Do whatever you want from today

Chapter 133 Occupying the Crane Machine

Chapter 133 Occupying the Crane Machine

"Look, let me take this HLKT down for you." There are three HLKT cats in the claw machine, and they are all packed in boxes, so they are hard to catch at first sight.

This machine costs 20 yuan each time you grab it.

Su Wei charged 1000 yuan directly for it, because he knew that since this doll is worth 4000 yuan, there is basically no 5000 yuan in front of it, and it is basically impossible to catch it.

"Come on, try to catch it once." Wu Fei didn't see how much money Su Wei charged, and thought it was just one charge.

No surprise, I didn't catch it the first time. When the catcher caught the lhkt cat, it would bounce off, and then the doll it caught fell off.

"This is a bit difficult, why don't you come?" Su Wei gave up the seat to Wu Fei.

"You're too good, let me do it. Why are there still 49 times in here? You just charged [-]?" Wu Fei did it by herself, only then did she realize that Su Wei had just charged [-].

She is a little regretful now, if she knew it earlier, she would have changed to a cheaper one. The pink panther next to her is also good, it only costs 5 yuan once, and there are so many dolls in it, it is much easier to catch than this one.

"Yeah, you have to seize these 49 opportunities." Su Wei didn't like playing this game that much, and mainly used it to kill time and watch movies later.

Wu Fei saw that Su Wei had already rushed the money, and it was impossible to ask the boss to refund the money. After all, there was no staff here, so she could only see if she could get the doll out with 1000 yuan.

She started to learn how to press the joystick online, then adjust the angle, press with her eyes closed, and tried everything.

When Su Wei went to buy drinks, Wu Fei had already wasted more than 40 chances.

"Husband, I want this HLKT cat, it's so beautiful, and it's a limited edition." A pretty girl like Wu Fei was playing with a claw machine, and there were already a bunch of people around her.

"Wait a minute, I just watched, she's almost running out of times, she's been playing for so long, she's helping us out" This couple was not the only one thinking about this man.

There is also a plan to wait for Wu Fei to stop playing, and they will continue, and then grab the doll and give it to Wu Fei, and see if they can get to know her.

"Have a cup of Coke and take a break, I'll do it instead." Seeing Wu Fei fail more than 40 times, Su Wei was confused.

"This is too difficult, I shouldn't have laughed at you just now." Seeing that there were two last chances left, Wu Fei stood aside with a drink.

"Next time, don't trust the tutorials on the Internet. If the tutorials are true, the owner of the claw machine will have lost money and went bankrupt." Su Wei stood in front of the machine, and then according to the QR code, he charged another 2000 yuan into it.

Those onlookers actually wanted Su Wei to give them a knife, so Su Wei rejected their idea directly.

"You recharged the money again, let's forget it, I don't like this doll that much either." Wu Fei was standing next to Su Wei this time, so she saw Su Wei rush in for two thousand.

"I said, as long as it is something you like, I will definitely catch it for you today." Su Wei not only wanted to catch one doll today, but planned to catch all three dolls.

As for why you don't charge more money, it's just to give the people behind a little hope, so that they don't leave so quickly.

"Husband, what should I do? This man has recharged money again." One of the couple who spoke before saw Su Wei recharged money again, and became anxious.

"It doesn't matter. I just saw him charge 2000 yuan. This doll is worth 4000 yuan. If it is taken away by him with 3000 yuan, it means that someone helped them back up the knife before. If not, the two of them charged 3000 yuan." , then when we take over, we may be able to catch it in as little as a few hundred." The man in the couple thought very well, but he just hoped that he would not regret it in the end.

"Then I hope they won't be able to catch a hair for the 3000 yuan. When we go to catch it, we can catch the doll for a little money." A friend plans to watch a movie, and also plans to watch The Shape of Water.

It was still early, so the two of them also came to grab the dolls, just in time to see a group of people gathered around Wu Fei.

When her boyfriend saw Wu Fei, he couldn't walk anymore. He didn't even play the claw machine anymore, and just waited for Wu Fei's machine.

I don't know if her boyfriend really wants to grab dolls or see beautiful women.

"Fuck, this girl has a boyfriend. I knew I would have asked for WeChat just now, and it's hard to ask for WeChat now." Before Wu Fei was going to finish playing, a young man who went up to take over was talking to his buddy. Make complaints.

"This guy is not handsome, how did he find such a good-looking girlfriend?" His friend saw that Wu Fei was prettier than the celebrities he had seen, so he fell in love with Su Wei for some reason.

"I can't figure it out" is mainly because of Su Wei's clothes today, the logo on them is relatively hidden, and the Richard Mille piece he wears is not known to many people.

After two years, when Douyin becomes popular, there will be more people who basically know about Richard Mille.

Su Wei has no skill in this game, he just wins by numbers.

"Wow, I caught it, I caught it." Seeing that Su Wei had used 98 chances and finally caught it, Wu Fei jumped up and hugged Su Wei.

"Calm down, calm down" Su Wei didn't feel much about grabbing a hlkt for 3000 yuan.

But for Wu Fei hugging him excitedly, he felt that the money was well spent.

The woman in the young couple in the back clenched her fists after seeing Su Wei and the others catch the hlkt cat.

After all, she had already figured it out, Su Wei wasted 3000 yuan, and then she managed to get this limited edition hlkt cat for a few hundred dollars.

Who knew that she fell down before dawn, just a little bit short, she was the one who caught the hlkt cat.

"Why do you still recharge the money? Didn't we already get the cat?" Wu Fei saw that Su Wei had charged another 5000 yuan into it, and didn't know what happened to him.

"For this kind of limited edition, of course, the fewer people own it, the better." Su Wei was actually annoyed at the young couple in the back who wanted to use him as a substitute.

Then he will take this knife home directly and prevent others from touching it.

He paid this money, not intending to grab the remaining two dolls now, but intending to use this money to occupy this machine and prevent others from playing.

"Old Liu, come here, Wu Fei and I are going to watch a movie, you help me watch this machine, don't let other people come and play, I have already paid 5000 yuan to go in." Su Wei saw that he was going to go in to watch a movie, but There was a group of people around, all wanting to wait for Su Wei to pierce the knife, and then come to pick up cheap ones.

"Fuck, this is too stupid, this man is watching the same movie as us." The man in the couple was also made speechless by Su Wei's trick.

"It's a dog, he has so much money, why don't he just buy this hlkt cat?" She didn't know, it was just that she and her boyfriend wanted to pull Su Wei back, otherwise Su Wei would go crazy and charge 5000 yuan To occupy the machine.

 Speechless, I thought it was a problem with the computer, but it turned out that the router was broken.

  Yesterday's update, will be added in two days.

  Chinese New Year is too busy.

  Those who have votes will count the votes, thank you.

(End of this chapter)

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