Said I am your ancestor

Chapter 80 Ascension Failed

Chapter 80 Ascension Failed
His heart instantly went cold.

Wanyan Zhi only had a foundation building cultivation base, so it was impossible for him to survive being hacked like this.

After a long time, he smiled wryly.

Well, maybe all of this is fate.

Thinking about it, another thunderbolt struck down immediately, he didn't dare to be distracted any more, and focused on dealing with the thunderstorm with all his heart.

At this time, somewhere a hundred miles away, Wan Yanzhi was panting, and the system in his head was so frightened that his voice was crying: "Master, you scared me to death! I thought you were going to be struck by lightning!" died!"

Wan Yanzhi gradually slowed down and let out a snort.

"Am I going to die?"

"Why won't it die? The host is not a true immortal." It had a good understanding before coming to this world. Only after Mahayana ascension will it change from a mortal body to a real immortal with an endless lifespan. Before becoming a true immortal, it is naturally possible to die.

"Am I dead?"


"That's it."

Wan Yanzhi said, looking at Shuran who had experienced the thunder calamity, his face turned cold.

Even though she was nearby with the strike just now, the thunder should have struck Shuran Xianjun, and she was just a fish in the pond, but at that moment, she felt that the thunder was coming for her, a huge crisis The feeling rushed to her face, and she used a ground escape talisman with lightning speed.

She can't be wrong.

Wan Yanzhi narrowed his eyes, he didn't know what to think, and sneered: "I'd like to see what tricks you have to use!"

I don't know if I heard her words or what, the thunder calamity that fell was so powerful that the fairy could resist it at first, but the thunder calamity became more and more powerful, and finally the whole person was struck by the lightning to the bottom of the volcano.

Wan Yanzhi watched quietly and waited.

Such things as going through calamities can only be carried by oneself, and no one else can replace them.

"You came in too." A voice sounded from behind.

Wan Yanzhi hummed, then asked him, "Where did you go?"

"I went to find Lord Shuran." Chu Huaiyan explained, "You didn't ask me to see what was going on, so I went directly to the place where Lord Shuran retreated, and I talked to him twice outside. In a word, he let me in."

Wan Yanzhi paused.

"What did you say?"

"I asked him that Liao Cangjie couldn't ascend, but he still wanted to ascend. Didn't he know that ascension would also have thunder calamity, and he would not only suffer the pain of thunder calamity, but also suffer the pain of not being able to ascend. Why would he do this kind of harm to others? I advised him to give up on the matter, and told him that someone can open the ascension channel."

"He let you in?"

"Yes, after I went in, I saw that he was in a very bad state of mind, and he was not cultivating. He even seemed to have some signs of becoming a demon. He said that he would tell me after the thunder disaster, so I proposed to come with him. "

Chu Huaiyan narrated the experience as concisely as possible, but Wan Yanzhi was puzzled after hearing it.

"He didn't ask you about the ascension?"

Chu Huaiyan shook his head, "I plan to tell him after he has gone through the calamity and invite him to join."

Wan Yanzhi understood.

However, Xianjun did not believe what Chu Huaiyan said at all, and it is true that after all, the problems that could not be solved ten thousand years ago will be even more impossible to solve today ten thousand years later, but the premise of all this is: Unexpected to her appearance.


"Invite him to join what?"

Chu Huaiyan was startled: "Join us."

"What are we doing?"

"...Aren't we looking for a way to ascend? Haven't you already found a way?"

Hearing this, Wanyan Zhi's eyes flickered, and he hummed after a while.

"With Shuran Xianjun joining, we will be able to do more conveniently and more."

"No need, what I want to do doesn't require too much cultivation."

Chu Huaiyan quickly grasped the key points in the words: "What is it?"

"Don't ask, you'll know when the time comes."


However, Xianjun's thunder disaster lasted for ten days. When it finally ended, the entire fire pole was like a purgatory. The volcano was almost completely destroyed, and magma was rolling everywhere.

Seeing this, everyone who Huo Ji was paying attention to couldn't help being stunned.

Just, it's over?

"What about Ascension?"

Could it be..."failed?"

Everyone was silent, staring at Huoji without blinking, trying to see something, and found the figure of Shuran Xianjun, but there was nothing, nothing.

At this moment, Taoist Cheng Han said in a deep voice: "Immortal Lord failed in ascension, please do what you want."

Everyone couldn't believe it, but Xianjun failed to ascend!
For thousands of years, people from the Siyang Continent finally ascended, but they failed.

Everyone wanted to discuss, but they saw Chenghan Daojun's gloomy face and the other Daojun's faces were not very good, so they didn't say anything.

"Mr. Dao, what should we do now? How about going to Huoji to see Xianjun?"

"No, I'll go there."

After that, he flew towards the pole of fire.

However, as soon as he entered Huoji, he sensed the aura of other people, his consciousness stretched over, and when he saw Chu Huaiyan and Wan Yanzhi, he was stunned.

Chu Huaiyan also noticed her and nodded slightly at her.

"Chenghan Daojun."

"How did you get in?"

"It was Shuran Xianjun who brought me in."

Daoist Cheng Han nodded when he heard this, and his eyes paused on Wanyan Zhi, but he didn't say hello to Wanyan Zhi, let alone take another look, and flew straight to the place where Lord Shuran was.

So what if it's the ancestor, it's not her ancestor, what's more, even if it is the ancestor, it's just a foundation-building period now, and for her, the foundation-building period is really not worthy of her taking the initiative to talk, after all, there are more important things.

"Don't be angry, Taoist Cheng Han has such a temperament."

Wan Yanzhi raised his eyebrows: "Why am I angry? Angry because she ignored me? In your heart, I am such a fussy person?"


Chu Huaiyan said no, but his micro-expressions couldn't hide Wan Yanzhi's words. Obviously, he thought so. According to his understanding of Wan Yanzhi, Taoist Cheng Han acted so blatantly after knowing her identity. Ignoring it, she must be worried.

"Think too much, let's go, let's go and have a look."

With Chu Huaiyan, Wan Yanzhi didn't need to use the earth escape talisman when he passed by.

When they passed by, they saw Immortal Shuran floating on the magma, eyes closed, robes on his body were already torn, his body was scorched black, and tiny lightning flashed on his skin, making a hissing sound.

As a fairy, it is impossible for the body to be so fragile, but this is a thunder after all, it is a blessing to be able to leave a trace of breath under the thunder disaster, and the body is intact.

The only unfortunate thing is that his cultivation has dropped from a fit to a mid-stage distraction.


Daojun Chenghan yelled cautiously, but Xianjun didn't respond at all.

After that, he called out several more times, but there was still no response.

Cheng Han Daojun's heart sank slightly.

Is it possible...

At this time, I only heard Yan Zhi's voice: "Qin Shuer, why are you being lazy, why don't you get up and practice quickly!"

(End of this chapter)

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