Chapter 95
"Not from Siyang Continent?"

"Well, it seems to be from the Ming Continent."

What is Dengming Continent?

Wan Yanzhi couldn't remember clearly for a while, so he took it out and opened it to read.

Taoist Xiuqing and Taoist Surui thought that what Wanyanzhi had brought out was some kind of mysterious exercise, so they hurriedly looked over it, only to see on the cover of the book: [-] things you need to know about the Liaocang world.

"..." For such a basic thing, you need to buy a book to read it?

The two confirmed once again that Wanyanzhi is really an old ancestor.

Wan Yanzhi opened the book and found an introduction to the Dengming Continent. The Dengming Continent consists of three major families, the Ding family, the Ji family, and the Wei family. Second, it is no exaggeration to say that the Dengming Continent is the branch of the Wei family, and the name of the Dengming Continent is also based on an ancestor of the Wei family. The Wei family highly respects their ancestor.

Although their ancestor fell, the Wei family still regards him as a role model and an object of admiration and worship.

"Dengming..." Wanyanzhi murmured.

She thought it was just a coincidence, but she didn't expect it to be a coincidence.

Wei Dengming and other villains are not good people, and their cultivation is not very good. She remembered that the Wei family was just a small family at that time. How did it become such a huge existence?
Seeing this, the two looked at each other, seeing curiosity in each other's eyes.

Immediately, Taoist Lord Su Wei asked aloud: "You know, Fellow Daoist Zhi?"

Wan Yanzhi hummed, "At the beginning, he forcibly snatched those low-level female cultivators to make stoves, and I immediately killed him after I found out. Gen, in order to spare his life for the sake of my friends, I should have killed him if I knew it earlier. killed him."

In her opinion, Wei Dengming and the Wei family are like a pot of rat shit.

"!!!" Unexpectedly, Wan Yanzhi really knew each other, and the two had this relationship.

Daoist Xiuqing was stunned: "So it was you... you did it that Daoist Dengming couldn't have children?"

Even the title has changed, which shows how horrified they were by what Wan Yanzhi did.

"Yes." Wan Yanzhi said, frowning, "How did the Wei family get up?"

"No one knows, I heard that even the Wei family didn't know, but their family suddenly got lucky, especially Lord Dengming, the luck is especially good, you can get most of the treasures in it if you go to any secret place, pass by You can come across incomparably precious materials in the city, and even a random stone picked up from the ground is a heaven-defying treasure like a meteorite."

After the Wei family found out about this matter, instead of hiding it, they publicized it, saying that Daoist Deng Ming was the son of the Dao of Heaven.

Some people didn't believe it at the beginning, after all, everyone knew what kind of person Wei Dengming was, but after a long time, everyone believed it, because Wei Dengming's luck was really very good, not only that, but once anyone became greedy for the countless treasures on Wei Dengming's body , will be unlucky.

Over time, everyone believed it, and they didn't dare to provoke Wei Dengming and the Wei family.

The Wei family also took advantage of this to become more and more powerful, and the small sect family who wanted to get a share of the pie climbed up. In the end, the name of the mainland was also changed to Dengming Dalu by the Wei family.

Wan Yanzhi smiled playfully, but there was a coldness in his eyes, a rotten person who commits all kinds of crimes, with such a good luck, he was considered by everyone as the son of heaven...

But she didn't mention this person again, and directly changed the subject: "What is the real name of Daoist Jingfeng?"

"This...I don't know."

Wan Yanzhi nodded, it was a surprise to get so much information.

"I see, thank you for letting me know."

Taoist Su Wei frowned, seeing that Wanyan Zhi didn't have any worries, thinking that maybe the other party was already prepared, so he wisely didn't remind him again, he did everything he had to do.

"In that case, I'll go first."

After that, he turned and left, Wan Yanzhi didn't leave, she looked at Taoist Xiuqing: "Xiaoqing... Fellow Daoist, why don't you show me your island?"

Taoist Xiuqing was stunned for a moment, and then responded: "Oh, good."

She was a little confused, although she was interested in Wanyanzhi, but at first glance, the other party was the kind of person who was extremely arrogant and didn't take anyone seriously, but Wanyanzhi's attitude towards her seemed a bit...

Does she have anything worthy of Wan Yanzhi's drawing?
After thinking about it, except that his cultivation base is higher than the other party's, and he is the only Daoist of the Luoyang Sect, and has a certain right to speak, there seems to be nothing.

But these should not be of much use to the current Wanyanzhi...

While being puzzled, he took Wanyan Zhi to the island. On the island of Luoyangzong, most of the disciples of Luoyangzong were there. In order to avoid unnecessary troubles, the two of them hid their aura, and Yuan Ying couldn't find it. Their.

Wan Yanzhi looked around with great interest, Taoist Xiu Qing paid attention to it from time to time, seeing his appearance, it seemed that he really came to visit the island.

What is there to see in Kojima?

"I look at the disciples of the Luoyang Sect, they are quite multi-sound-cultivating."

"That's right, I'm also a sound cultivator." One of the disciples in the sect was influenced by her, so they chose to become a sound cultivator; Most of the disciples are music cultivators.

"Very good." Wan Yanzhi nodded in satisfaction.

She already has a clue about the candidates for investigating strange things, and these sound repairs are good candidates.

"Ah?" Taoist Xiuqing looked blank, then shook his head, "What's so good about Yinxiu, it's too weak."

Compared with law repair, body repair and sword repair, Yin Xiu is almost in the weakest position. First, they don't have the strong physique of body repair, and second, they don't have the various spells of law repair. They can even fight monks who are one level higher than them.

For Yinxiu, they can only rely on the magic weapon in their hands that can make sound to attack with sound, but at the same level of cultivation, as long as the opponent is prepared, it is easy to resist Yinxiu's attack.

This is why, although Luoyangzong is one of the four suns, it is not as good as Xuyangxuanyang.

"Weak? Yin Xiu is not weak at all!" Wan Yanzhi raised his eyebrows, "That's because you don't know what a real Yin Xiu is. A true Yin Xiu can beat everything under the same level of cultivation!"

Xiu Qingdao Jun couldn't believe it.

"Don't be kidding me," she said.

"If you don't believe me, let's try."

"How to try?"

"You choose a disciple who you think is the most powerful one who is not a music cultivator, and then I randomly choose a fellow practitioner, give me half an hour to teach her something, and the two of you will have a competition, what do you think? "

Taoist Xiuqing hesitated for a moment, then nodded, and became more determined in his mind.

No matter what it teaches, with the same level of cultivation, it is impossible for music cultivation to be better than others.

She chose the apprentice's direct apprentice, Mu Yuan, who practiced in the late foundation establishment stage.

And Wan Yanzhi casually pointed at a female disciple who had just stepped into the late stage of foundation establishment and was even a little unstable.

After half an hour.

(End of this chapter)

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