Chapter 77

"What sect?"

"Xuan Mingzong."

"Which sect is the Xuanming sect?"

"Xuanmingzong is second only to Siyang. I just say that you may not know Xuanmingzong, but you should know Guangye Zhenjun."

"It turned out to be the Xuanmingzong that Zhenjun Guangye was waiting for!"

As soon as they heard Zhenjun Guangye, everyone immediately knew it. After all, this is the only person in Siyang Continent who is expected to cultivate to the fusion in 5000 years. People in Siyang Continent may not know Xuanmingzong, but they definitely know Zhenjun Guangye!
"Then who is Wanyanzhi? From Wanyan's family? Aren't all Wanyan's family members in Xuyangzong?"

"I don't know that."

Everyone looked at Wanyanzhi who ranked first in the combat power list, and they all guessed who Wanyanzhi was, and even the Xuanmingzong people didn't know very clearly.

Xuan Mingzong saw the three words Wanyanzhi, hesitantly said: "Isn't she called Lianzhi? How did she become Wanyanzhi..."

And most importantly, how could Lian Zhi get so many tokens? !
One thousand, 750 and five combat powers!
What is this concept?
In a secret realm, there will be two thousand monks entering, that is to say, there will be a total of two thousand tokens. In the previous big competitions, this first level, if the sky is the limit, you can get about a thousand tokens combat power.

But it has never appeared before, with a combat power of more than 700 tokens.

It is equivalent to basically grabbing everyone's tokens, including Siyang and the tokens of the major sect families, and it is not one of Siyang!

In the Siyang Grand Competition, it was the first time that so many token combat power could be obtained in the first level.

So until they returned to their respective islands, everyone was still discussing, and there was only one question in everyone's mouth, and that was: who is Wanyanzhi!

For a while, Xuan Mingzong also received unprecedented attention.

When Wan Yanzhi returned to the island, everyone gathered around him.

"Senior Sister Lianzhi, Wanyanzhi is the No. 1 combat power list in the foundation building period, right?"

"Yes, yes, there is no one named Wanyan in our sect!"

"Why did Senior Sister Lian Zhi suddenly change her surname?"

You know, you can't change your surname casually, let alone change it to Wanyan.

Faced with everyone's curious questioning, Wan Yanzhi clicked his tongue and said impatiently: "You know my name is Wan Yan Zhi, but you still call me Lian Zhi? If you can't speak, just keep your mouth shut."

In the past, some people must be unconvinced.

But now, No. 1 in the battle power list in the foundation building period, more than 700 battle powers hang high there, very conspicuous, no one is dissatisfied, and it can get all the battle power in nearly a secret realm, its strength cannot be underestimated watch for.

What's more, Lianzhi... oh no, Wanyanzhi has been different since I don't know when.

Didn't you see how respectful Senior Sister Lian Qiao is to Senior Sister Wanyanzhi?He even called Senior Sister Wanyanzhi senior!
Moreover, Wanyan Miao was there!

That was Wanyan Miao of the Xuyang Sect, who acted as if Wanyanzhi was the only one who looked up to him. Everyone immediately believed that Wanyanzhi belonged to Wanyan's family. Maybe there was some situation that caused Senior Sister Wanyanzhi to be recognized. The people of the Lian family.

For a while, everyone was silent, watching Wan Yanzhi enter the residence, and discussing again in full swing.

After entering the room, Wanyanzhi looked at Wanyanmiao who was following her: "Why are you still following me?"

Wanyan Miao chuckled: "Anyway, I don't have anything to do when I go back, so I might as well follow you. Don't worry, I won't make trouble for you. I will do whatever you want me to do!"

Wan Yanzhi was helpless.

I don't know what happened, Wanyan Miao has been following her since she left the secret realm, but she didn't like it too much, so she just let her go.

His gaze turned to Tu Shien, who lowered his head and remained silent.

After thinking for a moment, she took out a token and asked Tu Shien, "Do you want it?"

Tu Shien looked up, then nodded slightly.

"Then recognize me as the ancestor."


"It's strange that the host can recognize you as the ancestor if you do this! Even if you call him, he will definitely not sincerely recognize you as the ancestor."

"I know." Wan Yanzhi held the token, and looked at the text next to Tu Shien with great interest.

Tu Shien, a native of Siyang Weishui, his parents are ordinary people. When he was seven years old, his father went hunting in the mountains and was bitten to death by infested wolves. When his mother heard the news, she was frightened and gave birth prematurely. After giving birth to her younger sister, Tu Shian, she did not survive for a few days. After passing away, he and his younger sister depended on each other for life. The younger sister was born prematurely and had a rare constitution. She needed a rare elixir to hang her life. In order to obtain the rare elixir, Tu Shien often went to various secret places and narrowly escaped death.

At the age of 17, he participated in the Siyang Grand Competition and was found stealing someone else's storage bag during the chaotic battle. He was beaten half to death. When he woke up and returned to the island, he found that his sister was eroded by demonic energy and could not resist. Already passed away, one year later he made his younger sister into a puppet, and ten years later, he took his younger sister to the Heavenly Demon Continent and wiped out nearly one-tenth of the demons and demon cultivators. In the end, he was eroded by the demonic energy and ended up self-sufficient.

"One-tenth." Wan Yanzhi clicked his tongue twice.

What is the concept of one-tenth? According to the current number of demons and demon cultivators, there are at least [-], which is even more ruthless than when she exterminated all demons back then.

No wonder it gives so much energy.

However, she likes this ruthlessness, especially after killing so many demons, she likes it even more.

She was in a very good mood, and she was a little more patient when facing Tu Shien: "Why, don't you want to?" As she spoke, she took out hundreds of storage bags that had been confiscated.

"You call me ancestor, and I will return these storage bags to you."

This is what she found in a corner when she was snatching the token.

When Tu Shien saw the hundred storage bags, his expression changed as expected, and his eyes lit up.

"Ancestor!" He was crisp and clear, without any sloppiness.

It's a pity that it's just lip service.

Wan Yanzhi raised his eyebrows, and put away the storage bag, Tu Shien looked blank: "Didn't you say that you are the ancestor, so you will give it to me?"

"You admit it with your mouth, but you don't admit it with your heart. I'll give it to you after you admit it with your heart."

Tu Shien was silent.

He can say whatever he wants with his mouth, but he can't control his heart, he doesn't think Wanyan Zhi is his ancestor, so no matter how much he screams, he won't think she is in his heart.

Just like Chu Huaiyan back then.

"Then what should I do?" The system hummed: "I really need his energy."

"What's the rush? Dragons have reverse scales, so humans naturally have them too."

Tu Shien's Nilin is naturally his sister Tu Shi'an, and it is also his weakness.

"In this way, take me to the place you are allotted now, and I will give you the storage bag."

Tu Shien hesitated for a moment, his sister was also at his residence, but after thinking about how many elixir the contents of the hundred storage bags could bring to his sister, he stopped hesitating.

"Okay, I'll take you there."

However, just as Wan Yanzhi walked out of the room, he saw a large group of people standing outside the door.

Seeing her come out, they all said:
"Fellow Daoist Wanyanzhi, the elders of the Chu family invite you to come over."

"Fellow Daoist Wanyanzhi, the elder Wanyan's family invites you to come over."

"Fellow Daoist Wanyanzhi, Daoist Lushan invites you to come over."

"Fellow Taoist Wanyanzhi, Lord Xiuqing invites you to come over."

"Fellow Daoist Lianzhi, Elder Lianjia invites you to come over."

(End of this chapter)

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