Chapter 74
"Hey, Su Wei, this is your disciple of Chengyang Sect, right?" Seeing this scene, Daoist Yiyuan couldn't help but tease: "Your Sect's disciple doesn't look very smart."

Taoist Su Wei's face darkened, and after a while, he said in a deep voice: "It's good to let them improve their memory, lest they really think that they can walk sideways just because of a sect's name!"

"Hey, how can you say that, after all, no one knows what they will face."

What are you going to face?
The disciples of Chengyang Sect naturally don't know, they only know that some people dare not give them face after knowing that they are disciples of Chengyang Sect!
Hearing this, Cheng Yangzong's disciples suddenly burst into anger.

"What did you say?"

Wan Yanzhi looked surprised: "Why, not only can you not recognize your own identity, but you are also deaf? You are all people in the foundation establishment period, why are you deaf?"

"Ah Xiang, what are you talking to her about!"

One of them finished speaking, he drew his sword and stabbed at Wanyanzhi, just as Wanyanzhi was about to make a move, a whip came out from the side and wrapped around the person's sword.

"I wanted to hurt her, but I asked if I had a whip!" Wanyan Miao said coldly.

When the man saw Wanyan Miao, he said in a deep voice: "Wanyan Miao, this matter has nothing to do with you, don't you want to interfere, or is it that your Wanyan family wants to have an enmity with our Chengyang Sect?"

It is true that Wanyan's family has a lot of people, other sects may be afraid, but Siyang is not afraid!

And although Wanyan Miao is the key object of Wanyan family's training, and he is also a prominent figure in Xu Yangzong, but so what, he doesn't think Wanyan Miao will become enmity with him because of a stranger, his ancestor is Daoist Su Wai!
Wanyan Miao sneered and said: "Why has nothing to do with me, she is from my Wanyan family, so it has something to do with me!"

In fact, she doesn't know what's wrong with her. Wanyan has a lot of family members, so it's impossible for her to take care of anyone who sees it is Wanyan's family. This person's behavior just now has clearly offended many people. If she helps her, she will also have a lot of trouble .

But when she saw someone attacking Wanyanzhi or disrespecting her, she felt a sense of anger, and this anger also washed away what was left of her rationality, making her strike without even thinking about it.

"She belongs to Wanyan's family?"

Cheng Xiang looked at Wanyanzhi, Wanyanzhi was wearing a red cassock just like Wanyan Miao, it seemed that her cassock was even better than Wanyanmiao's, but he had never heard of Wanyan's family before There is such a person!

"Wanyan Miao, you should know that my master is Lord Su Rong, do you really want to fight against my master because of a clansman?"

"Yes, so what?"

Wan Yanzhi was quite appreciative when he heard this.

Very good, as expected of a member of her Wanyan family!

"Come on, show them some color." She encouraged her to watch the excitement without thinking it was a big deal.

Wanyan Miao, who was still a little hesitant at first, after hearing Wanyanzhi's words, the string called reason was completely snapped, and he stopped talking nonsense with Chengxiang, and waved the whip in his hand to whip it.

Both of them were in the late stage of foundation establishment, and their strengths were comparable, but Wanyan Miao was like a chicken blooded, with fierce moves and flexible posture, which made Chengxiang a little overwhelmed.

Seeing this, other disciples of Chengyang Sect joined in one after another.

One, two, or even three, Wanyan Miao's figure is flexible, and she is also very flexible in using the whip. It can be seen that she uses the whip very smoothly, and she can use [-]% of her strength to exert [-]% of her strength, so even if two or three people They can still cope, but when there are too many people, it will be a bit difficult, and the spiritual power is also rapidly depleted.

Seeing that she resisted the blow in front of her, due to the intense consumption of spiritual power, her figure was a little sluggish, and the sword behind her had no time to dodge, when Wan Yanzhi made a move, the sword broke in two instantly, making the person with the sword stunned. Although it's not a powerful magic weapon, it won't be broken easily!
In the chaos, he subconsciously looked at Wanyanzhi who broke the sword easily with a single strike, feeling a bad premonition in his heart.

Wanyan Zhi flew to Wanyan Miao's side.

"Give me the whip."

Wanyan Miao didn't have much spiritual power at this time, upon hearing this, she subconsciously handed over her magic weapon.

"Look at the side, the magic whip should be used like this."

Wan Yanmiao wondered, isn't that what the magic whip is used for?Moreover, she has been using the whip since the beginning of Qi refining. It can be said that she has used the whip longer than other fellow practitioners, and she knows more about the whip.

What's more, she is more familiar with this whip than anyone else, she doesn't think Wanyanzhi can use a whip better than her.

Just thinking about it, I saw various magic tools and spells coming from all directions.


As soon as the words came out, Wanyanzhi's figure was like a ghost, elegant and nimble, and the whip in his hand was waving like an afterimage, blocking all the spells attacking her, Wanyan Miao was dumbfounded.

"Is her, her natal weapon also a whip?"

And it has to be used from birth, otherwise this effect will not be achieved at all.

The afterimage of the whip can resist the spell. She has heard it mentioned before, but she has never seen it. How fast it must be to resist it!
Not only can she resist the spell, but her figure is also too agile.

No, it should be said that Misty, like the wind, can't catch it at all. She walks among more than a dozen disciples of Chengyang Sect with ease. Many welts.

"No, Ah Xiang, we can't beat her at all!"

Not only that, because Wanyanzhi's figure is too nimble, there may even be a situation where the spell hits himself!

Seeing this, Cheng Xiang said in a deep voice: "It's okay, she can't last long, there are so many of us, she's just one, as long as our attacks are dense enough, she has to use her spiritual power, and when her spiritual power is exhausted, Let's see what else she can do!"

However, a quarter of an hour passed, half an hour passed, and an hour passed.

The disciples of Chengyang Sect knocked out the pills while they were beating, all of them were out of breath and embarrassed, but Wan Yanzhi still had a light figure, not stained by a speck of dust.

In the end, the Chengyang Sect disciple fell to the ground exhausted.

Wanyan Zhi finally stopped, walked towards Wanyan Miao, and handed over the whip.

"Have you learned?"

Wanyan Miao nodded blankly, then shook her head again.

"Where didn't it happen?"

"How can your figure be so light and ethereal?"

"I'll teach you a set of lightness techniques. If you learn it, you can be like me." After finishing speaking, Wanyan Zhi passed on the lightness technique to Wanyan Miao's spiritual consciousness.

After a while, Wanyan Miao asked uncertainly, "Can I really be like you?"

"Of course, as long as you practice more, nothing can be mastered overnight." Even the lowest level of lightness.

Outside the secret, Lin Yan was stunned when he saw this scene.

He remembered that when he fell to the bottom of the Forbidden Spirit Cliff, the lightness technique taught by his ancestors seemed to be the same as Wanyan Miao's ancestors taught him now.

It's just that after he used it at that time, he didn't practice it again.

Because he felt from the bottom of his heart that the ancestor taught him just to allow him to climb up, and he really thought it was useless at the time.

But it turns out——

What is useless is not lightness, but people...

(End of this chapter)

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