Said I am your ancestor

Chapter 8 More Than Yuan Ying

Chapter 8 More Than Yuan Ying
"what happened?"

After entering the airspace for a long distance, Xu Haoming asked Fu Hui.

Fu Hui looked back with lingering fear, his consciousness spread out, and there was no one around, so he made a sound, but his voice was still low, as if he was afraid of being heard.

"Lianzhi..." She paused, then lowered her voice, "It's not Lianzhi."

Xu Haoming understood in an instant, with a serious expression on his face.

"You mean..."

Fu Hui nodded.

"Brother, what should we do? Do you think we should report this time to Master and the Suzerain?"

"Of course, she is so obvious that she is not afraid of us telling the master and the suzerain at all. Even if she doesn't seem to have any tendency to harm us or Xuan Mingzong, she should report the matter to the master and suzerain immediately. Sovereign, let them handle it."

The true emperor in the Nascent Soul stage is not something they can handle in private.

"Then let me know immediately when you return to the sect?"

Xu Haoming pondered for a moment, "Well, when we return to the sect, we will immediately inform the master and the suzerain."

"I see."

"Tell me, what did she say and what did she do after she came out of the cave, don't let go of any small details, tell me."

Fu Hui responded, "I called Lian Zhi's name, and she came out after a while..."

He will tell Xu Haoming all the situation after seeing Lianzhi, and Xu Haoming thinks about it for a moment.

"According to what you said, this true monarch who seizes everything should be a Jurchen monarch, who loves beauty, likes red or gorgeous colors, and is the only one who respects me. Willful true king."

It seems that there is no such a true monarch among the major sects, so it is very likely that he is a casual cultivator.

"Yes." Fu Hui couldn't help sighing in her heart, senior brother is worthy of being a senior brother, so much can be summed up just by what she said!
"Do you know the person she put into the cave?"

"I don't know him, he should be an outer disciple."

Their inner disciples have never paid much attention to the outer sect.

"Check it out after you go back, it's very likely that this true gentleman was attracted by that outer disciple."

Just as Fu Hui was about to nod, she suddenly noticed two juniors running over to pick trees and grass from a distance. Behind the juniors, a ferocious monster rushed towards them. The two juniors were bitten off their left arms in an instant, but they couldn't make any sound.

"It's actually the middle stage of foundation establishment!" Xu Haoming said in a deep voice, and ran towards the monster without the slightest hesitation holding the magic weapon.

Not caring much, Fu Hui followed closely behind.

"Hide aside!" Xu Haoming said in a deep voice.

Chen Shanshan, whose arm had been bitten off, had already passed out. Hearing this, Zhao Chen gritted his teeth and picked up the man and hid to the side, then slowly heaved a sigh of relief.

However, the situation is not optimistic.

Xu Haoming and Fu Hui were gradually at a disadvantage, and the wounds on their bodies kept appearing, especially Fu Hui, a monk with the same level of cultivation could not compare to a monster, let alone the middle stage of foundation establishment.

He was in a panic when he heard Fu Hui yelling at him: "Junior Brother, go, go find Junior Sister Lian Zhi! Let her save us!"

How can junior sister save us in a period of Qi refining?
But this was Senior Sister Fu's order, the situation was urgent, Zhao Chen didn't have time to ask, so he had no choice but to obey and lead people to run outside the airspace forest.

On Xu Haoming and Fu Hui's side, they used all the available storage bags to hold on.

But the two of them ran out of spiritual energy.

After using up the last talisman, Fu Hui looked dazed and staggered, her heart skipping a beat. Turning around, she saw that the monster was really close at hand, and there was no way to avoid it.

Is she dying?
At the critical moment, someone pushed the whole person aside, and saw the monster swallow Xu Haoming in one gulp.

Fu Hui's pupils shrank, and her eyes instantly turned red: "Senior brother!"

A huge coercion hit.

"Dare you beasts!"

Fu Hui didn't see who it was, but the voice was somewhat familiar. It should be the senior who took away Lianzhi, and was immediately stunned by the huge coercion.

The last realization before fainting was: this terrifying coercion is definitely beyond the Nascent Soul stage!

When he woke up again, it was completely dark.

Fu Hui struggled to get up.

"This is where?"

"Outside the forest in the airspace, senior sister, are you feeling better?"

"Well, I'm fine." Fu Hui glanced to the side, only to find that her senior brother and Chen Shanshan were still awake with their eyes closed.

"Where's the former... Junior Sister Lianzhi?"

"I don't know either. Junior sister asked me for some spirit stones not long ago and went out, but she set up a formation here, and the monsters can't detect us."

Hearing this, Fu Hui breathed a sigh of relief.

That's good.

Now the four of them are dizzy and disabled, and there is not much spiritual power left in their bodies. If a monster comes over, they will be unable to resist at all.

"Senior Sister, Junior Sister Lianzhi...what's going on?"

Fu Hui was startled, and immediately remembered the terrifying coercion before she fainted, even if it was only for a short moment, it was enough to make her hairs stand on her head.

Don't mess with it.

"It's nothing, it's not what you need to know." She looked at Zhao Chen, who was the only one who was awake, and warned with a serious expression, "Don't tell anyone what happened today, especially about Junior Sister Lianzhi. Especially the elders and suzerains of the major peak masters."

What she said was so serious, Zhao Chen couldn't help but take it seriously.

"Don't worry, sister, I won't tell anyone."

Afterwards, the two of them didn't say anything, and meditated to recover their spiritual power.

At dawn the next day, Xu Haoming and Chen Shanshan woke up one after another.

"Junior Sister Lianzhi hasn't come yet, so wait for her first."

I didn't see Lianzhi, so I asked.

Zhao Chen still said that, and did not reveal more about the rest.

After a while, Wan Yanzhi was dressed in red and walked slowly in the morning light.

"Now that you're all awake, let's go back to the sect."

The four of them had no objection. Fu Hui knew how powerful Wanyan Zhi was, so he didn't dare to ask. Zhao Chen was reminded by Fu Hui, and he didn't dare to ask. As for Xu Haoming, he was always cautious, so naturally he wouldn't ask.

On the other hand, Chen Shanshan, who lost an arm, didn't know anything, and asked curiously: "Junior Sister Lianzhi, I think you just came back, what did you do?"

Wan Yanzhi glanced over, it was obviously just a very ordinary glance, but it made Chen Shanshan froze, and instantly remembered that he had become dumb before.

Just as he was about to say that he asked casually, he heard Yan Zhi casually say: "It's nothing, I went to Xuanming City to rest for a night."

Four people: "..."

With you, let us stay one night outside the airspace forest, and go to live in Xuanming City by yourself?

"Any comments?"

"No, no, Junior Sister Lianzhi is delicate and delicate, she can't compare to us, she should live in Xuanming City!" Fu Hui was afraid that Chen Shanshan would say something again, so she hurriedly spoke out.

"That's right!" Zhao Chen echoed from the side, pinching Chen Shanshan by the way, telling him to shut up.

Chen Shanshan grinned in pain and didn't say any more.

In this way, a group of five returned to the sect.

After handing in the task, Wan Yanzhi separated from the four and returned to Mu Zifeng's residence.

Approaching the cave, she realized that the formation she had set before was destroyed, so she stopped in her tracks with a slightly cold expression.

"Come out."

(End of this chapter)

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