Do whatever you want from today

Chapter 125 Zhang Xuewei's Story

Chapter 125 Zhang Xuewei's Story
"If you want to eat sushi dragon, that's fine. Get in the car and we'll go straight there now." Although Su Wei doesn't like to eat sushi dragon, if the girl wants to eat it, then go for it. The worst thing is to eat less sushi this time.

Zhang Xuewei didn't speak the whole time today, because Li Qiuhua had already told her about her plan before coming.

Originally, she disagreed, but Li Qiuhua told her that since Su Wei had already set his sights on her, even if she didn't come this time, Wu Fei would be in the dormitory, and she would always meet again.

It's better to take this opportunity and cheat him once. A rich second generation like him spends too much money, so he will definitely stop the loss in time.

After all, there are so many gold diggers in the society, and there are not a few good-looking ones. If you suffer from them, you will definitely change your target.

Entering Sulong's restaurant, this time it happened to be the same waiter who entertained them last time, which made Su Wei really feel that the past few days he came to Kyoto were full of coincidences everywhere.

Su Wei greeted the waiter, but unexpectedly the waiter also recognized Su Wei.

But the waiter will recognize Su Wei, it's all because Su Wei brought Wu Fei by his side last time.

The waiter didn't expect that the Wu Fei brought by Su Wei was so beautiful last time, and he thought he would be devoted to her. After all, Wu Fei is more beautiful than many celebrities she has seen in the store. It turned out that only two days later, I saw that he brought two more beauties over for dinner.

Su Wei gave the menu to Li Qiuhua, because it was agreed before, order what the two of them like to eat.

Li Qiuhua came here today to eat Painful Su Wei, so the set meal was directly ordered for everyone at 3580.

"Waiter, if you give me this place, add 10 oysters, and then add a Shizuoka honeydew melon, I don't want anything else." No matter whether there is a fierce battle or not, Su Wei will make up for himself first. That's right.

Seeing that Su Wei ordered 10 oysters for herself, Li Qiuhua thought that the two of them would be eaten tonight. Let's see if Su Wei can still laugh.

Originally, she only planned to buy Su Wei 10,000+ bags, but when she saw that Su Wei was determined to eat them and ordered ten oysters, she changed the bag shopping to the bar.

If she didn't cheat Su Wei hundreds of thousands tonight, the anger in her stomach could hardly be dissipated.

"I heard that you and my girlfriend Feifei had a little conflict, can you tell me the cause and effect? ​​Because she didn't tell me completely, so what I know is relatively intermittent." Wu Fei didn't talk to Su Wei. As I said, he knew intermittently because he heard it from Liu Jing.

"My ex-boyfriend and I are classmates in high school, we were together in the third year of high school, and the volunteers are both in Kyoto, but it is not the same school.

It was quite normal before, until that time when our dormitory and their dormitory were together, I found that he was often absent-minded when he and I were dating for dinner.

I never doubted that he fell in love with someone else until it was almost my birthday.

In his bag, I found a packaged Chanel perfume. I thought he gave it to me, but when it was my birthday, he didn't give it to me.

I knew that he gave that bottle of perfume to another woman, so I asked him angrily, who did he give that bottle of perfume to.

At first he refused to admit it, but I was forced to admit that he fell in love with someone else, and then he knelt on the ground and cried and begged my forgiveness, saying that when he was in the third year of high school, he really chased me because he liked me, but After arriving at university, he found out that he fell in love with a girl, and that girl was Wu Fei." When Zhang Xuewei said this, she didn't know if she had let go of it, or felt that such a scumbag was not worthy of her liking.

When she spoke, her tone was quite calm, as if she was telling someone else's story.

"This man is too scumbag. After chasing you, he actually told you that he just likes you, but he doesn't love you, but fell in love with your roommate. I can't listen to such a scumbag. "It's the first time Su Wei knew that he was also a scumbag, because he was even more scumbag and worse-natured than Zhang Xuewei's ex-boyfriend.

"You're right, because he and I started dating in the third year of high school, and we broke up in the first year of freshman year. It took almost a year, but the two of us only developed to hold hands, and never even kissed.

Because in the third year of high school, we were studying and sprinting every day, and we were only together because the two of us would cheer together.Although he had an idea at the time and wanted to kiss me, I didn't agree.

But after the freshman dormitory fellowship, I found that he was no longer interested in me, and he didn't want to have close contact with me." This matter of Zhang Xuewei has been hidden in her stomach for a long time, and she and Li Qiuhua did not have such detailed information before. Said.

It was because she hadn't let it go before, but today she can say it, maybe because she and Wu Fei reconciled at the end of last year, and she let go of this matter completely.

"Then do you still hate your ex-boyfriend now? Is he still chasing Wu Fei? Because I want to know if he still intends to pester my girlfriend." When Su Wei spoke, he held Zhang Xuewei's hand tightly .

"What I know is that he never gave up. He often went to Wu Fei, but he never succeeded. You scratched me." Zhang Xuewei was taken aback by Su Wei's actions. She wanted to pull her hand out, but found that Su Wei His hand grasped very hard.

"I'm sorry, I just thought your ex-boyfriend was too bad. It hurts to scratch you. I'll rub it for you." Su Wei immediately apologized after scratching, and then continued to take advantage.

"No need, you hurt Wei Wei's hand, I'll rub it for her." Li Qiuhua saw that Su Wei was taking advantage of Zhang Xuewei. Originally, Su Wei was sitting in the middle, so she abruptly changed places with Su Wei.

Su Wei saw that the chef had already prepared the pre-dinner desserts, and then the waiter started serving desserts in front of everyone, so he consciously gave up the middle seat to Li Qiuhua.

"Xuewei, do you still hate Feifei?" Su Wei realized that he couldn't take advantage of her body, so she started to take advantage of her mouth.

"When I was a freshman, I did hate her, and I hated her very much. I felt that she stole my boyfriend and brought me great shame.

But when I was in my sophomore year, after I calmed down, I found that my ex-boyfriend didn't love me, he just liked me.

But not only do I not love him, I don't even like him.

I found that the reason why I was with him was because of too much pressure in the third year of high school. Finding a boyfriend is equivalent to a kind of rebellion.

The big reason why I was so angry before was because I was not reconciled, not reconciled to my boyfriend flirting with another, let alone losing to Wu Fei.

In the sophomore year, after calming down, I also thoroughly recognized the true face of my ex-boyfriend. He is a licking dog. I am not swearing here, but speaking from my heart. girl process.

He chased me from the first year of high school to the third year of high school, and after I agreed to be with him, I found that he was not as nice to me as before." Zhang Xuewei said that she had already put it down, but a licking dog chased you For a few years, when you agreed to be with him, it turned out that the other party actually licked someone else.

(End of this chapter)

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