Do whatever you want from today

Chapter 104 Hide and Seek

Chapter 104 Hide and Seek

With No. 2 in his arms, Su Wei came to the third floor and looked to the side. Unexpectedly, there were still many small yachts that did not return at night.

Then Su Wei doesn’t understand. Many yachts rent for a long time, and the return time is basically after 8-9 o’clock. Wait until after 9 o’clock, and there will not be many yachts left on the sea at that time.

Su Wei spent hundreds of thousands of dollars to rent the boat, and the charter company did spend some money on the dinner in the evening.

Let the chef cook several tables full of seafood, and the taste is not bad, after all, there are special chefs on board.

"Brother He, let's have a drink." After No. 2 came up with Su Wei's arms, she sat next to Su Wei. After she ate something to fill her stomach, she began to toast Su Wei.

"Okay, then drink one, you're done, I'll do whatever you want." Su Wei poured himself a glass of beer, and then started routine No. 2.

"No, Brother He, why are you doing this? You didn't do it at will, what did I do?" No. 2 just agreed, seeing Su Wei just took a sip before recovering.

"That's right, you did it, I'm free. Okay, okay, let's do it." Seeing that No. 2 started to feel wronged, Su Wei could only drink the wine in the glass in one gulp.

After drinking the wine toasted by the first person, needless to say, everyone started running over to toast later. After all, Su Wei is the big boss who pays, and he is so generous.

Su Wei saw so many girls coming over to toast, so he could only recruit a group, hit a group, and hide from a group, or else drink a drink alone, and there is nothing to do tonight. When he wakes up, it will basically be tomorrow.

After all, there are only three cups for one bottle on the boat, and thirty people will have to drink thirty cups.

"You can't drink like this. There are more than 30 of you, and each of you has a drink. I will drink ten bottles. And shouldn't you pay respect to those who won awards today? Shouldn't you use the live broadcast room to film your anchors, and weed you out It's not me, I'm just a payer." Su Wei began to transfer hatred.

In fact, these girls also knew that Su Wei was transferring hatred, but it was true that so many people respected him, what if he got angry, so they didn't force Su Wei to kill him, they just wanted to.

The meal lasted until after 9 o'clock. Su Wei saw that it was almost time, so he asked everyone to gather in the living room on the second floor first, and then asked the captain to come and pack up.

It's the best state where no one is drunk now, everyone is just a little bit drunk, if you get drunk, the game won't be fun afterward.

Everyone was in the living room, waiting for the captain while singing, and took the staff to clean up the tableware.

Su Wei saw the captain and Liu Qiang in a speedboat, went to the small yacht next door, paused the song, and brought the microphone over.

"Everyone is not drunk, right?" Su Wei became excited when he thought of the game to be played later.

"No, I only drank so much wine, how could I get drunk?" Xin Xiner talked a little more than usual after drinking.

"How about we play peek-a-boo, it just so happens that there are no outsiders on board now." Li Ziwei couldn't wait.

"Sure, this yacht is quite big." No. 17 Tutu likes to play games the most.

"Then Lao Li and I will be hunters, and you will be prey." Su Wei didn't intend to tell the game directly, but planned to come directly after catching them. Anyway, if they are willing to board the boat, they already know what will happen. Just look at the performance on the 19th.

"No, we will draw lots to decide who will be the hunter." Che Che felt that Su Wei and Li Ziwei must have no good intentions.

"That's right, let's draw lots." Shishi also wanted to draw lots.

A few girls later said that they would draw lots. Su Wei didn't care, the lottery was the lottery, and the prey could also play with the prey. There is no rule that only hunters can play with the prey.

Li Ziwei found several decks of playing cards where he found the number plate at noon.

Throw away the big and small kings, and let everyone draw cards. The person who draws the largest card and the smallest card will be the hunter. The hunter must be on the deck. people.

The hunter has 15 minutes to find someone. If he doesn't find someone, the hunter will eat mustard on the spot.

If someone is found, then the found person will eat mustard.

Su Wei will give a cash reward of 1 yuan to those who have not been found once tonight.

More than 30 people came to draw cards, but neither Su Wei nor Li Ziwei got the largest and smallest cards, so they could only be prey and hide them.

It was Su Wei who dealt the cards just now, so he was the last to pack up the cards. When he was done, he looked up and saw that no one was there, only Song Nala and girl number 9 were on the deck.

He had thought well at first, that if he was with No. 17 or No. 22, after the two of them hid, they could fight immediately, but now they could only find a random girl.

"Brother He, do you want to accompany us, wait together?" Song Nala saw that Su Wei hadn't left yet, she thought Su Wei was a bold man with high skills, and planned to hide in the last few seconds.

"I'm here to see if you've cheated. Since you haven't cheated, I'll go first." After speaking, Su Wei ran to the master bedroom on the first floor, planning to get some 001 for spare.

When I was looking through the bag, I heard a noise in the toilet of the room, so I opened the door and took a look.

"Ah, Brother He, why is it you? I thought the hunter was coming." The one hiding in the toilet was No. [-].

"I came back to get things, you can hide here." Su Wei looked at the environment and felt that it was not very good, mainly because it was too easy to be discovered.

"Brother He, where do you want to hide? I'll go with you." Girl No. 2 saw the 001 in Su Wei's hand, and thinking about Su Wei's appearance in swimming trunks before, she felt like fighting.

"Then let's hide in the closet, it's more hidden than here" is not hidden, but more exciting.
Two 10-minute dividing line——
Su Wei must not be playing with No. 2 girl tonight. After all, among so many girls, No. 2 is beautiful, but there are a few more prettier than her, so she must not devote all her energy to her alone.

"Let's go, let's go gather." Seeing that the time was almost up, Su Wei opened the cabinet door, put on his shorts and planned to leave.

"Brother He, why don't we hide in another place later, I don't think you're well yet." No. 2 didn't expect Su Wei to be so strong, she almost suffocated just now.

"Why don't you take a rest here, and hide here directly in the next round." Seeing that No. 2 was walking softly, Su Wei asked her to continue hiding here.

Su Wei came out and saw that Song Nala and the others had caught No. 17 and No. 19. It turned out that the two of them had just been hiding in the first room on the first floor.

"Brother He, what should we do? Why don't we just pretend to let them catch him?" Li Ziwei was hiding in the kitchen by himself just now, and it was obvious that he was hiding, but he couldn't be found for some reason.

"Why were they caught?" Su Wei couldn't understand Li Ziwei's brain circuit.

"If you don't get caught by them, let's catch girls like this." Li Ziwei still hasn't recovered.

(End of this chapter)

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