Chapter 10 Despised
The house in Suwei Gubei No. 8 is not the top one in the community, the top one is downstairs, there are [-] villas, and the Queen’s actor has a house in it, but after being blocked, Start selling the house here.

But if Su Wei really wanted to choose, he would not buy the villas here, because the privacy of the villas here is too poor. Standing on the balcony, Su Wei can directly see the garden at home in the villa area. He still likes the pure villa area.

Su Wei didn't plan to go out today, but planned to look for a house, because he had to go back to his hometown after a while, and he was afraid that he wouldn't be able to make it in time.

In the evening, the group of car friends said that there will be a convertible Lafa on display in Shanghai in a few days, and it is still brand new. I asked if anyone is interested in going to see it together.

Most people in the group have already seen it, because this car has been on display for a month. The first stop at that time was Shanghai, then Hangzhou and Beijing, Chengdu, Shenzhen, Guangzhou, and now the last stop The station is still in Shanghai.

Su Wei reported his name and planned to go over to have a look, because he didn't expect that there is a brand new Rafa, and he will definitely take this Rafa when he goes there this time.

This is completely what Su Wei doesn’t understand. It’s not uncommon for this kind of limited edition sports car to be brand new. His favorite 918 still has a lot of brand new cars. There are brand new ones on sale, and too many merchants are stocking up.

On the app for buying a house, Su Wei found a salesperson who looked good, called her and told her to find a few houses, preferably a well-decorated villa where no one had ever lived in it.

When he started answering the phone, Zuo Qing thought someone was joking, but when he saw the phone number displayed was 15555555555, he completely believed it. After all, this number is not available to ordinary people, and such people will not make special calls Come and play.

"Okay, I happen to know that there is a house of this kind here. Do you have time tomorrow? I'll come over and take you to see it?"

"Come over tomorrow afternoon, I'm here at Gubei No. [-], call me when you get here"

"Okay, may I ask your surname, I've been chatting about the house just now, and I almost forgot to ask." Just after the call was connected, Su Wei directly asked for it, and she didn't even give her a chance to ask.

"My surname is Su, Su from Suzhou"

"Okay, I will add you as a friend here, wait for you to pass it"

A few seconds after hanging up the phone, Su Wei's wechat showed that the person was added as a friend. After passing the verification and looking at the photo, it was indeed a good one. I just hope that tomorrow is not a scam.

In fact, Su Wei didn't know why, he only made piles a few times yesterday, and at night he started to have an idea again, he was thinking about whether to find ww to solve it, because the fifth girl didn't plan to use it in this life.

If Su Wei really wants to solve his needs, besides ww, he also has a lot of choices, such as the bank, they are tempting him every day.Either it is to send a message, saying that a person can't sleep, or it is lonely, and some simply send photos or videos, but for them, Su Wei doesn't want to touch them now, and they may have fun later, so forget it now.

Li Renfeng and the others asked him to go out to play at night, saying that there were many girls. He was looking at the house at the time, so he didn't agree to go out. He waited until 12 o'clock in the evening to watch more videos, and the more he watched, the more excited he was. The message passed, and I didn’t reply for a long time. Maybe it has already started to serve people. The second one still didn’t answer, and it was not connected until the third one. It is no problem to say that she can come over, but she is still a student, so the price will be higher. 8000.

8000 is considered a high price now. After all, it is not a few years from now. If you shoot a video casually, you will have tens of thousands or hundreds of thousands of fans.

Su Wei watched the video and found that the length was no problem, so he sent her 1000 yuan to come over quickly.

The girl came very quickly. Su Wei drove 911 to pick her up on the road outside. His plan was that if it didn't look good, he wouldn't get out of the car and go straight home. If it looked good, he would take it back.

According to the girl's positioning, the car drove over and found that she was really good looking, black and straight, wearing a down jacket, but it didn't affect her figure at all, she looked very pure.

Drive the car over and lower the windows.


"It's me, you are Yunzhonghe, brother He?"

"Yes, it's me, get in the car, it's cold in here"

After An An got into the car, she looked around curiously, and then began to take various selfies.

She didn't know until the car entered Gubei No. [-] that this Brother He was so rich and lived in Gubei No. [-].

"Brother He, there are so many rich people in your community. There are so many Ferraris and Lamborghinis. You are so rich, why do you buy a 100 worth more than 911 million? If I were you, I would at least buy an Audi r8, at least that is a supercar. run"

Su Wei wants to vomit blood, no wonder no one buys 911ts, a car worth more than 300 million yuan, let’s forget it on the road, find a girl, but she turns her down, so I made up my mind to buy another supercar in two days .

An An went crazy when she brought the girl home.

"Wow, this is too big, Brother He, how flat is your house? It feels like the TV show. Your living room is bigger than my house."

"It's not very big, 680 square meters, the whole Shanghai is considered the largest." The largest single floor in Shanghai is the largest in Gubei No. [-].

"Do you live alone? You are not afraid of such a big house. The TV in your house is too big." She began to be interested in TV.

"Fortunately, 100 inches, only 50w, by the way, do you want to take a bath?" This woman is funny, she asked you to be a tool maker, not to visit.

"Brother He, you are so rich, I didn't expect you to drive such a low-key car, and you also like to wear children's watches. By the way, does your house have a bathtub? I haven't soaked in a bathtub at my age."

"Impossible, isn't there a bathtub in the hotel?" Su Wei wanted to vomit blood, 911s worth about a million, and children's watches, so angry. Before the short video became popular, so many people didn't know about Richard Mille.

"I'm not a professional, this time I want to buy an Apple X, that's why I took your order"

"Then I won't give you the rest of the money, and I'll give you an Apple X, do you want it?" Make up a story, right? I have a lot of mobile phones in my hand. It depends on whether you are deceiving people this time.

"Really? You wouldn't lie to me with a fake one, would you?"

You still acted, you want Apple X, right? Let’s see how you act when I take it out.

Su Wei took out an Apple x gold from the study.

"Is this genuine? It's still 256g, can you take it apart?" asked after taking the Apple phone.

"If you don't want the remaining 7000 yuan, then you can dismantle it, but you have to think about it, you can only choose one of the money and the mobile phone." Seeing this, she really did it for the mobile phone.

"As long as it is a genuine product, then I will definitely want a mobile phone"

"Then you'll know if you take it apart and have a look."

An'an unpacked the box, took out the phone, turned it on, and found that it was really a genuine Apple X.

After confirming that the phone was fine, An An went to the toilet to fill the bathtub with water.

"Wow, the bathtub in your house is so big, I think it will be no problem for several people to wash together"

Didn't this just imply that Su Wei, when An An filled up the water and started taking a bath, he also went into the toilet.

"Why did you come in, you go out first"

"Didn't you imply this to me? You said that it's okay to wash several people in this bathtub. I'm here to help you rub your back now, but you can't wash it yourself."

(End of this chapter)

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