Chapter 97

If she wasn't a sound repairer, maybe she wouldn't be as weak as she is now.

"With your aptitude, even if you're not a sound cultivator, but just an ordinary Dharma cultivator, you'll still be at the bottom." Wan Yanzhi unceremoniously pierced Zong Yingjing's fantasy.

Zong Yingjing was completely depressed.

At this time, she heard Wan Yanzhi say again: "Yinxiu is indeed weak, but that's only when you don't know what the real Yinxiu is."

Even Taoist Xiuqing, although she is the most powerful in Yinxiu now, she still doesn't know what Yinxiu is. The reason why Taoist Xiuqing can reach today's position is that she has a good spiritual root aptitude, The second is that she has touched the boundary of music cultivation.

Zong Yingjing was taken aback.

What do you mean?
"A real Yinxiu, even in the late stage of foundation establishment, is not afraid of Jindan, and even Nascent Soul has the power to fight."

"Really?" She looked in disbelief, how could Yinxiu be so powerful.

Wan Yanzhi smiled slightly: "Whether it's true or not, you'll know in half an hour."

Half an hour later, Wan Yanzhi brought Zong Yingjing to join Taoist Xiuqing, and when he saw Zong Yingjing, Taoist Xiuqing said, "You really don't plan to change someone? I can wait for you for half a day." an hour."

After all, Zong Yingjing had just stepped into the late stage of foundation establishment, and she didn't even have a solid cultivation base, which was equivalent to the middle stage of foundation establishment, and she was also a sound cultivator, while Mu Yuan had already reached the completion of the late stage of foundation establishment, and already had the strength of half a step of Jindan.

"Need not."

"Alright then." Wan Yanzhi turned to look at Zong Yingjing, "Go ahead and practice it."

Zong Yingjing nodded, but her expression was still a little apprehensive, especially when she saw Mu Yuan, senior brother Mu Yuan was the disciple of Taoist Lord Xiuqing, a half-step golden core, powerful, and had a lot of experience in competitions, she could really ?

She couldn't help but glanced at Wan Yanzhi, who was calm and calm, and she couldn't help but also settle down in her heart.

Yes, what are you afraid of!
She also clearly knows what her predecessors taught her. If she plays it out, she will definitely not be weak!
Immediately, Zong Yingjing was full of confidence.

"Junior Sister, be careful, I don't care about fragrance and jade." Mu Yuan's sword-browed eyes were full of confidence, and there was even a hint of indifference and contempt in his eyes.

Yinxiu is still a Yinxiu who has just stepped into the late stage of foundation establishment. It is estimated that he can solve it with one move. With such an obvious ending, I don't know what the master ancestor asked him to come to the competition.

But Master ordered, he had to do it.

Solve it early!
Thinking about it, he sacrificed his magic weapon and prepared to solve it with one move.

"Dingling bell..." The bell sounded, and Mu Yuan was in a daze for some reason, and when he regained consciousness, the wind blade from the hand bell had already hit him.

He felt a chill in his heart, thinking that something was wrong, so he had to use the fastest speed to wrap his body with aura and bear the wind blade.

However, the expected pain did not come. He already had a half-step golden core, and with the buffer of the aura shield, it made it almost impossible for the wind blade to fall on him.

Kihara was stunned for a moment, and suddenly became angry from embarrassment, feeling like being teased.

It seems that the trance at that moment just now is probably because he participated in too many arena competitions today, and it was not Zong Yingjing's attack at all. He thought it was Zong Yingjing's attack. After all, the master specially asked him to compete with Zong Yingjing, so he It was just like facing a big enemy.

I didn't expect him to think too much!

That is, how could Yinxiu make him look in a trance?
Just as he was thinking, he heard the bell ringing again. This time it was slightly stronger than the last time. Kihara was in a daze again. After regaining his senses, the wind blade was close to his eyes. I took it hard.

This time, the meager to negligible defensive formation of the Zongmen costume on his body was directly broken.

He froze for a moment, and began to suspect that it was really the ringtone that made him feel in a trance.

Immediately afterwards, a series of bells rang: "Dingling..."

No matter how weak the wind blade's attack is, it is still an attack in the late stage of foundation establishment. How can it not hurt when it falls on the body? Under the double attack, his spiritual power was quickly exhausted. In the end, his spiritual power was exhausted and he fell to the ground with a painful expression.

Zong Yingjing put away the hand bell, with a look of disbelief.

She really defeated Senior Kihara?

Taoist Xiuqing, who watched the whole process, couldn't believe it. After a while, she murmured: "How did you do it?"

The magic weapon activated by spiritual power will indeed form a wind blade and affect the mind, but the impact is negligible, so Yinxiu is more inclined to attack with the wind blade, and the strength of the wind blade depends on the level of cultivation. high and low.

But if this is the case, there is no difference between sound cultivation and ordinary Dharma cultivation, and it is even more limited than Dharma cultivation, because Dharma cultivation can learn various techniques and supplemented by Dharma tools, but Yin Xiu can only rely on Dharma devices to make sounds.

The reason why she became the most powerful sound cultivator was because she realized this and improved her skills so that the sound she made could affect her mind to the greatest extent.

But it's only enhanced a little bit, and a great sacrifice has been made for it.

Now seeing that Wan Yanzhi had been fully grasped by Zong Yingjing within half an hour, how could she not be excited!
She couldn't help stretching out her hand to grab Yan Zhi.

Wan Yanzhi took a step back and didn't let her catch her, but answered her: "I have two sets of exercises, one basic version and one advanced version, and each set has nine levels. I just told Zong Yingjing Yes, it's just the first level in the basic version."

Can the first level be so powerful?
I have to admit that Taoist Xiuqing was moved, very moved.

She was so excited that she was incoherent, "I, can you sell it to me, I can exchange everything with you!"

With these two sets of exercises, she believed that Yinxiu would no longer be the weakest existence!

As long as she thought of this possibility, she couldn't calm down at all.

Wanyanzhi smiled: "I want Luoyangzong."

Xiuqing Daojun was stunned: "You want Luoyangzong? What do you mean? Do you want Luoyangzong to support you?"

"Literally, I want Luoyangzong to belong to me."

Hearing this, Taoist Lord Xiuqing fell silent. She could indeed make some decisions on behalf of Luoyangzong, but she has no power over what Wanyanzhi mentioned. It is not a matter of a single sentence for a big sect to change hands!

Taoist Xiuqing smiled wryly: "This is not a question of whether it can be done or not, the fact that fellow Taoist mentioned is...really..."

Wan Yanzhi shrugged.

"If it doesn't work, forget it. Well, I've almost finished my visit. There's still a competition tomorrow, so I'll go first."

Seeing Wan Yanzhi's leaving back, Xiu Qingdao Jun hesitated to speak.

But in the end, Wan Yanzhi still didn't stop.

Wan Yanzhi returned to the island, a sound transmission talisman flew outside the door, she took it off and crushed it, and the voice of Shuran Xianjun came from inside.

"Miss Zhi, if you have time, please come to Huoji."

Wan Yanzhi raised his eyebrows, it seemed that he had thought it over.

The ending of ten thousand years ago can finally be known.

(End of this chapter)

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