Do whatever you want from today

Chapter 168 Take down Li Jiawen

Chapter 168 Take down Li Jiawen
When Li Jiawen saw the photo sent by Su Wei, he really chose the tube top swimsuit.

When she sent out these swimsuits, she already knew that Su Wei would definitely choose this swimsuit. After all, this swimsuit was the most revealing among these swimsuits.

She went to the villa tonight, although she said that no matter what, she must stick to the bottom line.

But Su Wei will go back to the magic city tomorrow, and she can't just let Su Wei go like this, because if she just lets Su Wei go like this, then in Su Wei's eyes, she is no different from ordinary passers-by.

So she wanted to choose a particularly sexy swimsuit so that Su Wei could see it, but she just couldn't eat it.

After a few days of fermentation, Su Wei would want to eat her even more, and he would eat her no matter what.

In this way, Su Wei will not forget about her when he returns to Shanghai, but will be impressed.

Tonight, it seems that Su Wei chose a swimsuit for Li Jiawen, but in fact Li Jiawen chose this swimsuit herself, because if she really doesn't want to wear this swimsuit, she just doesn't want to take pictures of this swimsuit, Su Where can Wei go to know how many swimsuit styles there are.

So Su Wei chose this swimsuit for Li Jiawen to wear, rather than saying that this swimsuit was chosen by Li Jiawen himself.

After Su Wei and Li Jiawen finished chatting, they sat alone in the yard for a while before returning to the living room.

"Is it cold outside? I asked Li Jiawen to bring you a blanket just now. Why didn't I see her in the back?" Chen Lu saw Su Wei coming in, and when he sat next to him, he looked like an invertebrate Like him, she put her arms around his neck and leaned her whole body against him.

"It's okay outside now. The weather is quite warm and not so cold. Didn't Li Jiawen come in after sending the blanket? Then she might have gone out from the side hall. After all, it's almost 10 o'clock at this point. She might Is something wrong?" If Li Jiawen walked into the living room, her face would be so red, any fool would know that she and Su Wei had a problem.

"It's so late, no wonder I feel drowsy." Chen Lu checked the time on her phone, it was already 21:50.

"Lulu, you are pregnant now, have you ever thought about bringing your mother to Qiantang to take care of you?" Su Wei heard from Lan Ke that Chen Lu was from a small town below Qiantang, and it was an hour's drive from the upper city. You can go to Chen Lu's home in town.

And now if Chen Lu's mother comes, she doesn't want her to take care of her for a long time, at most a month, she can go back when the nanny is recruited, and if she doesn't want to go back, she can live with Chen Lu, anyway, blue money Jiang's house is big enough, there are four suites besides the master bedroom.

Su Wei definitely couldn't be with her all the time, if Chen Lu had a relative by his side, he would feel at ease.

"I haven't told you about me yet, my mother died of illness when I was very young, and I have been brought up by my father alone.

And my dad also passed away in a car accident when I was in my junior year." Chen Lu married Huang Shiyou, who was ten years older than her, within two years after graduation, because she was helpless at the time, and Huang Shiyou It helped her a lot at the time.

Back then, if there were relatives who could give her a hand and help their family, Huang Shiyou wouldn't have helped her so much and slowly walked into her life.

She would not choose to marry Huang Shiyou because she could not repay her kindness.

If Su Wei hadn't mentioned her mother, Chen Lu would not have planned to talk about her family. After all, she is not Su Wei's wife. Who knows if Su Wei would listen to her.

"I'm sorry, I didn't know about this all the time, but don't worry, from now on, you are not helpless, you have me now." Su Wei passed his hand through Chen Lu's hair and put it on on her shoulders.

Su Wei and Chen Lu got together by accident, so he actually didn't have a good understanding of her life experience.

It wasn't until today that he accidentally realized that Chen Lu had such a miserable life experience. It is not difficult to understand why she always wanted to have a child of her own. It turns out that she no longer has her own blood relatives in this world.

"Well, I'm a little tired today, I'm going to bed first." Chen Lu leaned on Su Wei's shoulder, smelling his scent, feeling so at ease.

But it's uncomfortable to lean on like this, and Chen Lu has experienced so many things today, and she is a little tired. After leaning on for a while, she plans to go to sleep.

"Then you go to bed first, I can't sleep so early, I plan to wait for a few laps in the swimming pool." Su Wei gave Chen Lu a vaccination first, and if the matter between him and Li Jiawen was exposed, Chen Lu would also be mentally prepared .

After seeing Chen Lu going upstairs, Su Wei quickly sent Li Jiawen a WeChat message, telling her that she can come over now.

It was 09:30 when Li Jiawen sent him the message, and it was past ten o'clock now. He was afraid that if he didn't contact Li Jiawen again, she would regret not coming.

Then he told the nanny that he was going to go swimming on the lower floor later, and they would not be needed in the villa at night, and they could go back to their room to rest.

After everything was arranged, Su Wei came to the swimming pool on the first floor, taking advantage of Li Jiawen's absence, he put on his swimming trunks and started doing warm-up exercises first.

When Li Jiawen received Su Wei's message, her best friend in the dormitory was there urging her to have supper at night.

They are now living in the free dormitory of the Four Seasons Hotel, two people share a room, with a living room and a bathroom.

"I really can't go for supper later. The guest of the president's villa just sent me a message, asking me to help him with something. I really can't leave here." Her colleague Wang Jie said that it was everyone at night. We went out for supper together, because Li Jiawen wasn't sure at the time whether Su Wei would definitely look for her today, after all, Chen Lu was also in the villa.

So she didn't expressly refuse to go to supper. What she planned was that if Su Wei came to her, then she would reject the invitation from her colleagues. After all, it was better to go to supper than to go to Su Wei. Everyone knows how to choose.

"No way, the people in the president's villa are too annoying. It's 10 o'clock now. He still has something to do, so he can't go to the bar to play. Then you won't be able to make it through after you finish your work.

After all, many people are here today because of you, especially Xiao Yang and Zhao Lei. They rarely attend colleagues’ gatherings, and they only come when they hear that you are here tonight.” Liu Beibei is Li Jiawen Good girlfriends at the Four Seasons Hotel, when they were in college, they were a major and lived in the same dormitory. Now they come to work in the Four Seasons Hotel, and the two of them are still in the same dormitory.

"I really don't want to go, and Xiao Yang and Zhao Lei, I really don't like them. If I go, if they think there is a chance, they will waste their own time besides embarrassing me." Xiao Yang and Zhao Lei are two people. In the Four Seasons Hotel, among the unmarried boys, the two with the best conditions for themselves and their families.

Xiao Yang's family is from Qiantang, and now he lives alone and drives an Audi A4.

Zhao Lei's hometown is out of town, but his family also bought him a house in Qiantang, and now they drive an Accord to commute to get off work.

To be able to work in the Four Seasons Hotel, the basic appearance is very important. The two of them are very handsome and have a good figure, but Li Jiawen just doesn't like it.

Because the family conditions of the two of them can only be regarded as average in her eyes.

What Li Jiawen is looking for is the rich second generation with relatively good family conditions. Xiao Yang and Zhao Lei are still far from the rich second generation.

"Li Jiawen, please be realistic, okay, you are not in college anymore, you are 24 years old this year, and you are still thinking about finding a rich second generation, how can it be so easy to catch a rich second generation?" Liu Beibei feels that Li Jiawen is really unreasonable. They have all been in society for two years now.

But Li Jiawen's view on choosing a spouse is still the same as when she was studying, she just wants to find a rich second generation to marry.

"Even if I don't find a man in my life, I'm not willing to settle for it.

Yes, I admit that Xiao Yang and Zhao Lei are indeed in very good condition among their peers. At such a young age, their family bought them a house and a car.

But Beibei, it’s not like you don’t know the conditions of my family. I have a younger brother and two younger sisters, and my family owes a whole lot of debt. My dad accidentally injured his foot last year. My mom is taking care of my dad at home every day, and she can’t come out. To make money, our whole family now relies on my monthly salary of 8000 yuan to support us.

Xiao Yang and Zhao Lei chased me because they didn't know my family's conditions. If they knew about my family's situation, do you think they would still chase me? Even if they were willing, would their family be willing? "Li Jiawen's parents, because they wanted to have a son, did not give birth to a son until the fourth.

Because of the superbirth incident, Li Jiawen's family took on a lot of foreign debts, and there are still more than 10 foreign debts that have not been repaid.

Li Jiawen was always looked down upon when she was a child, because she always picked up the clothes worn by her relatives.

So Li Jiawen knew what he wanted at a very young age, but how can he change his destiny at a young age, that is to study and go to a big city.

Although Li Jiawen's father has always wanted a son, he is very supportive of Li Jiawen's study.

Even if the family has no money, even if he borrows money, he still wants Li Jiawen to go to college.

Li Jiawen was admitted to Qiantang University. It's not that there are no rich second generations chasing her in the university, but she knows what she wants, so she doesn't accept any of those rich second generations.

Until she met Su Wei, she didn't know if Su Wei was the richest one among the many presidential villa clients she had received, but she knew that Su Wei must be the one who was the most generous to her woman among these people.

"You haven't told them yet, how do you know they don't want to, I think you can try to tell them, see their reaction, and move on to the next step." After hearing what Li Jiawen said, Liu Beibei felt She did have some truth to what she said.

But she still suggested that Li Jiawen give it a try. After all, she is 24 years old. She is so beautiful at this age and has never had a boyfriend.

"Forget it, I won't waste this time." In fact, besides her poor family and debts of more than 10 yuan, Li Jiawen has other things she didn't say.

That was Li Jiawen, she wanted to take their whole family out of the countryside to live, even if they couldn't come to Qiantang, at least they would live in their prefecture-level city.

Because their family is in the village, they have become the target of ridicule by the whole village. Only when the whole family moves out of the village and into the city can those who laugh at her family be silenced.

Calculated in this way, that is to buy a house for his parents. The house in their hometown in the prefecture-level city is now more than 1 yuan per square meter. To buy a three-bedroom house, it costs millions of dollars not counting the decoration.

Because her father is recuperating at home now, and he doesn't know if he will be able to work when his foot heals, so at least tens of thousands of yuan will be subsidized to her family every year. This kind of situation is really unbearable for ordinary families.

And her younger siblings are still studying now. The third child is now a sophomore in high school, the fourth child is a third year in junior high school, and the second child will start college in the second half of this year.

So Li Jiawen will actually see tonight if he can catch Su Wei, the wealthy son-in-law. If there is a chance to catch him, then needless to say, a little bit of Su Wei's nails will be enough to feed Li Jiawen's family.

If Su Wei couldn't be caught, or if Su Wei didn't intend to be serious about her and just wanted to have fun with her, then Li Jiawen planned to resign after a while.

A friend contacted her, wanting to find her to be a Taobao model, saying that with her looks, it is no problem to earn tens of thousands of yuan a month.

"Then do you plan to die alone like this? Don't you tell the boy who pursues you that you are not afraid of missing the fate?" Liu Beibei couldn't imagine it, but the family owed more than 10 yuan, what's the big deal, why should it be so serious .

"Forget it, do you still remember when I was a sophomore in college, that Qi Jun came to school with an Audi, and chased me for a long time, do you know why he gave up suddenly behind him?" While talking, make up for yourself.

Because it will be time to decide her fate later, so she draws very seriously.

"Qi Jun? That's right, how did he give up at that time? I remember I asked you for a long time, but you refused to tell me at that time. You don't know. The people in the dormitory and I were always curious." Liu Beibei was also changing into the clothes she was going to go out with later, but unlike Li Jiawen's work clothes, she changed into casual clothes.

"Qi Jun asked me out many times at the time, but I didn't agree, but he kept harassing me endlessly, and in the end I had no choice but to go to the appointment.

I remember that I was in the cafe outside the school. I told him about my family conditions in detail, and then I told him, if you can spend 200 million to save my family from suffering, then I will be your girlfriend.

Because with my current conditions, I am not allowed to waste time on dating.I remember his eyes lit up when he heard what I said, probably because he felt that this matter was not difficult for him.

But the next day, he didn’t come to see me, but told me over the phone that his family didn’t agree to take out the 200 million, so he could only tell me that he was sorry.” Li Jiawen now thinks of the scene at that time, and feels a little funny.

Because she said the figure of 200 million at the time was because she didn't like Qi Jun and deliberately quoted a high price.

At that time, the housing price in her hometown prefecture-level city was only more than 5000 yuan. If she really wanted to buy a house, it would cost hundreds of thousands. Moreover, her father's foot was not injured at that time, and they did not need them to support it.

She was just betting that Qi Jun would not be able to get it out, so she quoted 200 million, but if Qi Jun really got it out at that time, then she would definitely keep her word and really be his girlfriend.

I just didn't expect Qi Jun to agree that day, scaring Li Jiawen into worry for a whole day, afraid that he would really show it.

When Qi Jun called him the next day, Li Jiawen didn't dare to speak out for a long time. When Qi Jun said in a crying voice that he couldn't get the money, Li Jiawen let go of his worries.

"Ah, you are too cruel, 200 million. Qi Jun was a student at the time. Where can he get the 200 million? He must go home and ask his family for it. His family heard him talk about it, so he must I cut him off." Liu Beibei could imagine that at that time, Qi Jun must have thought that it would be easy for his family to give 200 million, after all, their family really had so much money.

But if she was Qi Jun's parents, she would definitely think that he would dance when he met a fairy, and maybe they would get mixed doubles in exchange for the 200 million that his son said to a woman before she agreed to be his girlfriend.

"Who wants him to be so ugly, and girls come downstairs to block me every day. I give him a chance and he can't grasp it. It can't be my fault." Li Jiawen painted a waterproof outfit today, because the makeup this morning, after being in the water, is much worse. The place is faded.

"Then you can't make fun of him like this, you are not afraid that he will really come up with 200 million yuan." Liu Beibei thinks that if Qi Jun is chasing after herself, then indeed, she is too ugly to be dealt with without a few million dollars. .

"If you take out 200 million, then I will be his girlfriend. At that time, 200 million could buy three houses in my hometown. Okay, let's not talk about him. Remember to bring me something to eat when you come back. Let's go, goodbye." Li Jiawen looked at himself, and now he used an idiom to describe himself, that is, people are more beautiful than flowers.

"It's weird, forget about her, which clothes should I wear?" Liu Beibei looked at the clothes in her closet, thinking about which one to change.

She didn't think much about Li Jiawen's makeup at night, after all, Li Jiawen has always been well-reviewed during the two years he worked at the Four Seasons Hotel.

She never thought that Li Jiawen was going to swim with the client of the villa tonight. If she knew, it would definitely shatter her three views.

After Li Jiawen came out of the dormitory, instead of taking the tram, she chose to walk to the villa area. Although it would take a little longer, she wanted to see more of this place. She has been working here for the past two years. Although she passed by here every day, Haven't really looked at it well yet.

If she can change against the sky this time and fly on a branch to become a phoenix, then she will definitely not work here in the future. After all, Su Wei is so rich, how could she still be a housekeeper here.

If she fails to change her fate here against the sky, then she also plans to leave here and leave the place where she has worked for two years. After all, the monthly salary of 8000 here cannot support her whole family.

 There is another chapter

(End of this chapter)

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