of people!
2 people entered the twelve secret realms.

Being able to occupy the top 2 position among [-] people was something they had never thought of before!

Wan Yanzhi sneered: "It's only in the top [-], are you satisfied with that?"

Hearing Wan Yanzhi's words, the two hesitated: "Could it be that Senior Sister Zhi's goal is to be in the top ten?"

"Senior Sister Zhi, it's not that I underestimate you. No matter how powerful you are, it's almost impossible to climb to the top ten in the first level. Not to mention the situation in other secret realms, let's talk about this Snow Extreme Secret Realm. The remaining 830 The tokens must be owned by Siyang and the major families. The small sect families that we fight with a few people are okay, but those big sect families are powerful and have many magic tools and talismans in their hands. There are only three of us. They compare?"

"Who said my goal is to be in the top ten?"

The two breathed a sigh of relief, it wasn't enough if it wasn't in the top ten, they were afraid that Wan Yanzhi would think he was powerful and try to occupy a place in the top ten of the combat power list, Siyang Continent is called Siyang, so naturally it has a big advantage in numbers The most powerful ones are basically in Siyang, how could they...

"My goal is to be number one."

WTF? !
"Number one?!" The two were dumbfounded, did they hear correctly?

Wan Yanzhi said casually: "I never like to be the top one. If I want to be the one I want to do well, I also want to be the strongest one."

The best and strongest is naturally the well-deserved number one!

"Also, who said there are three of us?"

The two of them hadn't finished digesting Yan Zhi's words, so they asked her blankly, "Who else?"

Wan Yanzhi's expression turned extremely disgusted in an instant: "I figured it out, it wasn't the three of us. From the beginning to the end, I was the only one. At most, you all came to help me collect the tokens. That's all it takes."

"..." Although, being so straightforwardly disgusted is like a sword piercing their hearts, which is cool and cool.

"Okay, don't show me face here, or go, or follow me and collect the token if you don't go."

The two looked at each other.

Responding to fate, there is no way, who told them to be short-handed, Wan Yanzhi gave them each a token, they were just rejected for a few words, and they were not willing to accept tokens, as many people are willing .

At this moment, painful screams came from not far away.

(End of this chapter)

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