Said I am your ancestor

Chapter 87 Family Meeting

Chapter 87 Family Meeting
Wan Yanzhi came to the edge of the island, and a Jindan real person with white hair and childlike face was standing on the edge of the island, looking out of his mind.

"Elder Yuan!" Wanyan Miao called out, hearing the sound, Elder Yuan's whole body froze.

The two walked over, Wanyan Miao asked in confusion: "Elder Yuan, what's the matter with you? Why do you look unhappy?"

"Yes, yes?" Elder Yuan didn't dare to watch Yan Zhi at all, he kept regretting in his heart, he would not have come here if he had known, but he was the first person Wanyan Miao met at that time, and the others were also busy. , only he can come.

He opened his mouth, but he couldn't utter the words "Old Ancestor".

Although he knows that Wanyanzhi is the ancestor of their Wanyan family, but the current Wanyanzhi has only built a foundation and his bone age is not more than twenty, how to make him call it out, the most important thing is that he is afraid that even if he overcomes There was a hurdle in his heart, he called, but Wan Yanzhi still ignored him.

The most important thing is that when he was obviously not in front of Wan Yanzhi, his ancestor could yell easily, but when he was in front of people, he couldn't yell at all.

After a moment of silence, he said awkwardly, "Are you going over now?"

Wan Yanzhi glanced at Elder Yuan with a half-smile: "Otherwise?"

"...Then let's go together."


Elder Yuan paused, and heard Wan Yanzhi say: "I told you to call the patriarch, did you?"

"Called, it shouldn't take long to arrive."

Originally, it took a lot of time to get from Wanyan's house to Shuangji Island, but the patriarch happened to have something to do not far from Shuangji Island, so he asked Elder Yuan to call the patriarch.

Wan Yanzhi nodded.

"Let's go."

Wanyan Miao looked at this for a while, then looked at that for a while, a look of bewilderment appeared on his face.

Why, Elder Yuan's attitude towards Zhizhi is so cautious and respectful?

Is Zhizhi very honorable?

Elder Yuan promised to come and pick her up in person, which shocked her, she didn't expect his attitude to be like this!Moreover, Elder Yuan seems to still call you Wanyanzhi, what's going on? !
On the way, she looked at Wan Yanzhi hesitated to speak, but Wan Yanzhi pretended not to see it.

Anyway, Wanyan Miao will know soon, there is no need to say in advance.

Went to the island of Wanyan's family, came to the hall, there were already about a dozen people sitting in the hall, sitting on the left and right sides of the hall, these people are the elders of Wanyan's family, most of them are from the main family, and there are one or two side branches among them, Seeing Wan Yanzhi get up one after another, he was very excited.

"I have seen my ancestors!"

Wan Yanzhi raised his eyebrows, he didn't expect these old things to be accepted so well.

It's a lot of peace of mind.

She intentionally or unintentionally cast a glance at Elder Yuan, Elder Yuan is not stupid, how could he not understand her eyes, she just felt her scalp tingling, and she didn't know how to explain it.

Fortunately, Wan Yanzhi did not continue, and nodded to the others: "Sit down."

"Grandfather, sit down first!" One of the young-looking women said enthusiastically.

Although they are all enthusiastic, this one is a bit too enthusiastic. Wan Yanzhi glanced at the woman. The woman was dressed in red, and even the headdress was red. , with slightly thick lips, and a mole above the corner of the mouth, the whole person looks charming.

Wan Yanzhi withdrew his gaze and sat up in the middle.

The others wanted to say a few more words of greeting, but the woman spoke first, "I don't know why the ancestor summoned us together?"

Obviously it was the first time to see the old ancestor, but everyone present didn't feel awkward and unfamiliar at all. After all, this was recognized by all the old ancestors in the mourning hall. Moreover, as long as they thought of this, they would lead the Wanyan family to glory. Wan Yanzhi, no matter how low his posture is, how enthusiastic his attitude is cannot be overstated.

Wan Yanzhi glanced at the woman appreciatively, she hated wasting words that were useless the most.

When Wanyan Xinyue received Wanyanzhi's gaze, she felt as if she had received a huge benefit, and she felt elated.

"Let me ask you, are all members of Wanyan's family practicing in Xuyangzong?"

"Most of them are there, and a small part went to other Sanyangs. There are too many people in Wanyan's family. Some of them have deviated in aptitude. They have advanced to the Xuyang Sect, so they can only choose to stay in the family or go to other sects. , but all inner disciples with good aptitude are in Sunrise Sect."

"Then what is the relationship between Wanyan's family and Xu Yangzong?"

Everyone looked at each other.

Wan Yanzhi narrowed his eyes: "Tell the truth."

It was still Wanyan Xinyue who spoke first: "In recent years, the relationship between Wanyan's family and Xuyangzong has not been very good."

Because nearly half of Xu Yangzong's disciples are from the Wanyan family, and Wanyan's family is now so powerful that they can even sit on an equal footing with the other four suns, this makes the Wanyan family's disciples almost walk sideways in Xuyangzong.

Therefore, in the impression of the world, everyone felt that the Wanyan family was in charge of Xuyangzong, and the Wanyan family was arrogant and domineering, which made Xuyangzong very dissatisfied.

It can also be seen from the attitude of the Xuyang sect suzerain before.

But only the Wanyan family knows that they are indeed powerful, but they are far from being the masters. As long as the Lushan Taoist and Jingfeng Taoist of the Xuyang Sect are there, they will never be able to be the masters of the Xuyang Sect.

"What if we let everyone in Wanyan's family leave Xu Yangzong?"

"No!" Without waiting for Wanyan Xinyue to speak, one of them said in a deep voice: "I don't know what the ancestors are thinking, but Wanyan's family and Xuyangzong are so close that they cannot be separated easily. If someone leaves Xu Yangzong, not only the Wanyan family and Xu Yangzong, but also the entire Siyang Continent will cause turmoil! Maybe the Wanyan family's reputation, power and strength will plummet!"

The others were silent, acquiescing to what this person said.

As he said, the Wanyan family and the Xuyang Sect have long been inseparable. It can be said that the Wanyan family and the Xuyang Sect can have today, and the two complement each other. Without Xu Yangzong, even if there were more people in Wanyan's family, they would not become such a powerful family.

Now those families heard the news of the disagreement between the Wanyan family and the Xuyang Sect from nowhere, and they are all staring at each other. How could they let all the clansmen leave the Xuyang Sect at this time!
"Really? What if I have to?"

The man's voice was even deeper: "I know that you are the ancestor of the Wanyan family, but now the Wanyan family is not something you can manipulate as you want, if you insist, even if you don't become the elder, I will stop you! "

Before Wan Yanzhi could speak, an angry voice came: "Who are you going to stop?"

When everyone looked over, it was the patriarch Wanyan Shi who had rushed over!

Originally expected to have less than half an hour, he did not expect to arrive so soon, it seems that he got the news that Wan Yanzhi summoned him, so he sped up his speed.

He was still thinking about what to say when he saw the old ancestor later, so that the old ancestor could go to the clan to stay for a while, but he didn't expect to hear this when he came in!
"Wanyanshen, who do you want to stop?" He looked at Wanyanshen with a sullen face.

Wanyan Shen also grimaced, but he didn't know what to think, so he didn't answer, calmed down, and looked at Wanyan Zhi again: "Then, please give me a reason why you want all the members of the Wanyan family to leave the Xuyang Sect .”

Wanyanzhi's expression was calm, but his words were not ordinary: "I want Wanyan's family to replace Xuyangzong as one of the Four Suns."

(End of this chapter)

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