Do whatever you want from today

Chapter 191 Sweeping the goods

Chapter 191 Sweeping the goods
"Ms. Huang, my boyfriend is really good to me, and I am very happy now, so I may not be able to agree to your invitation." Li Jiawen finally found such a wealthy son-in-law as Su Wei, how could she Maybe go to work as an assistant to Mrs. Huang.

Even if Mrs. Huang thinks highly of her, she will introduce young talents with an annual salary of one million to her in the future.

But can these be compared with Su Wei? It is completely incomparable.

Not to mention anything else, just the Ferrari that Su Wei drove today.

A person with an annual salary of one million can only buy this car if he starts working at the age of 22 and does not eat or drink until he retires in his 60s.

And Su Wei sent Chen Lu that apartment in Qiantang, plus 3000 million in cash, the sum of these two things was almost 7000 million.

Because Li Jiawen was poor in the past, she knew exactly what she needed.

What she needs, of course, is money.

She needs this money so that she can live comfortably for the rest of her life.

She needs money so that her parents can spend their old age in prosperity.

She also needs money so that her younger brothers and sisters don't have to worry about the cost of going to college. After they graduate, they can stay in the big city to live and work in peace and contentment, and they don't have to go back to the dilapidated house in their hometown.

"Jiawen, you don't need to rush to answer me now. You can answer me after you have thought it through. After all, you are still young, so don't rush to make a decision. SA, this beauty's consumption I will count it on my account later." Although Mrs. Huang heard Li Jiawen's refusal, she still planned to give her another chance.

She asked the cabinet sister to count the money with her, and the intention was to show Li Jiawen the charm of money.

Don't miss such a good opportunity from her because of falling in love.

She chatted with Li Jiawen and knew that her family's conditions were not bad.

This time I came here to spend, maybe I want to give myself some rewards after resigning.

After all, this kind of young girl, who is a little vain, can understand it all too well.

She was also young, and she was also poor. When she was young, she also wanted a good life and envied others who could eat in high-end restaurants.

"Wenwen, have you met someone you know? What are you talking about?" When Su Wei came over, he saw Li Jiawen chatting with an aunt.

Fortunately, Su Wei didn't know what Li Jiawen and the others were chatting about, otherwise Su Wei would definitely be pissed off.

This aunt, knowing that Li Jiawen has a boyfriend, still wants to find Li Jiawen to be her assistant, and even said that she wants to introduce some young talents to Li Jiawen. This is completely ignoring Su Wei. Lia.

"This is Mrs. Huang. She stayed in our hotel before, and she also lived in the presidential villa. Mrs. Huang, this is my boyfriend.

For the things you just said, I know that the salary you gave must be better than when I was working at the Four Seasons Hotel, but I appreciate the kindness here. As for going to work, I I have no plans to go to work for the time being, and I may disappoint you." Although Li Jiawen respected Mrs. Huang very much, she still didn't leave any room for retreat, and directly rejected Mrs. Huang.

Because Li Jiawen felt that Mrs. Huang couldn't understand her because she refused too lightly before.

So this time, she made it very clear.

She doesn't want to go to her place to work, she won't go to her place to work, and she may not go to work in the future.

If Mrs. Huang still wants to say something wrong in front of Su Wei, then she plans to open the skylight and speak brightly.

After all, Mrs. Huang is just a passerby, and Su Wei is indeed her future support.

I believe all three-year-olds know who is more important.

"Since you have said so, Jiawen, it may be that I did not think about being my assistant, but your life is still very long. Within this year, the door of my place will always be open for you." Huang The wife heard what Li Jiawen meant, but she was actually a little surprised.

I don't know why Li Jiawen has such a firm attitude, and she is so rich, how can Li Jiawen speak so directly afterwards, isn't she afraid of getting angry?Or did Li Jiawen think that compared to her boyfriend, it doesn't matter if she offends herself?
This Li Jiawen, can't she be a love brain? She can't even give up a better future for her boyfriend?
If she is really such a person, even if she dumps her boyfriend and comes to her side, she will have to observe for a few months to make sure that she is not a love brain, and then she will let her contact her son.

"This person is mentally ill. I asked you to be her assistant. My girlfriend also needs to be an assistant. It's ridiculous." Su Wei saw this aunt and ignored him at all. In fact, he was very angry .

But what can I do? People don't know you, and they don't rely on you for food.

"Forget it, she has good intentions. She would say that, but she didn't know about your situation. She thought that I had left my job at the Four Seasons Hotel, and I would find another class after a while. Alright, let's go Pick your clothes, why don't you choose me?" Li Jiawen actually felt that Mrs. Huang's behavior today was very rude.

After all, she has left the Four Seasons Hotel, and she is no longer the butler of the Four Seasons Hotel.

When talking, he still regarded her as a service staff, and he was too disrespectful to his boyfriend.

Did she think that as a butler in the Four Seasons Hotel, as a boyfriend, she would definitely be inferior to her?
But Mrs. Huang treated her very well when she stayed in Four Seasons before, so she doesn't plan to care about it today.

"Sister Huang, who are those two people? It looks like you still know each other." Today is Mrs. Huang's best friend who is going shopping, and Mrs. Huang is here to accompany her today.

Her best friend didn't expect that Mrs. Huang actually knew that girl.

Although the girl was quite beautiful, but she was wearing cheap clothes, and her family conditions were not very good at first glance. She was able to meet her best friend, and her best friend even went to chat with her, which really surprised her.

"That girl used to be a housekeeper in the Four Seasons Presidential Villa in Qiantang. I think she is very good at taking care of people, so I wanted to recruit her to be my assistant. I originally planned to train her well, and then I can help She is looking for a good helper in her career, and the two of them will work hard for a bright future, but now she seems to have found a second-generation boyfriend who is a little rich, and plans to become a full-time wife in the future." From Mrs. Huang's perspective, Li Jiawen really doesn't know Typical at any rate.

If she comes to her side, she will introduce her son to her at that time, and she will pass on her big family business to her son.

If Li Jiawen has a baby by then, she doesn't have to do anything every day, just take care of the baby at home, clean the house when she has nothing to do, and cook a few dishes after they get off work.

Isn't this the life of the young mistress, she actually gave up.

"That's really a pity. Sister Huang, you want to train her, but she gave up this great opportunity by herself and chose a second-generation rich man from other places." Mrs. Huang's best friend, when she heard that Mrs. Huang valued her so much, was also very excited. I feel sorry for Li Jiawen.

After all, her best friend is so rich, if she stays with her best friend, it's not easy to earn 20 or [-] a year.

And if her best friend introduces another boyfriend, it will be even more likely that she will be able to settle in Shanghai in the future.

She still didn't know that the young talent her best friend was talking about was her best friend's 30-year-old son who hadn't dated yet.

If she knew, she would fight for her best friend even more.

"Who says it's not? It's not easy for this kind of young man to know that someone is willing to give her a hand after being severely beaten by the society. She has this opportunity, but she doesn't know how to cherish it at all. Hey. Forget it, Let's not talk about her, when will Sister Yang arrive?" Mrs. Huang really feels that the young people now really don't know what is good or bad.

If this opportunity is given to the outside world, many young and beautiful women will come to compete for this opportunity.

"It will take half an hour. I'm not in a hurry anyway. I'm a VIP here. Let SA deliver some afternoon tea later. We just sit here and see what this young couple will buy. I just hope they When you see the label, don't be intimidated by the price." Mrs. Huang's best friend thinks that Su Wei is a rich second generation from other places.

How expensive things can afford, the big city of Modu is not comparable to their countryside.

"The clothes here are so expensive. Such a simple dress costs 2 yuan? Isn't this casual jacket too exaggerated, 6 yuan?" Li Jiawen was shocked when he saw the prices of these clothes.

The most expensive clothes she wore before were the overalls she wore to work in Four Seasons. That suit cost several thousand a piece, but it was issued by the hotel, so she didn't need to pay for it herself.

And the most expensive piece of clothing she ever bought was a down jacket, which cost her 800 yuan at that time.

Once she passed the store in the summer and found that the down jacket she bought for 400 at that time only cost [-] now, which made her feel uncomfortable for several days.

But the clothes here, not to mention, there are basically no cheap ones, all of which start at five figures.

"This is not expensive anymore. After all, Fendi's clothes are not considered a first-tier brand. Beauty, you have limited editions here. Take them all out. You have too few basic clothes here." Su Wei really thinks here There are not many clothes, women's clothes add up, maybe there are not even 50 styles.

Su Wei knew that the aunt just now had been watching him and Li Jiawen.

The look in that aunt's eyes made Su Wei very upset.

He is already so rich, how dare such an aunt look down on him?

So he decided to wait and let the two aunts watch it, and don't be like a dumbass, being a frog at the bottom of a well.

"Sir, this limited edition clothes may not be available. If you want to buy limited edition clothes, you must first become a VIP in our store." Seeing that Su Wei wanted to buy limited edition clothes, how could she do that? promise.

After all, Su Wei is not a VIP. If this opening is made, not everyone can buy limited editions without VIP. Then who will become Fendi's VIP in the future.

"Wait a minute, I have WeChat for your store manager, I'll contact her first." Why did Su Wei put Fendi first, because he is the landlord of this store.

He often buys things in luxury goods, how could he not know about the limited editions, he has to choose for VIP members first.

It is because he is the landlord that he has this confidence.

Su Wei contacted Fendi's store manager, and within 5 minutes, Shishi received a message from the store manager.

The store manager knew that Su Wei was in the store, so he was very face-saving. He not only asked Shishi to treat Su Wei well, but also sent an intern to help get the goods.

"What's the situation? Why did this SA move out all the limited edition items?" Mrs. Huang saw that the limited edition items that she couldn't buy before had all been brought out like street goods.

"I don't know, this SA is too bold. In order to sell the goods, they actually took out all the limited editions." Mrs. Huang's best friend, seeing this young couple, obviously they are not VIPs, and they can choose these limited editions at will .

This pissed her off enough, and none of her other SAs in the store had any objections.

At that time, in order to become this VIP, she spent 50 yuan a year at Fendi.

"This dress looks good, this one is also good, and this pair of shoes is also good. You can try to match it with this bag, and this square scarf is also good." After moving the goods, Li Jiawen went to the fitting room to change after getting the clothes.

Su Wei saw the two aunts pointing fingers, thinking that they like to buy luxury goods.

Then Su Wei intends to show them today what it means to scan luxury goods as if they were boutiques.

In addition to clothes, what Su Wei handed to Li Jiawen included bags, shoes, glasses, hats and other things.

And for the first time today, Li Jiawen felt that putting on and taking off his clothes was really troublesome.

Because she changed at least 30 sets of clothes in more than an hour, and she felt really tired after the change.

Mrs. Huang waited until her other best friend came, and they didn't leave in a hurry, but were still watching Su Wei and the others try on clothes.

"Are these young couples really rich, or are they just pretending? It's been over an hour since they changed. Haven't you decided what to buy yet? This SA is too easy to talk to. If it were me, I would have started cursing people a long time ago. It's gone." Mrs. Huang's best friend didn't expect that the treatment of Su Wei and the other two young couples would be so good. It's really better than her VIP treatment, isn't it a little bit better.

"I don't know, why don't you change your SA to her in the future? I took a look. This female SA has a really good temper, and she is still giving them clothes to change." Definitely not in such a good temper.

After all, in this hour, Li Jiawen and the others have tried almost all the clothes and bags in the store.

Mrs. Huang and the others thought that Shishi was going to scold her mother in her heart, but it was actually the opposite.

Shishi is so happy now, she didn't expect that Su Wei and the others didn't come to buy clothes at all today, they came to sweep the goods.

Su Wei put Li Jiawen's changed clothes and bags on the sofas on the left and right sides of him. Others might think that he misplaced them.

But she was always next to Su Wei. She knew very well that from the first piece of clothing, Su Wei put the ones that looked good on the right, and the ones that didn't look good on the left.

Now looking at the clothes piled up like a hill on the right, she believes that Mr. Su will definitely be able to drive a king bomb next time.

"No more? I finally finished trying on. I didn't expect changing clothes to be so tiring." Li Jiawen looked at the clothes piled up on both sides of Su Wei. She had already forgotten which clothes she was satisfied with before.

"It's already 04:30, beauty, please count all the clothes and shoes on my right, I want them all." Su Wei checked the time, it was almost five o'clock, unexpectedly, in this store of Fendi Well, it took so much time.

If I had known earlier, I wouldn't have wasted my time on that aunt.

"Bought all these clothes? Too much, Viagra, are you planning to buy my clothes for the next few years first?" Li Jiawen didn't expect Su Wei to spend so violently today.

With so many clothes, she really couldn't wear them out for several years.

Her previous clothes had to be worn for several years, and she would throw them away when the clothes were about to wear out.

"What years? These are your summer clothes. There are still a few clothes here. I'll buy some when I go to another house." When Su Wei was just reborn and came back, he was also confused for a while.

But after a long time, he found that if he didn't change his clothes for a day, he would feel very uncomfortable.

"One summer? Wearing so many clothes?" Li Jiawen really realized today what the basic necessities of the rich are.

Take Su Wei as an example, the house he lives in costs at least tens of millions, a meal costs tens of thousands, the car he drives costs at least a few million, and clothes cost several million a year. on top.

Because there were too many clothes, it took Shishi and the intern almost half an hour to finally figure out the price.

7 sets of silk coats, 14 dresses, 4 coats, 3 vests and skirts, 4 windbreakers.

3 pairs of slippers, 6 pairs of sandals, 4 pairs of sports shoes, 3 pairs of high-heeled sandals, [-] pairs of high-heeled boots.

I bought a total of four bags, and there are glasses, hats, square scarves, belts and a lot of other things.

"Boss Su, all the things here have been calculated, and the total is 187 million." Shishi was so happy that she was crazy. The person she wanted to thank the most at this time was that Mrs. Huang.

Without her, how could Mr. Su consume so much.

As long as the order is completed, this month's sales crown will undoubtedly be hers.

"187 million, this number is not bad, Wen Wen, let's swipe the card." Although Su Wei planned to sweep the goods today, in fact, this consumption can only be considered good.

The main reason is that Fendi's bags are not particularly good-looking.

However, although it only cost 187 million, the slap in the face was enough. When Li Jiawen went to check out, Aunt Huang had already quietly left with her two girlfriends.

Mrs. Huang didn't expect that today she was mistaken and was slapped severely by Li Jiawen's boyfriend.

(End of this chapter)

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